New Year's Eve

The blasted grin-fucking rituals and their assorted packs of wino resolutions that don't make it past the usual bafflegab hangover of the morning after! In an effort to minimise the potential damage and step into Year #9 (2+0+1+6=9) with a somewhat raised vibration, here's another dose of my preferred antidote: music. A fine liquor provided by my old buddy François aka E-Rocket — already introduced to you last summer — all rustled up easy cosy and warm while yours truly was bravely fending off the snow storm outside (oh well, okay, I didn't really walk forty days and forty nights). And before you go, don't forget to thank your host and leave a tip for the waiter — a few comments will do.

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve,
We are all friends.
We're hand in hand,
And wish the best
For a new harvest.
It's New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve,
It's good to gather
At night together.
The stars are so bright
Away from the fights.
It's New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve,
Give our world promises
And all kind of wishes,
As a golden armour
To get through this winter.
It's New Year's Eve.

Why do we need dates
In the calendar
To have faith
And to give love?
I wish we could be
Just as one.

On New Year's Eve,
Anybody, anyway,
Anyhow, any day,
It's okay-ay-ay!
It's New Year's Eve.

It's New Year's Eve,
So it could be the day,
For everyone, everyday
To do our very best
To make things better.
It's New Year's Eve.

It's New Year's Eve.

François Demercastel, 1985

About this song

I wrote this track during a snow storm in winter '84-85 in a room full of marble statues,” says François. It's the result of a “constructive” jam session with musician friends which you may listen to HERE for comparison with the latest version above.

In the meantime, another more sober version was often included in the set list of The Calltranes, a band he played with in the early nineties and which you may also hear performed live HERE.

Actually, this title has always been an all-time favourite of mine” he admits. “I have written many songs that I keep in store, which sort of provides an easy excuse for being a lazy sod and for not writing any more. For whom and for what? So I kind of periodically bring it out when experimenting with new sounds.

For an example of such musical experimentation, check this much different homemade demo he recorded on his own and which he reckons is a better reflection of who he is today.

So which one do you like best? You have until next year to let him know.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Last year we were asked to write a theme tune for the Bond movie Spectre. Yes we were. It didn't work out, but became something of our own, which we love very much. As the year closes we thought you might like to hear it.

Merry Christmas. May the force be with you.

Radiohead, 25 décembre 2015

I'm lost, I'm a ghost.
Dispossessed, taken host,
My hunger burns a bullet hole,
A spectre of my mortal soul.

These rumours and suspicion,
Anger is a poison.
The only truth that I could see
Is when you put your lips to me,
Future's tricked by the past.
Spectre, how he laughs.

Fear puts a spell on us,
Always second-guessing love.
My hunger burns a bullet hole
A spectre of my mortal soul,
The only truth that I can see,
Spectre has come for me.

Original text by THOM YORKE
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Merry Christmas Exclamation Point

A bit like fellow countryman Jim Carrey, Canadian comedian/actor/singer Jon Lajoie, presented to you earlier this year, is not shy about exaggerating and overdoing his satires. This is the way he gained his fame in North America (but also in Germany) mostly from his parodical videos posted on his YouTube channel, featuring songs with extremely pungent lyrics. As with all previous ones, this song is no exception to the rule. And sadly, the relevance of these lyrics is absolutely appalling. That said, just because I don't have the pleasure to know you personally doesn't mean I don't wish you all a merry Christmas and also all the best for the next three hundred and five days (leap year).


You're the dude from high school I see at the gym,
You're a friend of a friend or a second cousin,
You're a co-worker I sometimes eat lunch with,
You're one of my many acquaintances.

You know Christmas is about spending time
With friends and family,
But just because you're not in one
Of those two categories
Doesn't mean that I won't still
Do something special for you.
Because Christmas is about giving,
So here's what I'll do:

I'm gonna send you a Christmas text!
I'm gonna send you a Christmas text!
I'm gonna send you a Christmas text!
Gonna type “Merry Christmas exclamation point”
And then press “Send”.

Maybe I'll just copy and paste it
(From a previous text).
Well, it's only two words I might as well just type it
(Less complicated).
If you're thinking of calling me to thank me, oh please don't
(That's not how this works).
Texting is as far as this relationship goes
(And keep your response brief).

I have way more important people in my life,
You're not even in the top fifty.
It's not that I don't care about you...
Well, yeah, I don't really care about you,
But doesn't mean that I won't still
Do something special for you
Because Christmas is about giving,
So here's what I'll do:

I'm gonna send you a Christmas text!
I'm gonna send you a Christmas text!
I'm gonna send you a Christmas text!
Gonna type “Merry Christmas exclamation point”
And then press “Send”.

I don't care enough
To call,
But I don't “not care” enough
To do nothing.
And to all of my non-Christian friends
I will text you:
“Hey dude, what's going on?
We should tots hang next week!”

Original text by JON LAJOIE
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Hot Santa (Cool Bunnies)

You make me dizzy
You're my personal carousel
It's always party time
When you hold me in your arms

"Mon manège à moi", Edith Piaf (1958)

According to tradition, Christmas gifts should not be unwrapped until 25th December, but no specific mention is made regarding Santa, especially when he's so nicely adorned...

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Kids Were Asked if a Woman Could Be Santa Claus, the Response Is Alarming

A last-minute article that simply couldn't be published at any other time (so be it and never mind the overdose). Certainly it's mainly about the USA, but we all agree that it's no better over here. Since we're just in the midst of this “Christmas magic” frenzy (don't start grumbling, wait for it), it would be fun to wake up on the morning of 25th December, each with a body of the opposite sex, so that gentlemen may see of how great it feels to be a woman in today's society. I'm not describing everything we have to put through — as John Lennon sang in 1972, "Woman Is The Nigger Of The World" — I think unless we try to step into one another's shoes to get a hint, unlike the author of this article, I'd tend to be less optimistic as to how things might change. It's rather stupid nowadays when humanity is being assaulted on all sides with wars, etc., to remain divided on physical (illusory) concerns such as gender, skin colour... well, nothing new, but that's precisely what's so sad about it.


It’s 2015. In the United States, marriage equality exists for all people of all races of all sexual preferences. We’re changing the way we represent body image with endless campaigns and voices speaking up and pushing for the truth buried beneath a heavily edited image. We are nearing our seventh year of having our first black president. Hilary Clinton is a top presidential candidate for 2016. We’re trying. We’re always trying as a community to push the envelope and make things match up to our expectations of living in a country that cherishes being the land of the free and the home of the brave. But then a simple video reminds us that we still have so much unfinished business left to tackle.

Marketing company Anomaly and RSA Films teamed up to create a video they thought would simply garner some “cute” responses. They wanted to know what kids thought of a woman taking on the role of Santa Claus. You know, the holly jolly plump older Caucasian gentleman with a white beard, a soft red suit, and a matching sack slung over his shoulder.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Letter to Father Christmas (3)

Hey! I may not be a celebrity (suits me fine), however I still have the right to write and publish my own letter to Santa. So here comes as promised.

Dear Father Christmas,

Quite frankly, I just can't remember when was the last time I wrote you — for all that I have some doubts about the presumed authenticity of such letters since, technically, I had just barely learnt to read and write when I stopped believing in you. Why, yes, “such a wicked child she is” must have thought my parents and the lady upstairs (who was like a grandma to me) after I exposed their conspiracy and ruined their tricky attempt thanks to my intuition and unwavering rationale regarding details that should never have been overlooked. What a bunch of unprofessional liars, pff!

You see, today I'm still so bloody annoying and such a bad audience (liars are not what they used to be), and more eager than ever to expose manipulations and conspiracies. I'm not about to change! Funny thing is some, who must have believed in you until they were 10 at least, call me a conspiracy theorist. Conspiracies, my foot! Theories, my a**! Let's get practical, anytime they want! Precisely, the problem is they don't want to. They refuse to see, look, hear nor even listen. They'd rather believe in you and blame others for dishonouring your name or impersonating you. Obviously, in many cases (and as far as they're concerned), it's certainly easier to pretend to be nobody than to be someone.

So, unlike many who, as adults, still fancy you as some sort of God-like figure, to me you would be more like Ragadast the Brown minus the bird droppings. I can just imagine you appearing in the middle of the night with your Rhosgobel hare-drawn sleigh (such a great idea Tolkien should have thought of it himself) to do battle with these ill-mannered spoiled-rotten brats who won't grow up and make the world their school playground instead.

What about your colleague Gandalf the Grey (all cleared up and laundered after his mandatory step down below into the horned one's den), where did he go? We could use his expertise to make it clear to this bunch of crackpots that they shall not pass. Shoo! You, black sheep and warmongering rams, go get roasted at some lamb barbecue down below. We just would like to keep grazing peacefully anything but neon bright grass patented by Monsanto.

Sorry for the digression, Ragad... Father Christmas. According to tradition, I'm supposed to ask you something. Well, it's quite embarrassing and so personal, and my letter will be read by many people so, shh, let me whisper it in your ear... Oh, f*** it, I forgot the bloody sneaks! So let's just do as usual via good old high vibe telepathy then.

Actually, there might be one thing I would not be embarrassed to ask you publicly and that would be the same thing as Thom (please note I'm not playing goody-goody to get favours from you) and that's reading glasses — but please not the blue ones! I'd love to have the rainbow ones instead if possible with embedded decoder. I know they're not available in the shops yet, but I guess Google might have already thought of it.

Hasta la vista, Ragad... er, padre!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Letter to Father Christmas (2)

No surprise, this is the second part of Friday's post. As you know, other celebrities than Thom Yorke also sent a letter to Santa this year, but none caught my attention as much as Russell Brand's who sort of literally took the words right out of my mouth. Well, almost, that is. But you'll see. On Tuesday.


Dear Father Christmas (if that’s your real name – do you prefer Santa? Saint Nic? Babushka?)

Look, I’ll be honest – I’m not even sure that you’re real anymore – I got some pretty solid evidence that the Millennium Falcon in ’86 was bought by my Mum. I found it under the stairs in a pretty extensive and frantic search I conducted that, frankly, raised more questions than it answered. I found a lot of things on that quest that would have been best left undiscovered, particularly under her bed. The humanity.

Are you real? And this annual gift giving bonanza that you’ve masterminded – what’s that all about? I’ve got some obvious questions around physics (rotund tum vs narrow chimney, travel time etc) and some ideological questions about the net human gain from a jolly celestial benefactor granting consumer goods to mark a pagan/Christian celebration.

I mean isn’t the idea that you can solve problems by the acquisition of external, physical objects in itself THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WE HAVE?

I don’t meant to question your credentials or your intentions but it’s common knowledge that the Coca Cola corporation changed your outfit from a healthy, hearty woodland green to livid crimson to match that God-awful fucking lorry they storm into town in. “Holidays are coming?” It’s a tinsel strewn apocalypse if you ask me.

Of course none of this matters if you’re not real. But then what is real? Britain, aside from our shared belief that it’s Britain, is simply some soil in a salty sea, Christmas, a consensual appropriation of all manner of baffling values, from materialism, through Christianity via paganism – probably agricultural in origin ultimately. I mean is it? You’d know. Or is it to do with astronomy?

I suppose what you are is a secular God for the age we live in – the age of individualism and consumerism. But those things too are built on belief.

So like all external phenomena you must be the realisation of a subtle energy form that is manifest through consciousness.

That doesn’t explain why my Scalectrix (second hand?) smelt of static, my Subbuteo figures were all white and ET’s light up finger didn’t work.

Also why did you let things get so out of hand with Rudolph? Couldn’t you have stepped in earlier? Do you even care about your workforce?

I don’t need to ask anything of you – you’ve been very generous (although a little ungrateful – you never finished any of the biscuits we left or the carrot. And those talcum powder footprints on the stairs in retrospect seem highly dubious). But as a taller child I now realise that we manifest our universe from the sublime and mysterious energy force behind all discernible reality (I mentioned it earlier) so we each have an individual, “inner Father Christmas” to commune with. So I’ll ask him directly…for a BMX.

Anyway, I’m rambling. Thank you for Jeremy Corbyn, Charlotte Church and the new series of Peep Show.

And please consider returning to a traditional green tunic.

Yours in Christ
Ol Russ

Original text by RUSSELL BRAND


Letter to Father Christmas (1)

Clearly, Thom Thumb is much in the news of late. Not only did he sneak his way into the Yule Ball in Hogwarts last Tuesday and came over to bust the asses of our world leaders in Paris last fortnight (obviously all in good faith and pure ignorance), now our climate cooling buddy goes after Santa. Well, yes, this happens this time of the year — and it also happens to be the theme of the week in case you couldn't tell — a nice change from those bearded and boring guys of all kinds we're being told our ears off on the news (well, I guess so, because I know better than to watch TV). So, to celebrate National Letter Writing Day in the UK, on 7th December 2015, Mister Yorke (along with some other fellow British celebrities) had a crack at writing a letter to the fat chap in red pyjamas whom he modestly asked for some reading glasses, “the blue ones,” he specified. Why blue? Does he regret swallowing the red pill? Well, here, in France, at least, we'll definitely get the blue ones for sure.


dear father christmas

it is years since i wrote to you.
i hope this letter finds you well and that the snow is still continuing to fall up in lapland.

here it is mostly rain. not even jumper weather yet!
but the christmas albums are already being played in the shops.
that must be so embarrassing for you.

i know this year you will be exceptionally busy for you.
we all expect a little too much of you now i think.
and there are so many imposters on television. even in the street.

since i wrote to you last when i was 9 i have tried to be good, but sometimes failed spectacularly.
i have also tried to do what i’m told but often have delighted in doing the exact opposite.
but always i have tried to give love and try not to cause hurt.

dear father christmas
what i’m saying is ..
now that i’m 47, if i have any last remaining credit with you, i have just these small requests.

that my kids have a beautiful christmas
with love and understanding and peace.
perhaps some heavy snow? that would be really great.
and can you just send the precious things that will really mean something to them?
and can you send them some hope for the future. that is very important.

i won’t ask you to solve the problems of the human race. those are our problems alone.

but perhaps this year you would consider not giving any presents to oil company executives and the politicians whose influence they buy?

and for me? just some reading glasses.. :/ the blue ones.

yours completely sincerely


p.s. thanks for the zx81 computer when i was 11. that was really wicked.

Original text by THOM YORKE


Children Get Angry After Publication of Cartoons Deemed Offensive to Santa

OSLO - The news prompted quick reactions. The publication by an Iranian newspaper of cartoons mocking Santa Claus instantly angered many children in European countries, including Norway and Finland who found these caricatures offensive as they ridicule Santa mostly regarded as a very nice and unblemished character.

Dozens of children took the streets of Oslo in protest, burning copies of the newspaper where the cartoons appeared. “Santa is a nice person, he must not be portrayed this way” claimed 8 year ½ old Leïa to a crowd of very upset kids, the ire of whom is directed at the Iranian newspaper responsible for this infantile outbreak of violence. Dozens of cartoons showing Santa exploiting his elves, bringing the wrong presents, or making friend with capitalists. In one drawing, his red hat has even been replaced with an Amazon hat with a sleigh full of dollar bills.

The ultimate provocation for these kids who claim that a central part of their belief has been violated here. “I want this gentleman, who every year distributes thousands of gifts to nice children, to be respected” said 10 year old Soren. “I too was shocked, it's wrong, naughty naughty” added 9 year old Ilda. “Why do grown-ups draw Father Christmas, they believe in him too? I thinked only kids could do that” asked another. Children have called upon the Norwegian government to act accordingly and ban the offending publications. Up to now, their request has been denied on the grounds of freedom of expression.

Other newspapers immediately declared wanting to publish caricatures of Santa in support of the Iranian newspaper. “I think kids should realise that, at some point, you need to grow up, that is” a journalist explained. For his part, one of the child leaders objected that “The villains need to know that should they persist, Santa won't like it and they may not have any Christmas present.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Good morning Mr. Magpie,
How are we today?
And now you stole it, all my magic,
Took my memories.

"Morning Mr. Magpie", Radiohead (2011)

Upset that he wasn't invited as a guest star for the Yule Ball unlike his bandmates Jonny and Phil1, Thom Thumb ultimately went to great lengths to sneak into Hogwarts: he simply drank Polyjuice.2 I mean, he could have found a more discreet way than bursting onto Dumbledore's office in the form of the Chosen One with his long-toothed mutant teddy bears... And didn't anybody ever tell him that the effects begin to wear off after an hour? Well, it was clearly mentioned in the book. But Thom is so (radio)headstrong, he always does as he pleases. Wingardium leviosa!3


  1. In the screen version of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire (2005), Jonny Greenwood and Phil Selway from Radiohead were featured as musicians of wizard rock band The Weird Sisters in the Yule Ball scene (watch HERE).
  2. “[Polyjuice] transforms you into somebody else.
    [...] It wears off after a while,” said Hermione, waving her hand impatiently.“But getting hold of the recipe will be very difficult.
    ~ J.K. Rowlling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (1998).
  3. Magic spell for levitating things.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Wish You Could Smile

With the holiday season drawing near, melancholia tends to set in. As if time looped in on itself and nothing really changed whatever you say, whatever you do,  however hard you wish or try to picture it. So we try to fake it, flapping all over the place, expecting laughter to conjure up joy and ward off gloom. And when it gets out of tune, let the tears burst out like a dark cloud so after the rain, it may shine again. This is basically what this beautiful song by Tomas Batista, who needs no introduction, conveys to me. It's so moving I literally translated it with my guts (despite my long-forgotten rudimentary Spanish). It's no wonder since Tom's music is so heartfelt. His songs, as he says, are “little pieces of [him]”. This track is dedicated to his ex-girlfriend whom he wishes the best of luck. Personally, I would like to dedicate it to all those who long to gaze at the stars again other than on a Christmas tree.


Deseo que puedas sonreir

You see, the sun rises
Once again,
Even though you're not here,
The earth still goes round,
And everything's in the same place.

And I see the phantoms
You left behind
Since you've gone.
And I'm not scared
'Cause you're not here.

Memories remain impressed
On the tapestry of time,
And all this,
Is for your eyes only.

Your memory no longer burns,
I keep it in the back of my...

Melancholia seizes me
At the thought
It's just gone
So casually.

It was so unusual to see you suffer
So much, so often,
The same pain.

What has become of you?
I wish you could smile.

Time will heal and only time knows
When the stars may shine.
But you're one of those
That always will,
Always will.

Original text by TOMÁS BATISTA translated from Spanish by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Chris Might Soon

Chris might soon
Lose his wings
On the way down from heaven
To the man-made realm
Of fallen angels
Struck in their flight,
Where gravity as usual
Takes its toll,
Weighing you down,
Pulling you down,
Lower and lower
Below ground,
Beyond reason,
Into oblivion.

Chris misses much
Life, but kicks no more
Neither he nor us,
Nobody does anymore.
Dislocated, disembodied,
Soulless dolls,
Each to his life,
Each to his will.

Chris, too late,
Our wings won't grow.
People laughing,
People crying,
Hugh couldn't care less.
Yet Hugh'd be adamant
On state affairs :
A helluva dreadful
State of affairs,
Full exposure.

Chris, fail not,
Blow their top,
Soar into the sky,
Defy gravity —
All gravities.
Let go,
Rise up above
Higher and higher,
All the way up,

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Climate Change Scam, What It's REALLY All About

A new videocast by David Icke (excerpt available online since 4th December) I was almost looking forward to as I knew it could only deal with the current ultra-sensitive issue even highly intelligent and well-meant people easily fall into. No surprise in there, but it rather strengthens my feeling that we now have gone past the point of no return in the impending collapse of this society and its fabricated values. This is the parting of the ways as they say with, on one side, those with a firm determination to dismantle the matrix at any cost (and ready to face the consequences since nothing could be more scary than what's laying ahead) and on the other, the sheeple who, when time comes, will belligerently fight to preserve their delusion — even if it means they all get slaughtered (though in their case, there is much more than death to fear). And caught in the crossfire are the Awaken, trapped into some of the matrix many mind-screws to advocate for manipulated issues such as the alleged climate change and the infamous carbon dioxide, all in good faith. As my late grand-mother would say, « one day, you'll see, they'll tax the very air we breathe ». She didn't live to see it and should it turn out to be true, I don't aspire to either. But like Icke (who once was a spokesperson for the Green Party in Britain), I find there's nothing more frustrating than when the truth is so blatant and all these people who just can't see it. I know some will not even bother reading this article. The headline or the mention of David Icke's name might do the trick to trigger a conditioned reflex of ultimate rejection. While I've also heard that these are “tired, old arguments” and that there are “more reliable sources” (sic). And who decides on what is reliable and what is not? Kind of a stand-off there. I wish so much I were wrong.


Hello and welcome to this videocast for subscribers to

Well, it's been a week again of much ludicrousness. Not least having watched some of the debates in Parliament over the British bombings in Syria. But perhaps the depths of ludicrousness were planted by Prince Charles and the British singer Charlotte Church who blamed the crisis in Syria on global warming.

Global warming: the cause to everything happening

Is there anything that happens that isn't caused by global warming that actually isn't happening?

Well, that's a nice day today, isn't it?
Global warming!
Wow, it's a bit chilly, isn't it?
Global warming!

On and on it goes.

So why is there this obsession with selling us this blatant lie about the planet being in mortal danger from something that's not happening? There is an answer to that which I'm going to enter into today. And funnily enough, I am going to connect the crisis and the wars in Syria and the Middle East to global warming — or climate change as it's become since temperatures stopped going up. But clearly, I'm not going to connect them in the way that Prince Charles and Charlotte Church did. But they are connected in this way.

I talked in the videocast last week about how the sequence of wars and the regime changes and conquests were part of a vast global agenda to create a centralised tyranny based on world government, world army, world central bank, world currency (cashless) and microchipped population, etc. But you just don't bring that about through war. There is this great spectrum of reasons and excuses that are being played out to justify the creation of that tyranny — that centralised global tyranny where the population are kept under fierce control through a merciless, vicious police state which we're seeing unfolded all the time — globally of course. And one of these excuses is global warming.

The reason it doesn't stack up when you look at the evidence rather than the propaganda is because it's a lie! The same reason that the excuses that I exposed last week for going into Iraq and Libya and Syria are lies. Because they are manufactured excuses to create an outcome which is advancing this what I call totalitarian tiptoe (and it's a bloody sprint now) to this centralised tyranny.

Two masks on the same face

And what's kind of frustrating sometimes (well, perhaps even more than sometimes) is when you see people who are focused on one thing, like stopping British bombing in Syria for instance, and for very good reasons. And yet they are caught in another part of this excuse spectrum to create this global tyranny which, of course, they wouldn't want. Until people get informed about the nature of these world transformations going on and the excuses being used to impose it and the techniques of perception deception manipulation to get us to see the world in ways that will allow this tyranny to unfold. Unless people have a grasp of that, then they're gonna go on — going against it here but supporting it here.

So, for instance, we have people who will oppose the bombings in Syria but also go on the streets demanding action over climate change to save the planet. And yet those two things, one day oppose, one day support are two masks on the same face.

The background to the United Nations

And one of the things we need to get over is this obsession with the United Nations and the fact that it's some benevolent organisation trying to bring peace and harmony to the planet. I've been exposing the background to the United Nations and the League of Nations that went before it in my books for decades. It's not been created to bring peace and harmony. It's been created as a stalking horse for world government — a stepping stone to world government. And as more and more power is given to the United Nations, that you can see the stepping stone unfolding.

The United Nations is quoted constantly: “Well, the United Nations says this, we must do it.” I watched the debate in Parliament this week over the bombing in Syria and we had people quoting the United Nations, “We must support the United Nations, the UN said this and it's given us the matter...” and all this stuff.

United Nations was created by the same hidden hand that is behind these multiple wars. It was manipulated into place by organisations like the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States which is part of a network of secret and semi-secret organisations which now include the Bilderberg group and others (the Trilateral Commission). And that network is controlled by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families among others.

The Rockefellers were right at the centre of the creation of the United Nations. Indeed, the very building is standing on land donated by the Rockefeller family. Now, do a tiny smear of research into the history of the Rockefeller family and then explain to me how they could possibly have any interest whatsoever in peace, harmony, fairness, justice and equality. But they are behind the United Nations. Now, what organisation is behind the global warming scam? United Nations and its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which is headed, by the way, by a railway engineer who would do the world a lot more good to go mending some tracks or some wagons or something instead of spouting the nonsense that has created this hysteria.

Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

But there's something else. And this is where the connection starts. In 1992, at the big environment conference in Rio de Janeiro, something began called Agenda 21. This is now being updated and agreed by multiple global nations just like they're trying to do in Paris currently over global warming. It's been updated to be called Agenda 2030. Who runs Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? United Nations. And what are they? They are a plan for the centralised control (globally) of everything: all resources, all of society centrally controlled. Do you know what the main excuse for introducing Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 is and create this centralised control? The threat to the planet of global warming that ain't happening.

So when people say to me, “Well, if they're lying about this human caused climate change (of course it's always that bloody climate change — human caused climate change), then what would be the point? Why is it happening?” It's happening because these agendas (21/2030 same thing, different name) are absolutely dependent for their success on changes being made to centralise everything to save the planet from global warming. So they're fundamentally connected and they're all being channelled through the same source, the United Nations.

Now, is everybody lying? No, of course not. Most people that say “Oh, we've got to save the planet” are actually believing the lie. And say, you have a situation, for instance, where Jeremy Corbyn will speak against bombing in Syria. Quite right, but then he'll support action to meet the challenge it says here of global warming which is part of the same global agenda of which bombing Syria is part.

Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases

And lest we forget, carbon dioxide is the gas of life. Without carbon dioxide, we'd all be dead. “Let's demonise a gas of life, shall we?” Without the greenhouse effect which holds heat in and stops it escaping, we'd all be ice lollies. Kaput! It's demonising a process that is essential to life.

And by the way, talking about the greenhouse effect, this is a graph of greenhouse gases. Guess which one is CO2? It's gotta be that one, ain't it? That's CO2 [points at the largest bar]. Oh, it's dangerous, ain't it? That, right up, is the 90% of greenhouse gases is water vapour, clouds and such like. I know, “Let's demonise condensation, let's ban it!” This one here [points at a tiny bar next] is CO2 and the vast majority of that is naturally created NOT created by humans. The scale of the lie is extraordinary and it is justifying a transformation of general society into this tyranny that lies at the end of it.

The correlation between sun activity and earth temperature

Also, these characters go on about “Oh, CO2 is global warming, it's gonna destroy the planet!” Have you noticed, they never mention the sun in terms of heating. I feel in me, although, the sun has an impact on earth's temperature, I just feel it instinctively. You know, I mean when the sun comes out you kind of get warm, you feel that it's got something to do with heat. But they never talk about the sun. And yet, when you look at the graphs of sun activity (in other words, the cycles of power coming from the sun) and earth temperature, they go up together and down together.

There was a group of scientists at CERN, this global centre of physics, who produced a graph showing the almost exact correlation between the penetration of cosmic rays into the earth's atmosphere and earth's temperature and until it kind of leaked out that was being suppressed. That was not allowed to go into the public arena because it showed the lie to be exactly that: a lie.

And ironically, Jeremy Corbyn's brother, Piers Corbyn, a bit of what you might call a renegade weatherman (in other words he doesn't buy the lie), is a staunch opponent of the global warming nonsense. And what does he put the changes in earth's temperature down to among other things? The sun. “He gotta be mad, ain't he? How can he say that? It's ridiculous!

The big picture

So you have this situation where people go and protest against austerity, they protest against the Big Brother state, they protest against bombing in Syria (all of which, you know rounds of applause I say), but then, because they're not seeing the big picture and how it all works (I mean in my last book, Perception Deception which was half a million words, there is a big, big picture) — but if you don't see the big picture, then it will get you somehow. It will pull you in and somehow the people protesting against those things, then they'll go and protest and demand that action be taken against the threat of global warming because they've bought the lie and what's planned is everything they're protesting about elsewhere.

Of course, you know, the Greens (the green parties), they're not going to come out and say: “Actually, we've been mistaken all these years, it's a scam!” And they've got vested interests in global warming being accepted because that gives more credibility to their green politics.

And then you look at the scientists (and yes there are lot of other scientists, a gathering number of other scientists) who are actually saying it's all a load of nonsense (I'll get into them later in this videocast). But these scientists that come out and say it's all true — let's not forget that a study of money spent on saving us from global warming estimated that globally 1.5 trillion dollars is being spent every year on this whole climate change caused by humans' nonsense. And so the gravy train of those that say “Yeah, it's true” is absolutely enormous.

The suppressing of free energy technology

And there's another thing: why is it that the same people who are telling us that greenhouse gases are threatening the future of the world — those same authorities are supporting fracking which releases greenhouse gases? Those same authorities are suppressing free energy technology which people like Nikola Tesla, in the first part of the 20th century, proved to be a fact. Free energy technology that accesses the natural electrical electromagnetic energy fields in the atmosphere all around us and turns it into usable form of power without use of fossil-fuel. Why are the same people going on about global warming and the dangers of it suppressing that? They have been since Tesla was alive.

The facts about temperature records

And another thing : people who are telling the truth do not fix the data because if they're telling the truth, they don't have to. But that is what has been exposed again and again: scientists fixing the data. Remember that whole scary graph called the Hockey Stick they produced where these temperatures went along and then suddenly just at the time they wanted us to believe it shot up? Complete lie! It's been exposed to such. Because what they did was ignore something called the Medieval Warm Period. This was about a thousand years ago when temperatures were hotter than they are now. Now what caused it then? Turbo-charged cars? So the graph would have been like that [hand goes downwards], much different so they've just ignored it, got rid of it. Complete manipulation!

And then, after the Medieval Warm Period, from about 1352 to 1800, we went into something called the Little Ice Age. And during the Little Ice Age, when they had ice fairs on the Thames because it was so frozen over, we also had something called the Warmed Up Minimum. This was the minimum of sunspot activity (activity of the sun) which correlated very, very low sun activity with plummeting temperatures. And so, as we were coming out of the Little Ice Age, that's when they started the records and data for climate information temperature. So when they say: “It's the hottest since these records began”, well first of all, how are you measuring that? And secondly, the records began as we were still coming out of the Little Ice Age so the connection is totally false because of that. And earth temperatures as measured by satellites, etc, have not risen since the 1997-98.

So some facts (facts NOT propaganda):

  • The ice at the poles is not receding. It's been growing recently.
  • Polar bears are not disappearing. Their numbers have been growing.
  • The Maldives Islands, etc, are not disappearing under the sea. Experts in sea levels, one of whom has written 600 papers on the subject (I'll come to him later) has said that in 40 years he has observed no rising of sea levels around the Maldives. And yet you have the Maldives government having a meeting underwater to highlight the fact that they're in danger.

It's a monumental scam to create fear, to create guilt (“What about the children?”), to frighten the shit out of the children, to impose a global tyranny fundamentally connected to what's happening currently in the Middle East. And when people see the big picture and all its elements then we can see the lie.

But until then, people will go on protesting against this partly agenda and calling for that part to be introduced.

Original text by DAVID ICKE transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Belgian Feline Felon Network

Anti-terrorist encirclement operation.
Belgians know how to defend themselves.
SCOOP ALERT to all media!
Exclusive pictures of the operations for sale...

As you know, on 21st November, Brussels was locked down on red terrorist alert. So people have been twitting...

Kudos to our Belgian friends for figuring how to counter the egregore by flooding social media with hilarious pictures. Cats just like them!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Paris Attacks: We Terrify You and Then We Do What We Want

I know we keep hearing about the Paris attacks ever since that ill-fated day while no black cat will ever dare showing its whiskers up anymore for fear of getting lynched by the hypnotised mob turned vengeful by the mind-screwing box and the fake love vibes straight out of the Butt-face's hole. “Piss & love” (in French, “love” means to coil up like a snake) — could it be all that stench actually comes from there? As David Icke pleads in this large excerpt from his latest videocast (available online since 20th November), “WAKE UP HUMAN RACE WHILE IT'S STILL TIME!” And that's quite an understatement. For until then, all the “heretics”, people immune (or survivors) to brainwashing or truth seekers could still be called “conspiracy theorists”. But now, as the facts became blatant evidence, the size of the Statue of Liberty in the middle of New York Harbor (this chosen symbol is not picked at random), there are no such things as theories or conspiracies any more. To think otherwise would simply imply you're no better than these bunches of morons, deluded into believing they're defending their values, their culture, their country, their religion, their god and whatever by slaughtering innocent people before blowing themselves up. Because buying such outrageous and recurring lies would indicate that ultimately our minds are as pliable as theirs and all it needs is to push the right buttons (fearometer and egometer) to get us to do what they want. Giving our freedoms away in order to ensure our (illusory) security will definitely cause the loss of both. It's high time (it's urgent) to drop the “every man for himself” principle before the “all for everyone” strikes ALL of us down. For good. And unlike dystopian Hollywood movies where there's always some brave strong cowboy to save the world, Bruce Willis and his brawny mates won't be there to rescue us from this mess. They say “God save the Queen”, not God save the people.


Hello and welcome to this videocast for subscribers to

In last week's videocast I talked about politicians as actors. Kind of appropriate because what we've seen this past week is a movie. And I'm talking, of course, about what's happened in Paris. The horror is real. The cover story is a hoax. And I'll explain why I say that in some details later on.


I came up with a phrase, a long time ago now, that I called problem-reaction-solution. I was looking for a simple way of describing something they call the egalian dialectic — and it works like this: you want to change society in a way that you can't just openly say “we're going to do this”, because you know you're gonna get an adverse reaction and response from the public. So you just don't say what you want openly. You play problem-reaction-solution.

First stage: you create a problem — covertly, of course, and you get someone to be blamed for it. And once you've created your problem, what you're looking for from the public is a reaction. And in terms of terrorism, you're looking for fear, you're looking for outrage, and you're looking for a public that either says “This can't go on, something must be done” or is, at least, open-minded to the fact that change must take place because of the problem.

At which point having created the problem covertly, got that public reaction, you then openly offer the solutions to the problems you have covertly created.

And that is what has happened in Paris in the last week. And that is what happens again and again with these situations. And if people could only open their minds to the fact that it is possible — say the bloody least — that a force behind governments would create horror to get the reaction and the response so that they could change society in the way that they want.

Now, for the last 25 years, in my books and talks around the world, I pointed out what they — “this hidden hand” wants: it wants a global Orwellian fascist dictatorship where people are controlled down to the fine detail of their lives, where freedom of speech, freedom of movement, all of it, is no more. We're seeing it unfold by the day now, all these years later.

The systematic eradicating of the Middle East

They also want to pick off country after country in the Middle East. I've talked in another videocast and in my books about the list how far it goes back and now they're picking them off: Libya and Iraq and now Syria. And they want to expand across into that across what's know as Eurasia, that great land mass from Europe to China, from Russia down into the Middle East.

And look at what has happened as a result of Paris. As a result of the problem covertly created. We are having extraordinary levels of the Orwellian state being introduced in France. We are having it happening in Britain. They're talking about doing it as a response in Australia and so it goes on. And the idea is to terrify people into giving their freedoms away. That's how this technique works.

We also have a situation where they want to remove Assad — they want to bomb Syria to oblivion as they pick off their list — he delayed them for too long.

And of course, David Cameron has been trying for how long now to get support to have British bombing in Syria. I mean how many do they bloody want? We got the United States bombing in Syria, we've got France, we've got Turkey, we've got Israel when they come and have a go and we've got Russia. I mean, look a the size of the lads, they'll be nothing left. That's the idea!

So as a result of Paris, David Cameron, who was struggling to get support for British bombing in Syria, is now saying “Oh now, after Paris, I'm gonna make a case for it. We must be involved.” And we've got this from a newspaper this week: “WE SHOULD BOMB SYRIA SAY 60% OF BRITONS”. And as it states here: “Mail Poll reveals country's reaction to the Paris carnage”. Problem-Reaction-Solution!

The masterminds

And so we have a situation where we are asked to believe that we have an agenda of what they want to do: bombing in Syria, more and more Big Brother Orwellian state. And a terrorist attack happens in Paris at the right time to push on what they do and what they want. And we're asked to believe that that is all a coincidence.

Before everyone says “Oh well, yes, but there were Muslims involved in all that”. People pointed Muslims out of many Muslims who don't go around with weapons and suicide bombs. But we need to understand how this works. They talk about masterminds: “We're after the mastermind! We killed the mastermind!” I have a question: what do these masterminds always turn out to be bloody idiots? Because they're not masterminds.

I was interested to see an interview this week with a French journalist who had been a hostage of ISIS and a deal was done to get him out. And what he said — he said: “I was with them, I saw them, I interacted with them including this Jihadi bloke”. He said: “We have a phrase in France which is that someone is evil and stupid” and he said : “My experience of this ISIS crowd is that they are more stupid than evil”. Now when you consider the evil that they have done, the level of stupidity he must be talking about. Beggar's belief!

Oh, but these are masterminds, they're orchestrating this terrorism!” This is how it works. It just always works like this. They are absolute outright hoaxes — complete bloody hoaxes. But this is one way that it works.

If you are working for a major corporation, if you're on the shock flow, you're at the bottom rung where the stuff gets done, where the products are made and all that. Then you have orders to follow — instructions to follow — organisation to follow — but you're not deciding that. It's being decided further up — the hierarchical pyramid of the corporation. So you might know the next guy up, you might know even the next guy up from him, but then it suddenly goes quiet. The source of the ultimate instructions just come down from... you don't know. “Oh well, it comes down from higher so we'd best do it”.

Now these problem-reaction-solutions involving people who genuinely will think that they are fighting for Islam and all this bloody idiocy they talk about. And they will play it out. They'll go blow themselves up, they'll go and shoot people. Cause they're morons! But they ain't orchestrating it. They are not the ones who have the ability to block or delay responses or block security so that they can get away with it and actually perpetrate what they are doing without being stopped.

And here's another: we're asked to believe it's now clear, in fact it's been admitted, that staggering amounts of money and arms have been handed over to “moderate” rebels in Syria By the United States and Saudi Arabia — and we are asked to believe that those that have armed these people didn't realise that they were gonna be handed to Isis which is what has happened. Isis is funded, orchestrated and directed not by these moronic masterminds with brains the size of a bloody pea — it's done by the very hidden hand that then says: “After these terrorist events, we must go to war in Syria, we must come together in a coalition of more mutual destruction”.

We are asked to believe that these countries like the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar that have funded, trained and armed these people and directed them, they have no control over them doing the terrorist acts in Paris.

Perception deception

And what we're seeing now is a double whammy. We are seeing the anti being upped to create maximum terror, maximum fear in these societies of the West, France, Britain, Germany, United States to so terrify the public that they will give their freedom away to these psychopaths — I'm talking about the politicians here and those behind them — in fear of not being protected otherwise from what they have been manipulated to fear.

And the other side of this — because what we're talking about with this problem-reaction-solution is in the name of my last book, it's a perception deception.

It's all all the perception deception. You know, if you want to control what people do, what people will challenge and what people will not challenge, then you have to dictate their perception cause their behaviour, their action or non-action comers from their perception of reality, their perception of a situation. So what we're looking at, although we're seeing horrific terrorism, terrific events, it's a mid game. It's about manipulating the perception of the public so that they will act and react in the desired fashion.

Now that perception deception comes from the public accepting the official version of these events. So “Oh yeah do this, we don't want our freedoms taken away but in the face of all that stuff...” The antidote to that is the alternative media — the alternative media that looks at these events and comes from it from another angle and provides a different narrative — a narrative that says: “Actually if you look at it from this angle, who benefits from this ? Who benefits from what happened in Paris”. Well, it's obvious who benefits. Anyone who wants to take freedoms away, wants a police state, wants the army on the streets ans wants to get support for the mass bombing of Syria. Who benefits is as the phrase goes the one most likely to have committed it and in this case, ultimately organised and engineered it.

So what we're seeing in this double whammy, is on one side more and more of these events to terrify people and note these problem-reaction-solutions invariably target places and people where normally people would feel safe. so all these mass shootings in the United States happen in places like schools. You bomb a Russian aircrafts so people get fearful about air travel. You have a terrorist attack in Tunisia on a holiday beach, the people are terrified even to go on a holiday. It's all a mind game and it's all systematic. We'd better get our arses in gear and understand this cause we ain't seen nothing yet otherwise.

The war waged upon the alternative media

So we have the fear and the other side of the double whammy and that is the war that has now been waged and is being waged upon the alternative media to try to silence them, to try to censor them. This week I've been banned for five days by Facebook. And other cases of counter-lies where people have had things sensitive in most outrageous way by Facebook. Go to, see why I've been blocked out for five days and you'll be staggered at the reason for it.

Here's another: we're being asked to believe that even though this is a perception deception, it's about control of information that a giant global communication operation like Facebook and Google are not controlled by this network, this hidden hand that prospers by manipulating perception. Are you having a laugh?

And what's happening is these companies like Facebook led by a bloke in a tee-shirt — “Hey man, cool! I'm one of you!”. Well, the smiley face's starting not to smile so much as the real reason for Facebook comes to light which is control of information and surveillance and others like it.

And therefore, people who care about freedom need to give maximum support to the alternative media which is being squeezed financially by people like YouTube and Google where search engines are being manipulated so the alternative media is not as on display as it could be and censorship in other ways.

We need to bring support to the alternative media for if that goes, there is no other challenge alternative to the official narrative which is designed to sell you a lie.

The indestructible passports

Now another thing about these problem-reaction-solutions like Paris is they have a pattern. People have been importing these patterns for ages. And what you can do now when you hear there's been an attack in Paris — it's happened over this one. People are saying “Okay 1-2-3-4, this what's going to happen next”. And it happens. It's happened in Paris. Let's go through a few things...

First of all: passports. You know, someone said on the Internet this week, something very profound — he was kind be ironic but very profound. He said: “Would people please send me all their passports so I can build a bomb-proof building because these passports appeared to be indestructible. Build a bomb shelter with them!

Let's look at 9/11. After 9/11, you know you saw the planes hitting the buildings and the fire balls — the FBI and the New York Police announced that they'd found one of the hijackers' passport. It's supposed to be in the bloody plane in a place called Vesey Street, right in the middle of Ground Zero where the World Trade Center was. I mean what it synched?

It's a bloody nonsense but it's a perception deception. It's not true. Of course it's not true, it's idiocy. But they're looking for the reaction. “Hey honey, it was a Muslim on them planes, they just found a passport!

And a year later, an independent television crew went to New York doing a documentary on the 9/11 and they asked the New York Police about this hijacker's passport and they were told it's a rumour that might be true. There was a press conference call after 9/11 that said they found it. Why? Perception deception. It's a mind game.

And then we have 7/7, the London bombings in 2005 where one of the people who was supposed to be on the tube train blew himself up with a bomb in his bag — the police found (miracles are to a penny in these problem-reaction-solutions cause they're lying) — they found his passport, his driving license and his mobile phone insurance. Oh sure, it was intact. The guy you want to call it for it. It's absolutely unbelievable!

Before 9/11 or at the time they were saying they found Corans in cars and Corans in hotel rooms where the hijackers were. “It was supposed to be Muslims, they even leave the Corans everywhere they go for!” Mind game. It's not even subtle. It's not even intelligence, but my God, what does that say about people that believe this crap when it's so blatantly false.

The international summits

And then we had this remarkable coincidence that the 7/7 bombings happened during the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland so they could milk it.

And this Paris one happened right on the eve of the G20 Summit in Turkey which was going to discuss terrorism. And where's Turkey? Just over the border from Syria.

The drills

And there's drills exercises. Lot of people might not know this all these years later, but on the day of 9/11, there were exercises in the sky the very same skies where the 9/11 planes came down. There were exercises that were working to a scenario that was exactly the same as what happened including the scenario of a hijacked plane being flown into a building in Washington.

And they have an organisation in North America called North NORAD which is supposed to react to situations like hijackings and they send planes up very quickly. And on 9/11 they didn't of course. It was ludicrously late and feel like the cavalry arrived when it was all over. I've seen the logs of NORAD for that day. I've published them, it's all on my books. And the NORAD response system was completely scrambled by not knowing if what was coming in the reports were the exercises or real.

Why they do these drills in conjunction with the real thing is that allows them to hide the real thing. It allows them to do so much behind the organisation of the drill in terms of 9/11 to scramble the normal response mechanism or hijackings.

The 7/7 bombings in 2005, they had a drill at the same time involving the same stations. Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about!

Mass shootings galore in America, drills are going on either there or close by at the same time.

The Oslo bombing and mass shootings, remember that in 2011 when this guy Breivik — a bomb went off in Oslo and just by coincidence, the Oslo police that day, in that same place area were having a drill — an exercise based on a bomb going off and the drill ended 26 minutes before the real bomb went off in the same place.

Boston marathon bombings drill going on at the same time in the same place.

Oklahoma bombings of the Murrah building drill going on at the same time in the same place. People arrived that morning, many of whom never went home saw the bomb squad around the building before the bomb went off or the bombs as they were.

It's a scam. It's a mind game and they are manipulating your perception so that you give them your freedom and you give them their support to go and bomb, destroy, slaughter more people with brown faces in the name of fighting terrorism.

Wake up human race while you still can!

Original text by DAVID ICKE transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Blink Eyes

As promised in my previous tutorial, I shall try to teach you how to graphically blink an eye from a single still image. For that, you'll need some graphic software (I've used Paint Shop Pro X) and Animation Shop or any other program with which you can create animated GIFs from multiple images. Please note, however, that even though the instructions are simple, this technique is not for beginners as it requires a good mastery of all editing tools. Don't let it stop you in your tracks though for as the saying goes, practice does make perfect.


  • a portrait (human or animal) large enough to work at ease
  • Animation Shop (installation required)


1. Open a copy of your desired picture in Paint Shop Pro. Duplicate layer.

2. Using the Clone Brush to clone some skin, paint all over the eyelid(s) to “close” the eye(s). Now with the Smudge Brush, even it out as show on the capture opposite.

3. Hide the top layer and select the original layer. Using the Freehand Tool raw a selection around the top lashes and promote this selection onto a new layer. Unselect all.

4. Move up the new layer on top and flip it vertically. Unhide the hidden layer (closed eye(s)) and place the lashes on the bottom end of the eyelid(s). You'll probably need to edit out the lash line using the Eraser Tool  to make it fit the shape of the closed eyelid and remove excess lashes on the outer sides and extend it to the inner corner (in red on the image opposite).

5. It doesn't need to look perfect since the closed eyelid will be displayed only very briefly. However, since I've used a close shot, I wanted it to make it look more natural. So I've added a new layer under the eyelash layer. I picked up a light shade on the visible part of the original eyelid and used the Airbrush to spray-paint half of it the eyelid on the new layer starting at the inner corner (in blue on the image opposite). Then I lowered the layer opacity a little bit to “smudge” it out.

6. I've added another layer on top and spray-painted some black over the lashline and the external corner of the eye (in green on the image opposite).

7. Finally, I hid the original layer then merged all visible layers and unhid the original layer. I used the Smudge and Smooth Brushes for a cleaner finish.

8. Now save your picture as a PSP file for Animation Shop (or the warped output as a JPG file).

9. Launch Animation Shop and load your two-layer picture (or your original picture to which you'll import the output after existing frame).

10. Now you need to set duration (ALT+Enter) for each frame. In this example, I chose 200 for the first frame (original) and 7 for the second frame (closed eye).

11. Launch the Optimisation Wizard (via File menu) and choose “Animated GIF File” then click Next. Choose “Best Quality” then click Customise.

Colour tab:
- Number of colours: 255
- Optimised Octree
- Error diffusion

Optimisation tab:
- All options checked

Click OK then Next to start optimisation. Now you can save your animation as GIF file via the File menu.

For the above example (which is part of a larger and more complex picture it took me hours to design) the animation was much easier since I only had to paint the owl's eyes using a light shade of grey. Since owls do not blink like humans, I've used different duration values: 140 (original) and 10 (closed eyes).

Voilà! Now you can blink any eye you wish. Avoid a common mistake with cats eyes as they have two eyelids while the first one closes horizontally.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Clashes in Paris: Injured by Flower Petal, Riot Police Officer Suffers 15 Day Temporary Disability

Paris, Place de la République - Personal drama played out for young CRS (riot police officer) yesterday as he got seriously injured by a flower petal while opposing overtly peaceful demonstrators.

At this point it is too early to know exactly what happened, but police headquarters spoke of “scenes of rare violence” involving several flower petals smashed against the officer's helmet and shield. “We believe that a draught drew one petal into his helmet, tickling his nose or eye.

Either way, the policeman first tried to rub his eye with his truncheon, injuring three fellow officers as well as a dozen protesters in the process before sneezing. “As he sneezed, he fell upon his colleague and the whole column collapsed like dominoes upon a group of demonstrators,” thereby countering rumours of gratuitous attacks against protesters.

The suspicious bouquet holder was arrested and admitted that he brought the flowers in peaceful protest, acknowledging his responsibility for the terrible tragedy unfolding.

For the moment, the policeman is being taken care of by hospital services and should remain under medical supervision for seven days.

His colleagues are still upset and disappointed. “We used to get paving stones thrown at us, now flowers. Cant' you see, all this violence, it's awful,” he sobbed.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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