This track from Who Are You, the latest album by the original Who before the premature deaths of drummer Keith Moon (1978) and bassist John Entwistle (2002) may not be their most famous nor their best and it definitely never was a favourite of mine either. Yet it certainly sprang to my mind after many decades for a good reason. Make your own idea first, and then I'll tell you.


Mother was an incubator,
Father was the contents
Of a test tube in the ice box
In the factory of birth.

My name is 905,
And I've just become alive.
I'm the newest populator
Of the planet we call Earth.

In suspended animation,
My childhood passed me by.
If I speak without emotion
Then you know the reason why.

The knowledge of the universe
Was fed into my mind
As my adolescent body
Left its puberty behind.

And everything I know is what I need to know
And everything I do has been done before.
Every sentence in my head
Someone else has said.
At each end of my life is an open door.

Automatically defrosted
When manhood came on time,
I became a man
I left the ice school behind.

Now I'm to begin
The life that I'm assigned —
A life that's been used before
A thousand times.

I have a feeling deep inside
That something is missing.
It's a feeling in my soul
And I can't help wishing

That one day I'll discover
That we're living a lie
And I'll tell the whole world
The reason why.

Well, until then, everything I know is what I need to know
And everything I do has been done before.
Every sentence in my head
Someone else has said.
At each end of my life is an open door.

John Entwhistle, 1978

About this song

Was The Ox1 a visionary?

I had started a concept album along the same lines as Lifehouse2. My story was a little different. It was set in the future. I put it on the shelf for a long time. When that album came along I took them off the shelf and changed them around a little bit. But "905" was actually one of the songs from that. The hero's name was “905” and he lives with this guy named “503” and they're absolutely identical. There aren't any women around because that's what they're eating. (:O)

John Entwistle

Your alarm bells should be ringing, this is the gloaming3

These lyrics written about 40 years ago depict a dystopian society, quite similar to the one found in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, in which the entire population of the Earth is made of clones produced in laboratories by machines. Held in suspended animation until adulthood, they come to life with implanted memories and are programmed to live the same lives again and again to fulfil a sole purpose one can easily guess as being slaves serving some kind of (human or extraterrestrial) elite. Yet, somehow and in spite of their altered DNA and complete inability to feel any emotion, “deep inside” and “in (his) soul” one of the clones, 905, senses something wrong with this prospectless and all mapped-out life: “One day I'll discover that we're living a lie and I'll tell the whole world the reason why.”

Does it ring any bells? Or rather, shouldn't your alarm bells be ringing?

I may be paranoid, but no android4

Transhumanism, microchipping, massive depopulation through wars, terrorism, genocides, epidemics, vaccinations, drugs, GMO's, nanoparticles, and ongoing terraformation via geoengineering which will eventually render this planet uninhabitable to all its non-genetically modified living species including plants, wildlife and humankind. Sadly, none of this is science-fiction but readily ascertainable from reliable sources. Do carry out your own research!


  1. ^ A nickname Entwistle owed to his strong constitution and his major contribution to The Who's powerful sound. Incidentally, he and Keith Moon almost became part of the original line-up of Led Zeppelin while Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend's ego were fiercely competing over the leadership of the band, all in great Oasis style.
  2. ^ Lifehouse was another sci-fi rock opera project imagined by Pete Townshend as a follow-up to the previous Tommy (1969) which brought The Who international fame, but was to be put aside in favour of Who's Next (1971) rightly considered to be the best album of their career.
  3. ^ "The Gloaming", Radiohead (2003).
  4. ^ "Paranoid Android", Radiohead (1997).

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Arrogance of Ignorance

The following article is particularly important to me, not only because it perfectly captures my intent with this blog, but also illustrates the personal “drama” of my life. How do you communicate with others when what motivates you is self-development and conscience awareness for a better world and you get called all sorts of names and charged with petty accusations for your efforts? Not just by strangers but your closest relatives. Why do we even persist in trying? Because we're kind of stupid? Out of naivety? Optimism? Or maybe it's because we're just our authentic selves and nothing and nobody — neither emotional blackmail nor fear of rejection — can ever coerce us into fitting the mould of compliance set by a castrating society which conditions us at every level in order to breed us like chicken. Chicken run! :D

On a more personal note, as recently as yesterday I was trying to be obliging with my own (extremely self-hating) mother who keeps complaining that we can never talk. So I tried to engage in mundane conversation to avoid any kind of controversy. I began telling her how I might have found out what triggered some of my current health issues, but she rudely cut me off in mid-sentence saying, “Oh yes, I know, it's because...” An almost systematic way of hers. No matter what I say, she can't help showing that she KNOWS. The problem is she knows absolutely nothing and what she thinks she knows, while arrogantly interrupting me, is all commonplace and never anywhere near what I actually have to say. So I either stop and shut up (what's the point if she's all knowing?) or insist trying hard not to get carried away while she's being downright rude, explaining as quietly as possible that it would be nice if she would just let me finish since what I meant to say is nothing like what she had in mind. It always turns out to be a total waste of time as, in any case, she continues unabated until I finally lose my temper, giving her all the evidence she needs that I'm always trying to impose my views on others... Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the unfairest of them all?

So what do I do? Carry on assuming the stigma of the ingrate daughter thus allowing the manipulation to make me feel guilty and undermine my self-worth? Or realise that I was raised this way and that the lifelong lack of self-confidence that led me to miss many opportunities while having a dramatic influence on every choice I made was all but another form of conditioning.

At any rate, reading this article sparked out many neural connections in my brain — triggering sudden insight and I do hope it will be the case for you as well. Today of all days you're more than welcome to share your own personal experience in the comments below.


How does a control mechanism based upon the minority population enact controls over the majority – fill them with fears, insecurities and an inflated sense of importance while pitting them against each other and offering the only viable solutions.

This brings everything down to the personal level, so that any conversation (or attempt thereof) is immediately considered as a threat, no matter how logical it may be. There are always the basic projections such as “you just want to be right” or “you just want everyone to think like you” – always an external enemy instead of actually listening to the words and logic which is attempted to be conveyed. Divide and conquer at its basis, for this conversation is about people of same backgrounds and similar experiences which turn on each other at the drop of a hat over simple words, misunderstandings and fear of having their ignorance called out.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


9 Signs You’ve Become a Tool of the Entertainment Industrial Complex

I'm well aware that, in many ways, some of my chosen posts/reposts may seem counter-intuitive. Actually, it shouldn't be a surprise when considering the human psyche and the mind-blowing conditioning we are all subject to from the womb and must absolutely find a way to extricate ourselves from in order to win this “war for consciousness”.

A lengthy but necessary preamble to anticipate potential remarks — that would be totally relevant — regarding previous posts urging you not to compare yourself with others to step out of ego traps. It relates directly to what I'm about to say and may appear to go against such recommendation. So when I stumbled upon this article, I could not help but feel excited to be a part of the combatants and measure how far I have come since... in fact, not so long ago. For admittedly, like many I too had become a tool of the entertainment industry at some point. Never fully but enough not to be too harsh on those who have been totally snatched up (also commonly known as sheeple). It is unfortunately the case with many of my relatives and (ex) friends. To them, I'm crazy, deluded — a black sheep, a witch...

It hurts like hell to watch them getting their heart and soul eaten up, powerless to interfere. Try and explain to these people that they are exactly like those junkies they despise so much. Any attempt to force them off the hook would be suicide. And in violation of the free will governing this part of the universe. We thus need to find other ways. Because what's the use of shaking ourselves out of apathy if we are to allow this to continue? Why should we be afraid? Once you figure out how the illusion works, you soon realise there is much more to gain than to lose anyway.  A simple mathematical equation. Isn't maths their thing after all?

The little girl is a warrior
She plays a dangerous game
And kao kao bang!

"Kao Bang", Indochine (1983)

Although it may seem daunting, who said we had to carry the world on our shoulders? Aren't we an army of spiritual warriors who prefer the snowball effect to forceful methods? Don't get me wrong on the terminology here — language codes that is words are necessary since telepathic blogging is still a long way off. Though, if it wasn't how would those who are just awakening have access to the information as it's been the case for us previously?


We find ourselves at a critical time in history, on the brink of self-destruction, yet under the spell of so many lies, illusions and false realities. A survey of the actors on stage reveals the shocking truth that so many of the would-be-could-be change-makers out there are absent, sidelined, and simply not present or available for action when we need them most. Instead, so many of us are totally engrossed in entertainment-based lifestyles, substituting games, fantasies and phony arenas for the drama and achievement of real life.

Where are all the young warriors and radicals out there who won’t stand for the abuse, oppression, surveillance, tyranny, and debt slavery being handed down by older generations? And why do so many young people seem to care not at all about world events, the quality of government, or the future of our society and culture?


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: David Dees



Remember when looking for some not-so-sloppy songs for St Valentine's Day, I had first opted for "Endlessly" by Muse to finally fall back on "True Love Waits" by Radiohead. I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever about my choice then, but I wonder how I could possibly have dismissed this wonderful love song. Its lyrics hold such a special meaning for me and, as so often, it all suddently started replaying in my head unexpectedly (but with good reason). It's interesting to note it was released in 1999 on Showbiz, Muse's debut album, at a time when the threesome was not big enough yet to use its status to openly throw to the world some hidden truths many still (wrongly) view as “conspiracy theories” (a phrase invented by the CIA during the cold war to discredit those who would make such claims). Actually, Matt Bellamy's interest in the said theories and his mistrust of the media started when he was only four with the obscure circumstances surrounding the murder of his uncle by the IRA in Belfast (he's half Irish). An important detail I just found in his biography which, in addition to many “expanded insights” I'm experiencing these days, challenges the countless doubts I shared with you regarding Bellamy's sincerity. It appears now I was certainly biased but to make and admit one's mistakes is also part of the journey called evolution.


You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended,
You could be the one I'll always love.
You could be the one who listens to
My deepest inquisitions.
You could be the one I'll always love.

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces
Of the life I had before.

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance.
She could never be as good as you.

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended,
You should be the one I'll always love.

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces
of the life I had before.

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces
of the life I had before...

Before you.

Original text by MATT BELLAMY
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Sing for Absolution

Down from the July Column and with both feet,
The winged Genius of Liberty
Took the leap.
A fallen angel crashed to the crowd,
His rights and faith
All forfeited
Up on the cold streets.

And what did the people do to prevent that?
Abused, disenchanted,
They looked away
In dismay,
Staring at the bloody false flags
Waving in the wind.

Stirred up by fate,
To the beat of drums,
Sick at heart,
They began
Their war chant:

Soulless citizens,
Embrace the delusion,
Now, now!
Spill the sinful blood,
Make it flow!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Family Columnist Warns of 'Electronic Apocalypse' From Online Generation of Electronics-Addicted Youth

Nowadays, admitting you do not have a smartphone nor even a simple cellphone to make/receive calls (an important clarification in today's society) is just like claiming you come from another planet. What the hell do I know — after all, I might just as well have been involved in a flying-saucer crash causing me amnesia? When you tell them, people tend to stare at you, all button-eyed and unbelieving like Mr Bean's teddy bear.

What is inconceivable to me is the denial those who won't acknowledge their addiction deliberately lock themselves into. No shame in admitting it, you know. It's actually the first salutary step towards self-awareness. These electronic devices can certainly prove extremely valuable on some occasions — for one, like finding a friend in the midst of a crowd, calling emergency services or assistance and saving you the hassle of finding a phone booth if they still exist (you know, those weird boxes of old resembling a Tardis) — however, we should never allow them to become so essential and so intrusive. Just picture yourself enjoying time with someone you like and being constantly interrupted by their bloody phone. At some point, even those who have the uncommon decency to switch off their ‘precious’ (my iron lung) always end up with a good excuse for switching it back on, so anxious they are at the prospect of missing a very unlikely life-changing call.

Sorry to be a little crude here, but being unable to do without something is the true nature of addiction. The kind of addiction that could ultimately destroy the human race. And I'm not just talking about the extremely health-damaging effects of these portable brain-toasters (which public authorities still deny but which are being confirmed by a growing number of scientific studies from reliable sources). New technologies are the last step towards (impending) transhumanism — humanity's worst nightmare. Welcome to Hell!


Are we living in an electronic apocalypse and not even recognizing it as we text our way down the street, not noticing the people around us? Are we acting like zombies with our minds buried in our screens? In public, everyone is moving along fast, but do we really exist anymore? Are we really alive and free, interacting face to face? Where has the listening ear gone? Is all connection lost?

On Tim Lott's Family column on The Guardian news site, these concerns come to life. High-tech phones and social media platforms have interconnected people over long distances, but humanity's growing obsession and intoxication with the digital world is actually breaking real life bonds, destroying precious eye to eye contact


Original text by translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Space Oddity

On 10th January 2016, the Starman, as he was called his whole life, passed away. There followed the many fan tributes and all the media hijacking, the lucrative flogging of compilations and other memorabilia plus the numerous easy-money-making cover versions (funny how everyone cares about you when you're in the limelight and how quickly forgotten you become when out-of-focus again). A hero for some, a Satanist for others, Bowie was only a mere mortal after all (maybe a “Starseed”?) entrapped by the Matrix as many are, and whose music clearly influenced entire generations. I must confess that I only have his Ziggy Stardust (vinyl) LP which never impressed me that much.

However, I've always been very fond of this song inspired by the Apollo 11 space mission that would launch only five days after the single's release in July 1969 (a perfect match for the theme of the week). Besides, the title is a pun alluding to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kubrick's cult movie released a year before that. A legendary track which gained new popularity following the death of its author, reaching number one in the French Singles Chart (the Year of The Sheep wasn't fully over yet, that is).

As a bonus, you'll also find a simple and unceremonious acoustic cover version. You may probably find thousands of these on YouTube and I may be biased (the singer happens to be an old friend of mine) though not that much as those who know me well would tell you about my most selective taste in music and how pretty critical but fair (and constructive) I am. Well, whatever... Don't forget to leave a comment, it'll make him happy. And if you don't, I'll send you Major Thom — he knows where you live!


Ground Control to Major Tom...
Ground Control to Major Tom:
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on.
Ground Control to Major Tom
(Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six)
Commencing countdown, engines on...
(Five, Four, Three)
Check ignition and may God's love be with you!
(Two, One, Liftoff)

This is Ground Control to Major Tom:
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear.
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare.

This is Major Tom to Ground Control:
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in the most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today.

For here am I sitting in my tin can
Far above the world,
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do.

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go.
Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows.

Ground Control to Major Tom:
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong.
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear...

And I'm floating around my tin can
Far above the Moon,
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do.

Original text by DAVID BOWIE
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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