The Hut on Fire

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© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Jingle All the Way!

Jingle bells,
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

"Jingle Bells", Frank Sinatra (1957)

By dint of hearing bells jingle all the way, Tinker Bell has mutated into the Mad Hatter, singing "Brother John" on top of her head—the latter, by chance, remaining firmly screwed into her neck in spite of the darts and fits of the Queen of Hearts, stubbornly obsessed with being a pain in the neck and getting the head of anyone above and below daring to stand up to her. Could it be that her heart has lost its reasons that reason itself ignores? No one knows. And if no one gets it, it means everyone's lost it. That's quite devious, I admit, but never mind, it's a big deal. And at the end of the tale, damn the cost, the Royals don't count. Whatever the fat death knells alarming all the way may say, on the day of the Three Kings, we shall omit the trinkets. End of the line.

Merry Christmas everyone!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Celebration of Light

Actually, I had planned to publish a totally different video today, but it would appear that it was meant otherwise as, in the last moment, I was literally guided to that simple yet wonderful text by Lulumineuse. Every stage went so smoothly: reading, translating, finding the right pictures and music — everything felt effortless as if I had an invisible team supporting me. And on the shortest day of the year, what could be more relevant than this reminder to reconnect to our own inner light.

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!Ey@el

The celebration of light invites each being to delve deeply into their own light. It is a symbolic celebration to remind us that light does exist within us and and can be the key to find the meaning of life.

Wherever this celebration is held, lights shine brightly, illuminating the streets, houses and hearts. They remind us that even in our darkest hour, there is still a glimmer of hope to be found within. We just have to look for it, to dig deep within ourselves to find this inner light which is our true essence.

Only by reconnecting with our own light, we may illuminate the shadows that lie on our path. It requires courage, perseverance, and faith in ourselves. For finding the meaning of life cannot be done overnight, but during an inner journey, through the profound exploration of our being.

Delving into our own light, we may also enlighten others. We become beacons in the dark, providing warmth, solace, and guidance to those who cross our path. The light we share with others is contagious. It can ignite sparkles of life, hope, and joy in those who need it.

The celebration of light is thus an invitation to embrace our own light, to let our true essence shine and illuminate the shadows which cloud our path. It's a reminder of the beauty and power within each one of us. So, let's delve into our own light to illuminate the world around.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


3 Unexpected Ways to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Life Path Number

To find what your life path number is, you need to calculate it. It's a very simple operation: simply add up all the digits making up your birth date. Then reduce the resulting number by adding up its digits again to get a number between 1 and 9. In case you get 11, 22 or 33 which are master numbers, take note as explain in the article below, then reduce to 2, 4 or 6.

Let's take the example of someone born on 7th January 1976.

Their life path is:
7+1+1+9+7+6 = 31

To get a number between 1 and 9, we need to add up (reduce) again:
3+1 = 4

Note that some master numbers might be hidden (such being the case for me) and will only appear if you add up your birth number verticallly as below:

+      1
+ 1976
= 1984

After further reduction, we get:
1+9+8+4 = 22

22 is a master number with the vibration of number 4 (2+2) with the essence of double 2. No need to do the second calculation if once reduced, the first gives you something other than a 2 or a 4 that might reveal a hidden 11 or 22.


So you’ve found out your Life Path number!

You’ve been handed the key … It makes a lot of sense, but … what next?

What do you need to DO with this number, to align the path you are currently walking with the one you’re supposed to?

Like a lot of stages on the journey to awakening, the very first bolt of lightning is often the most exciting, but staying on the path, and continually taking steps to fuel and nurture evolution is where a lot of people lose their way. But not this time!

Here are 3 essential ways to unlock your Life Path, and use the wisdom of this power-filled number to find true purpose and alignment in your life!

1. Get intimate with your Archetypes

The energies that flow through numbers can also be described through archetypes, and if you’re serious about getting to know your numbers, you’ll need to make friends with your archetypes.

Archetypes are universally recognized expressions of particular types of energy, and are woven throughout our history, mythology, culture, and our everyday lives. The psychologist Carl Gustav Jung identified 12 basic types, and he believed that these existed in the collective human subconscious, manifesting to a lesser or larger degree through each of us.

Some of the most common archetypes are the Hero, the Rebel, the Mother and the Lover, for example, but there are literally hundreds more, as the main ones all contain many sub-aspects that have their own particular characteristic and traits.
The job of numerology is to bring our archetypes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. And by doing this, you can begin to see the many strengths that they have to offer you, as well as the challenges too.

Below are the main archetypes associated with each number:

The list isn’t exhaustive and may contain archetypes you don’t recognize in yourself, or miss some that you do. But we’re all different, and this is the magic of life!

  1. Warrior, leader, pioneer, King, Queen
  2. Lover, diplomat, peacemaker, intuitive, innocent
  3. Child, artist, creative, muse, inventor, dreamer, jester
  4. Architect, creative, builder, planner
  5. Magician, explorer, seeker, wanderer, pilgrim
  6. Mother, caregiver, lover
  7. Mystic, dreamer, visionary, philosopher
  8. Manifestor, King, Queen, influencer, mentor, professional
  9. Server, expert, scholar, advisor, philosopher, academic

The archetypes contained in the master numbers are connected to the numbers they reduce down to AND the number they’re a double expression of, though on a higher (spiritual) plane.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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