Chinese Facebook for the Year of the Rooster (2)

Horse: Truth is you always have something funny to say
but rarely ever sensible. Seriously, stop braying rubbish!
Sheep: Easily worked up over the slightest thing, you're a total
bundle of nerves. Watch out, you're treading a dangerous line!
Monkey: You're getting your mind polluted living in such an
unhealthy environment. Do not hide behind some smokescreen!
Rooster: Why would everyone want to take you home to
roost? Paranoia and nitpicking, the hell with it, lighten up!
Dog: Too much brooding keeps you from making
the most of life. Come on, drop that hangdog look!
Pig: A fun lover and eternal optimistic, you do know how to enjoy
the blessings of life without ever losing ground. So far so good!

NOTE: These horoscopes are pure fantasy. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Chinese Facebook for the Year of the Rooster (1)

Rat: You should know better than to hide behind the writings of
others. Don't be such a bookworm, live your own story!
Ox: Never mind which way the wind blows, you'll keep on with
what's in your head. Stop looking the other way!
Tiger: Behind that cold face of yours burns a charcoal fire.
Unleash the great beast within you, break the ice!
Rabbit: By treating life as a joke, ultimately the joke might be on
you and make an unhappy fool of you. Stop kidding around !
Dragon: Again, that inflammatory disposition of yours might
spark things off. You'd better learn to keep your cool!
Snake: Highly flexible and adaptable, you'll thread your way through
anything to good effect. Love's in the air as the song goes!

To be continued: more signs tomorrow...

NOTE: In theory, these horoscopes are pure fantasy. In effect, any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Year of the Phoenix

Don't get any big ideas,
They're not gonna happen.
You'll go to hell
For what your dirty mind
Is thinking...

"Nude", Radiohead (2007)

Out go the Monkey's antics. Welcome to the Year of the Phoenix (or Fire Rooster) until 15th February 2018. To know what fate has in store for you during the short reign of the national emblem of France (bound to get its tail caught in it), don't miss out on my illustrated Chinese horoscopes tomorrow and the day after.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Zero Shade of Grey

There is nothing worse than foundation to clog pores, cause pimples, and induce premature skin ageing. What with the toxic ingredients it often contains, the cheesecake effect when the weather's hot, the flaking at the end of the day, and the so unglamorous dubious coloured stains often left on your shirt collars.

The good news is natural mineral foundation (using micronised but non nanoparticle ingredients) has none of the above downsides. It lightens dull complexions and mask imperfections just as efficiently and more naturally without impeding the skin's normal functions whilst protecting it against external aggressors and air pollution. Since it doesn't penetrates the skin, risks of allergy are almost non-existent making it suitable for all skin types (including oily and very dry skins). No powdered look either. Rather, it will give your complexion a flawless invisible finish that will hold all day.

The recipe I'm using is of equivalent quality to the products of a famous British brand of mineral cosmetics but at a fraction of its cost. As usual, all ingredients are to be found online or in specialised shops.


  • 6,5 g sericite
  • 0,5 g lauroyl lysine
  • 1,5 g silica microspheres
  • 0,3 g natural undyed mica
  • 1 g zinc oxide
  • 0,01 g black oxide
  • 0,15 g brown oxide
  • 8 drops natural rose fragrance (optional)

For compacting:

  • use half of above ingredients
  • 0,15 g shea butter
  • 0,15 g fractionated coconut oil


Sericite is a fine grained colourless mica used as main ingredient for mineral foundation, but you may replace it with cosmetic talc. Lauroyl lysine is a derivative of lauric acid from coconut oil and lysine, a naturally occurring amino acid obtained from molasses fermentation. This ingredient improves the skin feel and wear properties. It may be substituted with magnesium stearate or micronised rice powder, but bear in mind the latter will also lighten the colour. Natural undyed mica is for reflecting light and give a healthy glow to your skin.

Grind powders in mortar to develop colour. When done, add fragrance and transfer to a powder compact with a sieve.

For the compact version to carry in your handbag, use half the ingredients for the regular loose version and add the melted butter and oil in the end, grinding until the mixture is smooth. Transfer to your pocket compact, cover with a tissue and press hard and uniformly on the surface with a heavy, flat object preferably of same size. You may also use a coin to press against the edges.

NOTE: The colour of this mineral foundation is suitable for most complexions including fair ones like mine. However, you may need to make a darker version so make sure you add brown and black pigments in very gradual stages until you get the perfect colour for your skin. To apply, use small quantities of powder on a kabuki brush and apply uniformly in circular motions all over your face. Use a smaller brush to gently tap on imperfections.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Elite's Worst Nightmare

You let one ant stand up against us and they might all stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life.


  • Except that for us, humans, more zeros need be added to that number for better accuracy and proper ratio.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Say It Ain't So, Joe

As promised, a year later almost to the day, here is the famous hit by Murray Head everybody's heard of (at least in France). No coincidence either if I'm reposting this on the eve of the Mad Joker's inauguration. I wonder how Murray feels now since Brexit, he who claims that he has his “right leg in France, [his] left leg in Britain, and [his] balls in the Channel”. Altogether, he may certainly end up as a Legless Pooch but at least no eunuch (I know, I know, this is a lousy joke). A very appropriate song. As a bonus, there's also the great alternative version recorded by Roger Daltrey on his first solo album back in 1977. Almost a Who cover since (both deceased) bandmates John Entwistle (bass) and Keith Moon (drums) are also featured. Incidentally, featured guitarist Jimmy McCulloch (Wings) is also deceased. A ghost band you might say.

Say It Ain't So, Joe

Say it ain't so, Joe please, say it ain't so.
That's not what I wanna hear, Joe,
Ain't I got a right to know?
Say it ain't so, Joe please, say it ain't so.
I'm sure they telling us lies Joe,
Please tell us it ain't so.

They told us our hero
Has played his trump card,
He doesn't know how to go on.
We're clinging to his charm
And determined smile,
But the good old days have gone.

The image and the empire may be failing apart,
The money has gotten scarce.
One man's word held the country together,
But the truth is getting fierce.

Say it ain't so, Joe please, say it ain't so.
We pinned our hope on you Joe,
And they're ruining our show.

(Oooh babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get burned?
(Oooh babies)
Don't you think we're gonna to get turned?
We're gonna get burned...
We're gonna get learned...
Where going to get turned...
Where going to get burned...
Where going to get burned...
Oooh learned...
Oooh burned

Say it ain't so, Joe please, say it ain't so.
That's not what I wanna hear, Joe,
Ain't I got a right to know?
Say it ain't so, Joe please, say it ain't so.
I'm sure they telling us lies Joe,
Please tell us it ain't so.

They told us our hero
Has played his trump card,
He doesn't know how to go on.
We're clinging to his charm
And determined smile,
But the good old days have gone.

Say it ain't so, Joe please, say it ain't so.
I'm sure they telling us lies, Joe,
Please tell us it ain't so.

© Murray Head, 1975

About this song

"Say It Ain't So, Joe" was provoked by a seventies documentary on Richard Nixon prior to his resignation. The presenter was asking the editor of a small town newspaper outside Washington, how, in the face of conclusive evidence and proof, his readers could still show such undying support for the president they elected. The editor likens the situation to a scandal in the twenties, when Joe Jackson, the famous baseball player, was rumoured to have taken a bribe to sink his team in the final of the World series. His fans hung around the stadium chanting “Say it ain't so Joe”.

The song is about heroes and their “Clay feet”. It is also a plea from myself to the kind of “Joe Public” who in fear of losing face, refuse to relinquish their faith in a fallen idol.

The song is on an album, which has sold over a million copies and was produced by Paul Samwell-Smith, who recently decided to re-record the song. Shortly afterwards I was watching another documentary on the O.J. Simpson case and they showed a note pinned to his gate on which was written “Say it ain't so Joe”. Two days later a friend, just returned from L.A., rang me to tell me they'd seen placards with that same old phrase. The occasion seemed apt for a re-release.

Murray Head (1994)

Alternative Version by The Who (minus one)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Time Is Running Out

These ambiguous lyrics by Muse from ten years ago, in which, Matt Bellamy, still a little tentative at the time, was playing around with double meanings, never seemed so relevant than today. Yes, time is running out for both the Elites who are losing it and we who must absolutely come to our senses before irreparable damage is done.


I think I'm drowning,
I wanna break this spell
That you've created.

You're something beautiful,
A contradiction :
I wanna play the game,
I want the friction.

You will be the death of me...
You will be the death of me..

Bury it,
I won't let you bury it,
I won't let you smother it,
I won't let you murder it.

Our time is running out...
Our time is running out,
You can't push it underground,
You can't stop it screaming out.

I wanted freedom,
Bound and restricted.
I tried to give you up,
But I'm addicted.

Now that you know I'm trapped,
Sense of elation !
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation.

You will squeeze the life out of me...

Bury it,
I won't let you bury it,
I won't let you smother it,
I won't let you murder it.

Our time is running out...
Our time is running out,
You can't push it underground,
You can't stop it screaming out.
How did it come to this?

You will suck the life out of me...

Bury it,
I won't let you bury it,
I won't let you smother it,
I won't let you murder it.

Our time is running out...
Our time is running out,
You can't push it underground,
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

Original text by MATT BELLAMY
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Epiphany Picture

No, you bunch of iconoclasts, Epiphany's not when Jesus wears his crown of thorns before getting nailed down to a wooden cross by the Romans, but rather when some schmucks pay a fortune for some puff pastry cake loaded with glyphosated gluten, refined sugar and saturated fats in the hope of breaking a tooth on some fake plastic or ceramic broad bean (fève) to get crowned king for a day and buy their round of drinks. “Strange guys, those Romans” Obelix would say. So, not much to do with the famous Three Kings who followed the guiding star to Bethlehem to bring their gifts to baby Jesus. My sacrilegious vision of the Wise Men pictured below next to a traditional French king cake (that incidentally does look like a stack of crepes but is not) features the radios behind the head without whom King Thom and Jonny God wouldn't be able to combine music with magic. Truth is when they recorded their very first song together on a 4-track in Phil-Caspar's bedroom back in the summer of 86, Eddie-Melchior O'Great Brilliant remembers “it was like an epiphany”. An epic moment, for sure.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


2017: The Parting of the Worlds

In 2017, on Gaia also known the Earth, while a majority is tearing each another apart over what they perceive as seemingly the lesser evil of the two identical sides of a same rigged coin, a ludicrously tiny minority plays its trump cards in an ultimate bluff to take it all and gain absolute control over this planet.

New Year, New World Order?

As reminded by Anonymous in a recent message, “they create laws and legislations that contradict our constitution and take away our right to be a free thinking member of the human race, and you are too blinded by the culture they have created to take any real notice or make any real change. [...] The Western government talks of a New World Order. [...] They moved to censor the internet, the one place freedom of speech truly exists, taking away our right to learn, they weaken our democracy every day, tightening their grip until they have complete control. [...] Yes it is time for a New World Order, but it is a New World Order of the people, not the government.” (source)

The world's going wrong,
Everything's upside down,
There's no turning back.
Never mind
Whether it rains or shines
For there's no point denying
It'll be our last day
Even further by the day
To the point of no return.

"Aujourd'hui je pleure", Indochine (2005)

Unlawful Laws

Amongst the countless vile things in this endless stream of restrictions on freedoms that keeps gnawing at our fragile gains ever more so greedily by the day, there are some that will probably never make the mainstream newscast or papers, but may hit you off the cuff, bound hand and foot. In the same vein, we'd already heard of decrees claiming that collecting rainwater had suddenly become illegal in many American states, of some crazy ban on cats from going outdoors in Australia or of many European cities (including France) prohibiting the feeding of pigeons. So far so good. Why would they stop this lunacy, mind you?

They'll laugh as they watch us fall,
The lucky don't care at all,
No chance for fate,
It's unnatural selection.
I want the truth!

"Unnatural Selection", Muse (2009)

As an example and in keeping with the silly tradition of new year bloopers, here is a limited selection of some outrageous news from all over the world:

  • An Oregon couple forced to destroy a 40 year-old pound on a property they just purchased.
    Rationale: Government owns rainwater. (source)
  • In Alabama, veteran spends 10 days in jail for living off the grid and refusing a service he was supposed to pay for, like public water and other utilities, preferring to use solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide for his household needs all in perfect respect of his neighbours and environment.
    Rationale:  Having no public utilities makes his home unsafe. (source)
  • Texas parents told they will be charged and arrested if they walk their children to school.
    Rationale: school territory is like an embassy! (source)
  • Denver Colorado police caught on video stealing blankets from homeless people or confiscating blankets and camping gear claiming that the property was being held as “evidence”.
    Rationale: To protect the lives of their residents. (source)
  • When a big-hearted musician crowdfunds tiny homes as a creative temporary solution for the homeless, the city of Los Angeles promptly seizes and destroys them.
    Rationale: These structures are a safety hazard. (source)
  • Still in LA, legislators passed an ordinance that would ban people from sleeping in cars and recreational vehicles near homes, parks and schools.
    Rationale: Well, guess what. (source)
  • Houston Texas police brings a large waste management truck and force homeless people to throw away food, blankets and other supplies donated by local activists.
    Rationale: Feeding the homeless food that has not been cooked in a certified kitchen could spread illness. (source)
  • In London, one of the most expensive cities in the world, homelessness is now prohibited. Homeless people to be fined up to £1,000 for sleeping in the streets while people who beg for money would get a £100 penalty.
    Rationale: Homelessness is a nuisance for tourism. (source)

Paradoxical Laws vs. Universal Laws

So what do you reckon: true “fake news” or fake “true news”? I would never want to bring you down right immediately after Christmas and New Year, but to provide you with the opportunity (that will probably be taken away from you in the very near future) to make an informed choice, the decision and underlying consequences of which are entirely up to you and something you cannot back out of. For it has become abundantly clear that fate of our modern civilisation has now reached the critical point as to whether (suppressed) History repeats itself or not.

When a law is unjust, it's only right to disobey.

Mahatma Gandhi

As on purpose, all the sources I needed to substantiate this article came to my attention almost out of the blue in an mind-blowing flow of synchronicities. Always echoing my deep insights, the new monthly newsletter/podcast of the ever controversial Laura Marie (unfortunately unavailable in English) addresses universal laws and the vibrational impact of our thoughts, choices, actions and non-actions on cosmic balance.

Since most humans are disconnected from these laws (which were conveniently never taught to them or deliberately misrepresented as in religions or sects for instance), they're constantly ‘breaching’ the cosmic laws and keep paying both individually and collectively the price for their ignorance and irresponsibility at a universal level (with various vibrational consequences, the most famous is commonly known as ‘karma’ or more accurately law of cause and effect)” she explains.

Just like the physical laws governing our reality on the plane matter (1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions) that cannot be ignored whether you ‘believe’ it or not, e.g. such as the law of gravitation (the universal law of gravity), there are also vibrational laws governing all the ‘invisible’ planes. And since everything is energy and vibration and all dimensions are interlinked, these laws have a direct impact on our ‘physical’ reality.” (source)

There Is No Lesser Evil

Last but not least, I would like to ask you not to get overwhelmed and discouraged by this surge of darkness and deployment of seemingly unrelenting forces. This is the bullying effect they want to produce. Do not fall in the trap of believing everything you're told or everything you're telling yourself regarding your presumed helplessness. Seek and you shall find.

Most importantly, just remember that within this duality-governed plane, everything has an opposite and therefore there is also a lot of good going on in this world. You need to focus on that while keeping an eye of all the diversion tactics (this is not living in a fantasy land). Here's an example out of many (that I've made a healthy habit of retweeting on my Twitter account under hastag #GoodNews) saved for last to end on a hopeful note :

  • Entire town's Police Department in Indiana quits.
    Rationale: Officials kept asking them to “do illegal immoral things”. (source)

Don't make this fatal mistake: there is no such thing as a lesser evil. There is only good (the life force) and evil (the anti-life force), period.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Year of the Swooping Evil

Common Sense is now officially dead, done and gone in a resounding chorus of indifference. No tribute paid, no obituary notice for the funerals. And beware all who would dare to recall the memory of him to the general public, all suffering from an engineered case of collective amnesia operated by MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America) Obliviators.1 Yes, woe to the “fake news” providers attempting to thus revive his spirit in the minds of the No-Majs (or Muggles for us) as they would hence commit a crime of high treason — an act of terrorism calling for ultimate sentence. Death to the righters of cognitive dissonance! Your happy thoughts will be collected from you and thrown at your face into a toxic vortex of fake light — a “soulcatcher” akin to the life after death tunnel — to lure you back into the Matrix to be recycled within some new genetically modified body. As for the massive exposure of the magical community (hi Ed2!), the Thunderbird's here for dispersing a capsule of Swooping Evil venom into the ionosphere and generate a “redeeming” downpour to wash your memories away.3

“But, said Alice, if the world has absolutely no sense, who's stopping us from inventing one?”

Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland

A nice year ahead expected to outshine all previous ones. Or so they say. It's still up to us to make sure their worst nightmare comes true. Let's gather our wits and change our reality.


  1. ^ In the Harry Potter and the new Hollywood derived Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them series, Oblivators are agents of wizarding governments  in charge of erasing the memories of non-wizarding witnesses (Muggles or No-Majs) to magical phenomenon to preserve its International Statute of Secrecy.
  2. ^ Edward Snowden.
  3. ^ So much for those who haven't seen Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them as these are two key movie moments, the latter being an obvious reminder of geo-engineering.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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