Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

I just could not throw in some cheesy Xmas songs. This song, which will do for New Year's eve as well, was written in the midst of the Vietnam War and was inspired by an international peace campaign launched by the Lennon-Ono couple in 1969 in several big cities around the world. Very popular in the UK since Lennon was murdered, it is now regarded as a mainstream Christmas standard. The Alarm released this cover in the early 1990's. On the video below, they perform it on TV with the Welsh choir they used on several tracks of their Change/Newid album available both in English and in Welsh. Nadolig llawen!


So this is Christmas and what have you done
Another year over a new one just begun
So this is Christmas I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones, the old and the young

And so this is Christmas for weak and for strong
For rich and for poor ones the road is so long
And so Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one without any fear

War is over if you want it
War is over now

So this is Christmas for black and for white
For yellow and red ones let's all stop the fight
So Happy Christmas and what have you done
Another year over a new one just begun
And so Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one without any fear

War is over if you want it
War is over now
War is over if you want it
War is over now

War is over if you want it
War is over now
War is over if you want it
War is over now
War is over if you want it
War is over now

Original text by JOHN LENNON
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


From the Hollow of a Thousand-Year Old Oak Tree

From the hollow of a thousand-year-old oak tree known as the King of Limbs, came out one day 2+2=5 pretty smart and well learned elusive musical creatures who delighted the world with their magical creeps made from a secret ingredient no one has ever identified yet. Upset at their delicacies being consumed as mere bangers and mash without even considering the remainder yet much tastier, they began to sulk, then got the bends, and ultimately felt let down like some poor homesick subterranean aliens as they were. Running away from the idiotheque that made them want to disappear completely, they were first struck with amnesia, suspended in limbo for a while prior to going down into their burrow to get away from hunting bears, narrowly escaping a wolf at the door — that same wolf which ate little red riding hood's granny plus the three little pigs and passed myxomatosis onto them. Little by little, they became feral again, feeding exclusively on lotus flowers. Meanwhile, all over the world, down was the new up and karma police was about to blow out. By no means, the ruthless magic of Christmas (violins) created a spatio-temporal flaw (harp) large enough for the reluctant surprise-hating creatures packed like sardines in a crushed tin box to get sucked down (drum) into some wacky pensieve (maracas) where they got dressed up willy-nilly in those ridiculous costumes (trumpets) to wish you a joyeux Noël, feliz Navidad, fröhliche Weihnachten, zalig Kerstfeest, Buon Natale, Feliz Natal, god jul, Wesołych Świąt, veselé Vánoce, boldog karácsonyt, Nadolig llawen, С Рождеcтвом Христовым... that is a merry Christmas to everyone!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A Christmas Tree

This Christmas tale was the very first story published by Charles Dickens in Household Words, the national weekly magazine he edited in the 1850's and which took its name from the line in Shakespeare's Henry V: “Familiar in his mouth as household words.” It's interesting to note that the popular serialisation of literary works initiated by Dickens in England was revived in our time by Stephen King when publishing its Green Mile novel in six instalments of a hundred pages each, with no idea of how many episodes he would have to write and how the plot would go.

I have been looking on, this evening, at a merry company of children assembled round that pretty German toy, a Christmas Tree. The tree was planted in the middle of a great round table, and towered high above their heads. It was brilliantly lighted by a multitude of little tapers; and everywhere sparkled and glittered with bright objects. There were rosy-cheeked dolls, hiding behind the green leaves; and there were real watches (with movable hands, at least, and an endless capacity of being wound up) dangling from innumerable twigs; there were French-polished tables, chairs, bedsteads, wardrobes, eight-day clocks, and various other articles of domestic furniture (wonderfully made, in tin, at Wolverhampton), perched among the boughs, as if in preparation for some fairy housekeeping; there were jolly, broad-faced little men, much more agreeable in appearance than many real men--and no wonder, for their heads took off, and showed them to be full of sugar-plums; there were fiddles and drums; there were tambourines, books, work-boxes, paint-boxes, sweetmeat-boxes, peep-show boxes, and all kinds of boxes; there were trinkets for the elder girls, far brighter than any grown-up gold and jewels; there were baskets and pincushions in all devices; there were guns, swords, and banners; there were witches standing in enchanted rings of pasteboard, to tell fortunes; there were teetotums, humming-tops, needle-cases, pen-wipers, smelling-bottles, conversation-cards, bouquet-holders; real fruit, made artificially dazzling with gold leaf; imitation apples, pears, and walnuts, crammed with surprises; in short, as a pretty child, before me, delightedly whispered to another pretty child, her bosom friend, "There was everything, and more." This motley collection of odd objects, clustering on the tree like magic fruit, and flashing back the bright looks directed towards it from every side--some of the diamond-eyes admiring it were hardly on a level with the table, and a few were languishing in timid wonder on the bosoms of pretty mothers, aunts, and nurses--made a lively realisation of the fancies of childhood; and set me thinking how all the trees that grow and all the things that come into existence on the earth, have their wild adornments at that well-remembered time.

"A Christmas Tree", Charles Dickens

Have a good read!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Whole of the Moon

I pictured a rainbow
you held it in your hands
I had flashes
but you saw the plan
I wandered out in the world for years
you just stayed in your room
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon
The whole of the moon...

You were there in the turnstiles
with the wind at your heels
you stretched for the stars
and you know how it feels
to reach too high, too far, too soon
You saw the whole of the moon

I was grounded
while you filled the skies
I was dumbfounded by truth
you cut through lies
I saw the lone empty valley
you saw Brigadoon
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon

I spoke about wings
you just flew
I wondered I guessed and I tried
you just knew
I sighed
but you swooned
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon
The whole of the moon...

With a torch in your pocket
and the wind at your heels
you climbed on the ladder
and you know how it feels
to get too high, too far, too soon
You saw the whole of the moon
The whole of the moon...

Unicorns and cannonballs, palaces and piers,
trumpets, towers and tenements
wide oceans full of tears
flags, rags, ferryboats, scimitars and scarves
every precious dream and vision underneath the stars
You climbed on the ladder
with the wind in your sails
you came like a comet
blazing your trail
too high, too far, too soon
You saw the whole of the moon !

Original text by MIKE SCOTT


How to Morph Photos

The morphing technique is often used for special effects in motion pictures but also to create holograms. Why not use it to created unconventional animated GIF's out of static images? There are many applications available to do this. I've chosen Sqirlz Morph because it's a freeware and it's doesn't hog resources. Besides its ease of use and the quality of the output immediately won me over. Unfortunately, like Sqirlz Water Reflections introduced previously, it only runs on Windows (XP/Vista/7/8?), but the good news for Linux users is that it also runs fine on Wine. To install, unzip the archive then double-click on the extracted EXE file (you might need to have administrator's rights).


  • two or more similar (or not) portraits of people/animals with the same dimensions and background
  • Sqirlz Morph


1. Launch Sqirlz Morph and open a copy of each picture you wish to include (green folder icon on the top toolbar or File - Open menu).  In order to reduce the size of the animation, I advise you start with resized pictures according to the what you intend to do with the output. Even though the program will offer to resize the final animation, it will thus save a lot of system resources and speed up processing.

2. Click on the first image you wish to start with to select it. Use the green cross-hair in the left side toolbar (or Control Points - Add menu) and click wherever you want to add a control point. You need to add these according to the common features between both pictures as they will serve as guidelines to morph from image 1 to image 2.

3. Select the last picture. Use the black arrow on the left side toolbar (or Control Points - Move menu) and click on any control point to move it to the correct position (see capture below — the control point in image 2 is circled in image 1 so that you can adjust its position).

4. Once all the control points are set and in synch, click on the inverted dotted triangle in the top toolbar (or Morph - Period menu) to specify the number of frames you animation should have (I've used the default value which is 20). You may click on the yellow arrow to preview your animation. For this picture, I've selected Reverse and Mix1 in the Morph menu. If your pictures are too large, you may choose to resize them automatically upon processing (Morph - Resize on Saving menu).

5. Now let's save the animation as an animated GIF (you may also chose to save it as an AVI or Flash file or to save frame individually to use with another image editing program. Click on the GIF icon on the top toolbar (or Morph - Make GIF File menu). A dialog box will open requesting a filename and output filepath. Then you'll need to specify your desired framerate (animation speed). For this example, I chose 20 images per second. Click OK to start processing.

NOTE: Since I was not pleased with the smoothness of the resulting animation, I've change the duration of some frames with Animation Shop.

The above two examples are not really morphing. I must stress I haven't cheated and none of the images used come from existing videos or animated GIF's. For my lips, I've checked One Way rather than Reverse (Morph menu) and changed the duration of the first image only (there are two). For the sexy guy, I've applied the same processes as for the cats except it turned out to be more difficult to find the correct control points because of the 90° head rotation and several attempts were needed. In order to get the most natural movement with only two individual pictures, I absolutely had to change the duration of some intermediate frames.

As you can see, this program is very easy to use and the only limit is your own imagination. The only risk you take is to be overwhelmed by the quality of the output. So have fun, morph all the way!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Common Types of Dreams

Nothing is off its limits in the dream state. We are open to experiencing all levels of self, all fears, frustrations, suppressed images, unknown territory, visionary insights. We will become more comfortable with all dream images when we learn to welcome them, whatever they are as symbolic messengers of self.

There is not such thing as a bad dream symbol. The most grotesque or frightening dreams have the most positive insights once they are worked out. Remember, dream images are just trying to get your attention, so do not resist them. Seek to recognize the insight so you can move on to more joyous awareness. Many people have the following common types of dreams.


A dream known to most all of us is the nightmare. It is one of our most valuable teaching dreams because it shows us a fear that has been blown way out of proportion or something we have suppressed that is affecting us negatively. Often we do not remember the happy dreams. But the frightening ones will make more of an impression and we will be more inclined to work them out.

For example, a man had a recurring nightmare that a large rat was eating away at his neck. He would awaken screaming and clawing at his neck to remove the rat. Upon analysis, he discovered that the neck represented the throat chakra. He was not verbalizing his needs, and the suppression was gnawing away and resulting in self-destructive behaviors. The rat was an insecure part of self that was betraying him. We must always nurture the inner self, taking care to verbalize and express what it is that we want and need. After he began to take assertive steps to resolve these problems both at work and in his personal relationships, the rat dream no longer continued.

Disaster Dreams

Whether earthquakes, flood, fire or tidal wave, a disaster indicates a sudden change in some area of your life. A flood means an emotional upheaval and an earthquake means a big rearrangement in your affairs. They usually indicate turning points or opportunities to take advantage of a new direction.

Sexual Dreams

Sex is a big part of many dreams, and usually has little to do with the literal meaning of intercourse. Usually it indicates learning to balance the male and female polarities of our being. Remember that each one of us is both male and female, manifesting itself in a particular body.

To have sexual intercourse in a dream represents a merger of energies. If having intercourse with a man, it is a merger of masculine energies within the self; with a woman it is a merger of female energies. If you are a female (or male) and dream of making love with another female (or male) you actually know, it represents taking within the self qualities you associate with the particular individual. Making love with a member of the same sex usually has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Also having intercourse in a dream with a member of your family does not indicate a desire for incest. If making love with your father or mother, it represents a merger of wiser, nurturing qualities of the masculine or feminine self; with a son or daughter, an integration of the more childlike or youthful qualities of self. Remember all persons in the dream are an aspect of you.

A sexual dream accompanied by an orgasm may indicate a need to release and balance physical energy, and this is a way the body has of restoring equilibrium. We must remember that we are physical, sexual beings and this part of the self needs to be honored.

Costume Dreams

If you find yourself in a costume, it usually represents a past life. It may be that a problem you are facing now was the same one you were dealing with in another time and place. Remembering and understanding the dynamics of the costume dream will help you gain a perspective on whatever is presently confronting you.

Direction Dreams

The direction in which you are traveling indicates whether you are on the right track. If you are going up in a dream — up a mountain, up a road, ladder, staircase, elevator, whatever, you are going in the right direction. If you are going down, it is the wrong way. If you are going both up and down, your energy is scattered and you need to get centered. Going around in circles speaks for itself. If you are going on the right, you are following the path of intuition and guidance. To the left is the intellect and reason.

One man asked if he should participate in a conference and got a dream showing him riding on a down escalator, so steep that he had to heave his briefcase in front of him in order to hold on. Wrong direction, not in support of his study and projects at hand. Another example: a woman was considering the purchase of a certain automobile. She was shown the car sitting down at the bottom of a hill, and she had to walk down crowded streets to get there. She did not buy the car, and a much better offer came up within a few days.


Flying dreams are great fun, and usually mean you are consciously out of the body. If you can gain control of a flying dream you are free to go anywhere you like. You may think yourself in different places in time/space and instantly be there, or you may transcend dimensions. If you are flying around and then start losing altitude or think you are going to crash, it simply suggests that you have a fear of exploring higher dimensions and breaking out of limits. Try again the next night.


If you dream you are falling, you are probably having a bad landing coming back into the body. We all leave the body at night. If you jerk as you are dozing off, it is a bad exit. If you wake up and cannot move or talk, it means you are half in and half out of the body. We cannot move until we are totally in. Think yourself down to your feet. This will ground you.

We leave the body at night, or transcend physical awareness, to be taught and trained. The physical or third dimension is illusion; the dream state is reality. Through meditation and working with dreams you will never fear death as you will experience the fourth dimension and be as comfortable there as you are in the third dimension here.

Obscene Dreams

Nothing in a dream is obscene once you understand the meaning. Nothing is meant to insult you or offend you, but to get you to look at a level of self or limitation that you have avoided. Work it out and usually you will find a great deal of humor behind it.

Recurring Dreams

Like a movie rerun, there is a message you are not seeing. Recurring nightmares mean that you have not dealt with a particular fear. Recurring fence or barricade dreams mean there is a limit you imposed upon yourself that you have not yet recognized and removed. These are most important to write down and work out. Once you get the message they will stop.

Snake Dreams

Snakes frequently appear in dreams, and are power symbols. They represent the kundalini energy, or life force. One woman dreamed that a snake entered her lower body and moved up through the body trunk to the throat. The snake stuck in her throat, and she started choking. She awakened horrrified. At first glance this does seem a bit unnerving, but actually it was a perfect explantation of what was happpening in her life. The kundalini power is housed at the base of the spine. So the snake enters her body and begins to move upward. As we awaken energy it moves up through the various chakras. Her energy was flowing well until it reached the throat center, and there it stopped, causing choking. She was blocking energy in that center, and not verbalizing her needs and feelings. She was choking off communication because of fear and a poor self-image. This dream explained that her inner power was alive and well, and through releasing the blocks in the throat center by verbalizing and not suppressing she would get past present limitations in relationships with others.

Money Dreams

When you dream of coins or dollar bills, it represents changes coming into your life. Small coins, small change. Lots of bills, big changes.

Toilet Dreams

These dreams concern how well we are taking care of our inner garbage. Are we letting go of unneeded thoughts and experiences? Are we releasing the past so that we are able to live fully in the present? Difficulty in elimination or constipation indicates suppression. Diarrhea suggests forced elimination whether ready or not, and we are out of control in the process. A stopped up toilet means you are not releasing, flushing out negativity and wastes.

I had a dream with three stopped up toilets sitting out in the open. This was letting me know that I had to clean up my act mentally, physically and emotionally. I was now aware of things to do, priorities to establish, because the toilets were totally exposed for all to see.

Blood and Guts Dreams

Blood in a dream means loss of energy. If you are being stabbed, note the area of the body and check the corresponding chakra to see how you are losing energy. If you are being murdered or are murdering someone else, you are killing off a part of the self. This may be an aspect no longer needed, or a part that you are failing to nurture that is still valuable to self-growth.

Death Dreams

A death means the ending of the old and making way for the new. A death seldom means a literal death. Rather it suggests the dying of a part of self necessary in the process of growth and regeneration. It may also mean you are dead inside and need to awaken feelings and sensitivity. So check carefully the symbols in the dream to get the message.

Chase Dreams

If you are being chased, or trying to run away from something, you are avoiding looking at a problem. If you cannot get your legs to move or are moving in slow motion, you will soon have to confront the fear you have been avoiding. When you are being chased, you are putting yourself through unnecessary anguish and pain. Remember to turn around and confront whatever aspect of self is chasing you, make peace with it, and the drama will end.

Original text by BETTY BETHARDS from de The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding


The Cat and the Sun

The cat opened its eyes,
The sun came in.
The cat closed its eyes,
The sun stayed in.

That is why, at night,
When the cat wakes up,
In the dark I catch a glimpse
Of two pieces of sunshine.

Maurice Carême, l'Arlequin

A grunge digital scrap page based on a recent poor photo (shot behind a window) of my friend Meow during one of his unexpected visits. I just converted the picture to greyscale and applied a vignette effect with soft light and a mask for hand-drawn borders. The remainder was obtained with various brushes including eye recolouring.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Grey Piercers

Flowery Floréal (20 Avr. - 19 May) outpaced by the chromatic
cheekiness of this sweet rebel exposing its heart to the early breeze.
Wheezy Vendémiaire (22 Sept. - 21 Oct.) outshone by the
peaceful blaze of this young stallion-to-be.
Sneezy Brumaire (22 Oct. - 20 Nov.) frozen at the sight of this
beautiful late traveller busy wiping off the ravages of greyness
from its iridescent feathers.
Freezy Frimaire (21 Nov. - 20 Dec.) surrendering to the
grey-greening of this insatiable golden-winged greenhorn.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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