Olympics Opening in Paris: Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Do not be discouraged by the abhorrent Satanic ritual the entire world just watched for the opening of the Olympics. This was a massive red pill for the normies who believe people like myself and YOU are “crazy” for accurately stating the world is run by an elite group of pedophile Satanists. Also, the ceremony highlighted a decapitated Marie Antoinette. She was the Queen of France who infamously told the peasants: Let them eat cake! Now what was her fate? She was executed for treason. Make no mistake: What Satan has meant for evil; God will use for good. As disgusting as this entire blatantly Satanic performance was, I find high irony they chose to highlight Antoinette who, I will say it again, was executed for treason! This is incredibly symbolic in a very bad way for [them] that WILL bite them in the ass very soon. God will NOT be mocked! So, thank you — you incredibly foolish and arrogant cabal Satanists for putting your evil on full display. It’s undoubtedly waking up countless normies. This will only help prep them and the world for what’s coming: Treason’s Greetings! You fucked around, now you find out. Keep the faith and remember — Nothing can stop what’s coming, period!

Original text by LIZ CROCKIN


La Pensine Mutine Is Relocating

Following last month's announcement about Eklablog's “forced” migration to Overblog's servers — with a switch to all-pay functionalities to modify themes and HTML/CSS codes including even more ads (such as an intrusive podcast player that goes off unexpectedly and that you cannot block) — I have finally decide to relocate to… Blogger!

Yes, Blogger: Google's platform, but the only one allowing so much for free and without imposed ads. And I have to say, it's pretty well done. It's a wonder why I didn't create the Pensine directly on Blogger in the first place. I guess I had preconceived ideas about Google and the ugliness of all the blogs I knew on this platform didn't help. Clearly, content should always prevails but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

That said, if Webedia's idea of being smart is to take over competition to better ruin it (Canablog, Eklablog, etc.), they may have a hard time with Google :D

In the meantime, Overblog's migration tool — soon to be implemented on Eklablog and which I've tested with test blogs both on Overblog and Wordpress — is totally inoperational. Which is tantamount to holding our contents hostage. So I've decided to roll up my sleeves and take action migrating my contents manually, copy-pasting HTML code, which should take weeks or even months, but I've got no other alternative.

So as from today, I invite you to follow me on Blogger, where I'll be posting all my new contents from now on.

I've already transferred all my posts for 2024 and shall continue gradually in reverse chronological order. So you'll still be able to read older posts on Eklablog (even after the migration, provided it goes smoothly) until they get transferred to Blogger. Eventually, la Pensine is bound to be removed from Eklablog, but it'll be a while as this titanic work won't be completed overnight.

Please, note however that redirected excerpts from other won't be transferred except those with added value such as lengthy introduction or additional notes. You may still have access to those on the French blog, clicking on the credits link at the end of each article.

As for existing comments and guestbook, I'll see what I can do, but they're likely to get lost. RIP related articles too since all links will change and it would take forever. But as you'll see, it's much easier to find your way around archives and categories on the new platform.

Here we are, this relocation opens up a new chapter for la Pensine Mutine, which will celebrate its 11th birthday next month. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Blogger. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Especially when you see what becomes of Eklablog!

See you on Blogger on 28th July for a new post as usual.

Thank you for your diligence and let's keep the adventure going.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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The Panther of the Lake

It's almost Halloween. On this occasion, I intended to repost an article by Alanna Ketler about what black cats actually symbolise and ...

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