
I know how much some of you guys do love “crepes”, but I can't always serve the same old originals made in Oxford again and again lest it might go stale — particularly when many still don't get why I add pancakes to each of my graphic designs featuring Radiohead — don't lose heart my friends, the light will eventually shine on you at some point... So, I suddenly remembered that bunch of French clowns my bro had made me discover aeons ago (and unknowingly we had both bought each other their album as a Christmas gift) — this hilarious but talented cover band specialising in spoofing great rock'n'roll anthems. Well, never mind their rather saucy, often poo-and-pee kind of humour, they're such a lark!

There's music playing from the flat next door, but you can only hear the heady notes. That's what the Rolling Bidochons concept is all about,” explains Thierry “Titi” Wolf aka Johnny Ripoux (Rotten in French slang) aka John Lénine (Lenin), the Voice of the Party.

The crazy buggers started tackling the repertoire of the Sex Pistols, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles (“We got sued by Yoko Ono, Paul McCartney and the Lennon boys, but we won. The law states that: "Any work that has been disclosed may be parodied".”), and fellow countrymen Téléphone. They reformed a decade later to record an album of disco classic covers. In between albums, they also took liberties with Radiohead's "Creep" ("Cuite" which means “cooked”), but the result falling somewhat below expectations, I opted for this spoof of Nirvana's "Rape Me" instead.

Hope you have much fun watching this rather well-made video clip which also delightfully mocks up the X-Files cult TV series. The Truth is not Here. Briefly: in a world where pizzas rule, agents Bolder and Skilly of the Pizza Bureau of Indigestion have found a band attempting to prove the existence of a pancake conspiracy. The government sends agents to stop them in their tracks and thus keep the secret undisclosed to the public.


Creperie, cheap creperie
Creperie, I prefer creperies

I'm sick of pizzas — Caper & Anchovy
I'm sick of pizzas — Mozzarella
I'm sick of pizzas — Marinara
I'm sick of pizzas

Creperie, tonight it will be a nice change
From your hellish food, oh please

I'm sick of pizzas — Isabella
I'm sick of pizzas — Roma Special
I'm sick of pizzas — Margherita
I'm sick of pizzas

'Cause of you, I lost my mates
Who can't take your space food
I'm very fond of your freezer
But one pizz' a day makes me sick

Creperie, cheap creperie
Creperie, I prefer creperies

I'm sick of pizzas delivered at home
I'm sick of pizzas always served cold
I'm sick of pizzas, tonight I can't have it
I'm sick of pizzas

Creperie, creperie, creperie...

Titi Wolf, 1996

Chinese whispers: "Mole Holes"

What about spoofing the spoofers? You never know someone might decide to spoof my spoof of a spoof. These lyrics were inspired by a post by a fellow blogger entitled "I'm sick of spies" (in French) which immediately triggered the jukebox inside my head. I would hear Nirvana's music and the Bidochons sing “I'm sick of spies, I'm sick of spies...” over and over again with similar visions as the above clip. The words came easily and I wrote them down without much thought. Now I'm so proud of this baloney of mine, I thought I ought to share it with you!

Moles, moles — so noxious
Moles, moles — so despairing

I'm sick of spies — so pathetic
I'm sick of spies at bay
I'm sick of spies at home
I'm sick of spies

No moles, I'm gonna blow'em
No more, the hell with'em

I'm sick of spies — Obama
I'm sick of spies — CIA
I'm sick of spies — NSA
I'm sick of spies

'Cause of them, I'm hiding in a hole
For they're lurking everywhere
You might think I'm paranoid
Well, I'm fuckin' freaking out

Moles, moles — so noxious
Moles, moles — so despairing

I'm sick of spies tracking me
I'm sick of spies, help me
I'm sick of spies, oh my
I'm sick of spies

Moles, moles, moles...

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Eclipse

Once upon a time there was light in my life,
But now there's only love in the dark.
Nothing I can say —
A total eclipse of the heart.

"Total Eclipse Of The Heart", Bonnie Tyler (1983)

For those of you who couldn't get up to enjoy the total eclipse of the super blood moon last night, here's a glimpse of what you've missed. I'm a bit disappointed, though, that it wasn't any redder, that my camera couldn't zoom any further (not intended as a telescope), and mostly that it was so cold.

In line with those “symptoms” I wrote about yesterday, in her latest article entitled "Transition" (available in French only), Laura Marie claims this last eclipse scales new heights in the great energy wave of awareness that overcame us this month — the initial outbreak took place at the end of 2012 heralding not “the apocalypse of the end of the world unlike in Hollywood's continual attempts to condition the human spirit to manifest disasters in his reality nor the future of the Earth, but rather the sign of the end of the world as we knew it until now: submersed in the gloom of ignorance and unawareness. As when confronted with emerging consciousness, the powers that be can no longer maintain their supremacy.

In particular, she explains something that some may still regard as cloudy precepts, but which to me is now an undeniable reality: “We are coming to recognize the immediate consequences of our thoughts, either positive or negative. The new energy on Earth helps us manifest everything going on in our minds even faster than ever before. Any time we focus on a negative thought, we immediately see its negative reality becoming manifest in the physical world. Any time we focus on a positive thought, we immediately feel the physical change within our bodies and what is being created before our very eyes in our outer reality. Only those who are still soundly entrapped within their pure old 3D mental beliefs cannot realise yet that they are creating every single moment of their reality.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Bloody Harvest

I don't know whether more crimes will be committed on this harvest full moon, but one thing for sure, tonight at 2:48 GMT, we shall definitely witness an extremely rare astronomical phenomenon: a super red moon combined with a total lunar eclipse that will not happen again until 2033 (the last one took place in 1982). And as if that wasn't enough, astrology-wise, this event involves both karmic axes represented by the lunar nodes and the dark moon.

When the “equator” Sol has made his way,
And measures time to equal night and day;
O'er all earth's regions shine his genial rays;
Her poles' extreme may see his radiant face.

The Old Farmer's Almanach (1809)

Super Blood Moon

As we all know, contrary to legends and folklore, the moon doesn't shine. It looks so because it is reflecting light from the sun. Unlike the “Blue Moon” phenomenon which has nothing to do with a change of colour, there are few situations that can cause the moon to turn red, hence its poetic given name of “Blood Moon”.

The most common is when the moon is low in the sky, just after moonrise or before it's about to set below the horizon. The second can be caused by some particles in the air such as those you get after a forest fire or a volcanic eruption. The third actual and more dramatic reason is when the moon is eclipsed by the earth (passes into its shadow). Only the red part of sunlight will pass through the earth's atmosphere and get reflected off of the moon giving it its bloody rusty-red colour.

On this occasion, the moon appears to be about 14% bigger than usual because it is at perigee (at closest distance from earth on its elliptical orbit) — the autumnal equinox happened five days ago. Please note that astronomers prefer using the term “perigee-syzygy” over that of “super moon”.

A tetrad of total eclipses

Tonight's lunar eclipse is the last of a tetrad comprised of four total eclipses happening in a row at six-month intervals. The first three occurred on 15th April 2014, 8th October 2014, and 4th April 2015.

Italian Astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli calculated that the occurrence of such tetrads varies over centuries. Some 300 year intervals have several lunar tetrads, while other 300 year intervals do not have any. For example, the years between 1852 and 1908 did not have any tetrads, whereas the next 3 centuries will have 17 tetrads. (Source)

This phenomenon is expected to last 5 hours and 10 minutes and should be visible from most parts of the globe where it will be dark (too bad for Australia and the Pacific zone).

It will start entering the penumbra at 00:10 UTC/GMT. As it penetrates the veil of darkness, the lunar disc should gradually be losing its healthy glow to assume a greyish hue. It will take about 56 minutes to get fully draped into semi-darkness. It should start passing through the Earth's shadow at 01:06 UTC/GMT. This will be the beginning of the partial phase. As its still illuminated part dims to a thin crescent, the moon will take on a dull but subtle shade of grey. (Source)

One more end of times prophecy

Some people believe that the tetrad has special significance because the eclipses coincide with important Jewish festivals (Passover in April and the Feast of Tabernacle in September-October). They suggest it may be connected to the biblical prophecy mentioned in the book of Revelations (6:12): “When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale.”

The idea of a “blood moon” serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written “the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.

Around 2008, [American pastor Mark] Biltz began predicting that the Second Coming of Jesus would occur in the fall of 2015 with the seven years of the great tribulation beginning in the fall of 2008. He said he had “discovered” an astronomical pattern that predicted the next tetrad would coincide with the end times. When the prediction failed, he pulled the article from his website, but continued to teach on the “significance” of the tetrad. (Source)

Another pastor, John Hagee later seized on Biltz' prediction to write Four Blood Moons, which became a best seller upon release in the spring of 2014, thus attracting mainstream media attention.

Karmic full moon

Full moon in the dirty sky,
That's all we can hope for:
Full moon over dirty hearts.

"Full Moon Dirty Hearts", INXS (1993)

Astrology-wise, this over-amplified, magnified super full moon will occur at 4 degrees on the Aries-Libra axis also conjuncting the axes of the Dragon (lunar nodes) and of the Dark Moon (all fictional points on the orbital ellipse of the moon around the Earth). Regardless of any end of times prophecy, there is no doubt that some karmic release is about to happen somehow.

This eclipsed full moon highlights aspects of our lives that must be dissolved. It should also help us integrate and receive the unknown as we're letting go of the past. (Source)

I don't know about you, but I have personally started to acutely feel its effects at an emotional level. For the past week, I've had many vivid dreams and my intuitive perceptions are at their highest. Not to mention my mind which seems to take in both details and overviews with incredible ease and at unprecedented levels (hope it stays that way!). Probably because this full moon coincides with a lunar return on my birth moon (to its exact degree in Aries), forming harmonious aspects with my karmic axes (almost exact degrees as well), and soon to be followed by my annual solar return. Beware, upheavals ahead: don't piss me out tonight lest I should turn into a werewolf!


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: NASA/Johannes Schedler


Wild Wild West

This time, on the occasion of the autumn equinox, I shall spare you the invariable pictures of acorns and fallen leaves without forgoing those flaming red colours I love so much (I'm an autumn girl). More of a personal hint — rather like a finger pointed heavenward — at this imported cowboy ultimately turned Crocodile Dundee. Watch out for the boomerang though, you never know when it's coming back. Good luck!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Employment

It looks like Argentina has an abundance of unknown talents. The animated cartoon below was awarded by a hundred international animation festivals circa 2008. Its story without words doesn't need any with such strong images and most extreme caricature of appalling accuracy. Some food for thoughts to set the records straight for those who still might believe “that's life”. For my part, any further comments would be pointless.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Proof That the Mainstream Music Industry Is Completely Fake

In case you were still wondering why so many talented musicians never manage to break through or get quickly dropped by the music industry (and there are unfortunately more than a few in such case I've known personally), this should undoubtedly provide you with food for thoughts in addition to any reasonable doubts you may have. As for deniers (those who do not believe in “conspiracy theories”), here's the unequivocal proof that those who've got something amiss in their heads are definitely not the ones you mock.

Do you have no soul?
It's like I died long ago.
Your lips feel warm to the touch,
You can bring me back to life.
On the outside you're ablaze and alive,
But you're dead inside.

"Dead Inside", Muse (2015)

As I wrote previously on the main blog in French regarding how the media manipulate our self-image via consistent photoshopping of the pictures/videos of models or celebrities, the following shows how further beyond the delusion goes. One may simply wonder if there's any piece of authenticity left within “poor” Britney Spears once all the artifices have been removed. Her soul? Unfortunately, it's very unlikely she's still got one.


In this day and age, it doesn’t take much for a person/song to become popular in a short period of time. It seems that anyone on the planet could get behind a microphone in a studio and make a hit song. Why is this? Because vocals are tampered with, songs are written by a team of professionals instead of an artist, and all it takes is a person, talent or no talent, to complete the project.

Apart from that, a young woman could be giving a major performance completely naked (and doing all sorts of ‘vulgar’ things onstage), and it would seem completely normal. This is something we’ve seen recently at multiple major performances, and it represents something far from art…


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Bring On the Night

As I was just saying yesterday and as I often say and will again, I love the night. The night and the stars have always been sources of inspiration and fascination for me. Into either darkness or moonlight, everything takes on a whole new dimension both so mysterious, ominous and exciting. A whole world wakes up while another falls asleep. At night, all polarities are reversed. Every limit, every boundary gets obscured, and oddly enough, everything becomes clearer. This wonderful song by Jim Guthrie is sheer bliss to me. It's so exhilarating I'd nearly play it for hours. I know I'm not the only one and hope it'll be the case for you as well. At least, those of you who've never been curious enough to listen to the playlist of the Soft Spots section (available on every page of this blog) which features an alternative version of this track by Tom Batista whom I'd like to thank for introducing me to this song and also because his cover is even better than the original, especially vocal-wise. One can really feel how much these lyrics mean to him.

For information, Jim Guthrie, the original singer and songwriter is a Canadian musician from Toronto. In the course of his twenty-year career, he's recorded about as many albums with three different bands and as a solo artist. He's also composed music for TV ads and video games , and has scored multiple films.


Drawn into this mystery
Another sunset
Let darkness wash over me
Starry wonder

Try to
Find you
Close by
Moon sky
Comes back
To you

Anticipation grows
As the day turns tomorrow
Into the great unknown
Get lost
When the sun don't shine
What's yours
What's mine
Find out
What we already knew
We like darkness
Dark blue

Cover version by Tomas Batista

Original text by JIM GUTHRIE
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Far away,
The ship is taking me far away,
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care
If I live or die.

I will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life.
I don't know
If it's worth it anymore.

"Starlight", Muse (2006)

Bits and pieces here and there... those who of you who have been following me for sometime now may have easily understood that Muse amuses me, Muse is my muse, and that their hit song "Starlight" does brighten up my darkest hours (click on the above link to listen). Like the Elves in Tolkien's Silmarillion who worshipped the starlight, I enjoy laying on the grass in summer, gazing at leisure at the starry heavens — despite the vicious bloody assaults of Satan's musketeers that nothing including holy water (lemongrass) ever seems to repel. Maybe there's a guiding light for mosquitoes up there in the skies? In such case, I won't stop chasing it until the end of my life to send it into a supermassive black hole: “ Our hopes and expectations, black holes and revelations...

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Shops Told They Have to Offer ‘Tap-and-Go’

The war on cash is a war on freedom. I have been warning about the cashless society for decades — it's a massive trap. When all cash is gone, how do you buy anything when the computer says “no” to your digital money? EXACTLY — THAT'S THE IDEA!

David Icke

At the time of renewing my debit card last year, I received a letter from my bank informing me that it would now come with the so-called added contactless facility enabling payment without entering your PIN code, and that it would come all “free” with no extra fee to my annual subscription. In that letter, it was also stipulated, in small print, that in accordance with legislation, I had a couple of days to decline the new offer. Of course, I had no intention of accepting such a measure as I could sense the mega trap it would lead to. The fact that everybody has donated their brains to evil facilities doesn't mean I'm going to act against my own conscience. So, immediately upon receipt of this notification, I went to my local branch to request a new card without the imposed cashless facility. Only I was told it was too late for that as the card had already been edited. I had to get it destroyed and order a new one! Last but not least, the lad at the counter said I would be charged two subscriptions but my account would be re-credited later with the extra fee plus the whole period when I would be unable to use my card on pro rata. Another devious means to make money at the expense of customers. Our accounts may not yield interest (or so little), multiply a couple of euros by the number of people banks screw up this way and it quickly amounts to millions if not billions of euros. And it's perfectly legal. Holy s***!

Where’s the truth? What’s the use?
I’m hanging around lost and found
And then you’re here, innocent
Fat chance, no plan
No regard for human life

"The Daily Mail", Radiohead (2011)

The article below, reposted from David Icke's website, actually comes from the Daily Mail which is Britain's second best-selling daily rag after The Sun. No surprises it merely delivers the NWO propaganda in plenty with unsubtle keywords galore.


Contactless payment points could be compulsory in every UK shop within the next five years. Every British retailer will have to offer the tap-and-go system in a move that may also spell the end of £5 minimum spend rules.

Shops will continue to accept regular card payments but under new rules introduced by Visa and Mastercard shopkeepers will be forced to provide a contactless payment method by 2020.


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The Cashless Society Is Here

Original text by TED RALL


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