Time Is Going Through a Pole Shift

The ancient yogis recognised that the Cosmos has emerged out of the Godhead and that, at some point, it is again withdrawn back into the Godhead. The force of the outflowing of the energy from the Source in God is called the Pravritti energy and the force that withdraws it back again is referred to as the Nivritti.

And you notice these terms both have the suffix of “vritti” which is thought. Because they recognise that the entire Cosmos is a thought in the mind of God. It never actually leaves the mind of God.

It is simply a thought that develops itself into its fullness of all its symbolic implications. And then when it has fulfilled its complete potentiality, it returns to itself. And although the cosmos from within that thought seems to last a huge amount of time, it's an instantaneous thought. Because God is beyond time.

But the Pravritti energy that is the energy of expansion, the energy of life and growth and development — and you could say even conquest, just as in history the conquests of the empires that then lose their energy and begin to die and lose their power.

And now we are at the end of that final empire that is in an exhausted state that is global.

The power of life has been exhausted and now it is the Nivritti energy; the energy of death, of destruction; the energy of the winter season of time; the energy of the Return.

It is a moment that for those who are still within the property wave will feel very disappointing very hopeless very much like they have lost their mojo, their capacity to remain in sync with what needs to be controlled and guided.

But now everything is in chaos. The power of concentration has been lost by most beings and there's a complete distraction and dissipation of mental energies.

And so the yogis said that when we come to the end of time you will recognize it by that dispersion and chaos, by the loss of Dharma; the loss of coherence; the loss of goodness, of purity; of all that sustains life; all that sustains culture; all that makes life worth living. So that then the death drive can take over in a way in which people actually want to be free of the pain and suffering of a meaningless life — a life which no longer works; a life which no longer has juice; a life which no longer has that power of magic; a life in which the miraculous aspects of reality have been deadened because the soul has lost its power by having come under the control of the robotic ego.

And so it is robotic artificial intelligence that takes over at the end when human intelligence is exhausted.

But it's at that moment that the yogis have planted the seeds that will awaken their own being in their final lifetime to take that Nivritti energy and use that as their fuel and propulsion, letting go of the Pravritti desires and intentions and giving all of their energy to the surrender — to the return to the Godhead.

And then, suddenly, there is great power because this is where the Ark of Time is headed. And now you can ride the wave instead of trying to flow against the current of what Time is teaching and leading us to.

And if you are aware of that and can surf the Nivritti energies, then you will find that this is the most blissful and auspicious moment in all of history. Because we are approaching the Godhead again in full consciousness, so that we can return to that Ultimate Reality and be that God's self while still embodied and be able to bring the energies ever higher in the Ascension back to the Godhead and lead the wave of those Energies and guide them and Shepherd all of the Lost Souls back to that Supreme Source from which we have come.

And by recognizing it as a blessing, as the ultimate realisation of goodness and of the source of life itself, then we recognize that this is the moment of renewal in which death and rebirth are together.

But if we are not willing to die to the Pravritti ego, then we cannot ride the Nivritti souls yearning to return to God and we will be in conflict with ourself.

And in that internal conflict and resistance between the ego and the soul, there will be ever more agony and even more karmic suffering because the screw has to turn to such a level that you'll want out, that you'll want freedom from the bondage that life has become.

And you'll want freedom from The tyranny that the world has become. You'll want nothing more than to return to that God Consciousness, to the Kingdom of Heaven and produce another kind of dream of beauty and goodness and joy that has been completely lost from the world.

But to do that, there must be a one-pointed and absolute surrender to that source of all goodness and love and life. And the perfection of that presence that without that life becomes impossible and becomes one nightmare after another.

And so once we have attuned to the vibrational frequency of the Godhead that is attracting us with electromagnetic energy back to its own Heavenly Essence, then life again becomes beautiful and the Kingdom of God is present Here and Now.

And you are able to see it because you will see with the eye of Shiva — no longer with the egoic perspective but with that understanding that we are shifting from time to Eternity in order to regain the power of creation.

Original text by SHUNYAMURTI transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Red Army Blues

When I left my home and my family,
My mother said to me:
“Son, it's not how many Germans you kill that counts,
that's how many people you set free”.
So I packed my bags and I brushed my cap,
And I walked out into the world.
Seventeen years old, never kissed a girl.

I took the train to Voronezh –
That was as far as it would go,
Exchanged my sacks for a uniform,
Bit my lip against the snow.
I prayed for Mother Russia
In the summer of '43
And as we drove the Germans back,
I really believed God was listening to me.

Then we howled into Berlin,
Tore the smoking buildings down,
Raised the Red Flag high,
Burnt the Reichstag brown.
I saw my first American man
And he looked a lot like me.
He had the same kind of farmer's face,
Said he came from some place Called Hazard, Tennessee.

When the war was over,
My discharge papers came.
Me and twenty hundred others
Went to Stettiner for the train.
"Kiev!" said the Commissar
"From there your own way home".
But I never got to Kiev.
We never came back home.
The train went north to the taiga.
We were stripped and marched in file
Up the Great Siberian road
For miles and miles and miles and miles,
Dressed in stripes and tatters
In a Gulag left to die,
All because Comrade Stalin feared
That we'd become too westernized!

I used to love my country.
I used to feel so young.
I used to believe that life
was the best song ever sung.
I would have died for my country
Back in 1945.
But now only one thing remains:
The brute will to survive.

Mike Scott, 1982

About this song

This song tells the story of a Russian soldier in World War II who is part of the conquering Red Army, which took Berlin in 1945 to defeat Hitler. When he returns home, instead of a hero's welcome, he is sent to a gulag to die, as Joseph Stalin fears he and his fellow soldiers, having mingled with Americans and other Europeans, will spread Western ideals.

The song is based on two books: The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer (1965) and The Diary Of Vikenty Angarov by Victor Muravin (1978). The first is from the perspective of a German soldier while the latter is an account of a Russian soldier:

These two books were very inspirational to me, and so I wrote the song. And I remember my girlfriend at the time was a huge Roxy Music fan, and one of her favorite songs was 'A Song For Europe,' in which Bryan Ferry sang, “Jamais, jamais, jamais” at the end of the song. So, I nicked that chord sequence, devised this lyric based on these two books[…]

I was highly inspired and every time I went to the end of a verse, I wanted a real killer line, like, “Seventeen years old, never kissed a girl”. That wasn't from the books. That wasn't from 'A Song for Europe.' That was from my heart. So, I wanted a killer line at the end of each verse to really pique the listener there.

~ Mike Scott

It's interesting to note that Mike Scott changed the lyrics on many occasions to adapt to his live audience. This way, in Germany, he won't say 'Germans' but 'Nazis' to mark the difference.

Also, in recent live versions (and on the official website), in the first verse, hte mother says: “It's the number of Germans you kill that counts, go set your country free”.

Mike Scott explains the reason why:

Years after this song was released I received a letter from a Russian man who said every word of the song was true except the line “It's not how many Germans you kill that counts, it's how many people you set free”. He told me “people went to the war to kill Germans”. I realize that when I wrote the song I allowed youthful idealism to distort the sense and truth of the song with an out of context pacifist sentiment. I have now changed it.

Here's another live version I couldn't make my mind whether to pick up over the one I finally decided for, in which Steve Wickham's magical violin replaces Anthony Thistlewaite's captivating saxophone.

There's also this remastered version with choirs that stir up your guts:

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A Ukrainian Seeking Peace

Never mind territories. It's not important. What matters are human lives.


Nikolaï was born in Ukraine in the late 1980's when it was still part of the Soviet Union and grew up there surrounded by his half-Russian half-Ukrainian family. A couple of weeks ago, he was approached by Sud Radio, a French mainstream radio station, to share his story and view of the situation in Ukraine, which he did in a much unbiased and apolitical way. However, with War is Peace being the new normal, some powerful vested interests sent out their minions to do the dirty work and the video was quickly deleted. A very stupid move that resulted in the video going viral in French-speaking countries. Now, if you truly stand for Peace, you can do the same with this dubbed version in English with embedded subtitles for the hearing-impaired. You don't have to be pro-Poutine nor pro-Zelensky — just pro-Life. Please, share this video.


Bourdin Invites a Ukrainian Who Is Seeking Peace

J.J. BOURDIN: Let's hear more on the war between Ukraine and Russia. A year of warfare with this account from Nikolaï who lives in Bastia. Good morning Nikolaï!

NIKOLAÏ: Good morning Jean-Jacques! Good morning to all your guests!

J.J. BOURDIN: Thank you for joining us, Nikolaï. Let me sum up… Correct me if I'm wrong : You are Ukrainian. You were born in Dnipro in 1987. 1987, that was during the era of the USSR. You came to France in 2002. Half your family is Russian, the other half is Ukrainian. How's this war like for you?

NIKOLAÏ: Well, listen… it's exactly as you said. Very, very weird. For even today, being in touch with my family… one side is very… Actually, it's amazing because of how they hated Zelensky just before the conflict began. Now they're rooting for him. And the other half, who also lives in Ukraine, is even afraid to speak on the phone for fear of being sanctioned by the SBU… you know the political police you get during wartime.

J.J. BOURDIN: Yes, political police you get everywhere else by the way.

NIKOLAÏ: Exactly.

J.J. BOURDIN: On the Ukrainian side, huh?

NIKOLAÏ: Exactly.

J.J. BOURDIN: Your Russian side of the family… I mean your Russian family, are they still living in Ukraine?

NIKOLAÏ: Yes, yes, of course. Especially since my family is on the eastern side. You know, really on the border of the trouble areas of Donbas where the conflict initially started.

J.J. BOURDIN: Oh yes, okay… So obviously, they are afraid to speak out. And the other Ukrainian family who was… but I've had several accounts supporting that… they were anti-Zelensky and are now of course rooting for the Ukrainian power because they are patriots.

NIKOLAÏ: Well, no. Not because they are patriots! I'm sorry because, at some point, as soon as the conflict began, all opposition parties in Ukraine were banned. All the TV channels that kind of offered an alternative to the ruling power have either been closed or co-opted by the Ukrainian power. You have to take that in consideration as it didn't happen just like that. Then, overnight, Zelensky became an angel whereas he was one of the most corrupt guys in the world. And he was featured in the Pandora Papers. I don't know how a criminal, a Mafioso suddenly came out as a hero,
while actually he's just a clown who was brought into office by very powerful Ukrainian oligarchs such as Kolomoyskyi.

J.J. BOURDIN: No, but Nikolaï, you're contradicting yourself!

NIKOLAÏ: Er… in what way?

J.J. BOURDIN: You're saying that all your family was rooting for Zelensky. Are they or are they not?

NIKOLAÏ: They are NOW. They are now because all day long they are being subjected to state propaganda with no other option.

J.J. BOURDIN: But are they for that reason or rather because they condemn the Russian invasion?

NIKOLAÏ: Well, they do condemn the Russian invasion, of course, since Russia had been presented to them as the absolute aggressor with no other option.

J.J. BOURDIN: Wait… so according to you, Nikolaï, they condemn Russia because of how it's been presented to them? Not because they're getting bombed?

NIKOLAÏ: Well, that does obviously help! The thing is, when you get bombed, most of the time you don't know who's shooting. You're hidding in a bunker or a basement and you're scared. Then you watch the news to hear who's been shooting at you. Are we told the truth? I leave it to the discretion of newscasters.

J.J. BOURDIN: Okay. Nikolaï, do you want Russia to invade your country?

NIKOLAÏ:  No, I don't want Russia to invade my country. I want this war to end as soon as possible. I want Zelensky's government to be held accountable. For let's not forget the crimes committed in Donbas. There were so many and they're still being committed. I wish there were negociations. I want Ukraine to reembark on the path to democracy, namely that we get back to the polls to elect an new government to put a more balanced team in place. Because, at some point, in Ukraine, we had forces… you know, you also have the far right in France. We know what far right forces are like… Well, in Ukraine, we have the same thing. It was a very small group of nationalists and, at some point, they got propelled at the highest levels of power in a way… er… brutally and they did things that resulted in the current situation we're in that got the Russian-speaking population to be repressed.

J.J. BOURDIN: The current situation does not result from this. The current situation is because a country has invaded another.

NIKOLAÏ:  No, of course, the current situation pre-dates that. You know… you are French, you must know Montesquieu? Sorry, on one hand you've got the war makers, but those who are ultimately responsible are the ones who make war inevitable.

J.J. BOURDIN: Yes, it's sadly true. I do agree Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  We totally agree. The situation in Ukraine has escalated over 8 years ago.
And today, with the Russian capital actually being located approximately 300 kilometers away from the Ukrainian border, Ukraine's position to become pro-NATO was clearly not sustainable for Russia. Vital interests were at stake. Remember the Cuban crisis where it's all very simple. When the Russians tried to install missiles in Cuba, look how the United States responded. They nearly set the world ablaze.

J.J. BOURDIN: No missiles were ever installed in Ukraine to threaten Russia. No Western country ever said that they aimed at invading Russia. None did, Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  Invading Russia is just not possible! However, putting them at a competitive disadvantage, that's another story.


NIKOLAÏ:  That's another story. There is one more thing I would like to say : war is wrong. And in politics, there are no good guys and bad guys. There are only interests. That's it. And here, one country's vital interests have been targeted and turned into this fratricidal warfare. For they are brother nations. And what's going on in Ukraine greatly upsets me.

J.J. BOURDIN: I can understand…

NIKOLAÏ:  And I just want to say that the role of the West… why I will not accept it? Because today, by actually sending weapons to Ukraine, by supporting Zelensky and further impelling him along the war path — and yet, that's changing now — they make my Ukrainian brothers today actually being mobilised and butchered in Bakhmut and other places where they get slaughtered for whose's interests? I wish we could regain peace. Never mind territories, it's not important. What matters are human lives.

J.J. BOURDIN: Yes, human lives matter on both sides, my dear Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  Of course. Of course.

J.J. BOURDIN: Russian soldiers too are being sent to the front, often with obsolete equipment as you know it, Nikolaï. They are being slaughtered too. Well, Nikolaï, I will have to cut this conversation short for we have another topic at hand. Less concerning, but all voices are good to hear and all voices are being heard in here. You know, I'm absolutely committed to that. Anyway, thank you for calling, Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  Well, thank you for your invitation and peace be with you all!

J.J. BOURDIN: Thank you very much.


Original text by NIKOLAÏ transcribed and translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Controllers of the Matrix

I hope you can take a moment to view and like this less than 3-minute long short clip which took me approximately 160 times longer to make, researching video and sound materials, creating subtitles, editing project, applying effects, colour calibration, mixing audio, and uploading… regardless of Pexels servers that kept crashing and significantly delayed the completion of my project. Phew!

We're so used to have such a wide access to quality videos galore (I tip my hat to all the talented content creators out there) that sadly, we tend to trivialise all those, often failing to realise the generally enormous amount of work involved. While some are lucky enough to have a substantial audience allowing them to fund their hours of work from donations, many don't. So thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel and sharing my videos to encourage me to make some more. I have turned off comments as I can't afford to moderate trolls and haters on multiple platforms, but you may still drop a comment here or on my Crowdbunker channel which automatically uploads any video censored by YouTube. Besides, some videos haven't been uploaded on YouTube in direct anticipation of algorithm response.

By the way, I would like to notify you that my second Twitter account (created for the late Projet Eklabugs) has also been permanently suspended on totally arbitrary grounds i.e. the stated reason didn't get everyone suspended. There really is a double standard depending on your country of residence. It looks like Elon Musk hasn't drained the swamp yet in Macronia. Since my visitor count has significantly dropped ever since, if you have a Twitter account, you may help by tweeting the links to my latest blog posts.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support,


The Controllers of the Matrix knew about the true nature of this reality and how the Universe works, and they used it against humanity.

They used it all to control us: black magic, mind control, manifesting, spell-casting, siphoning energy, manipulating frequencies, and on and on.

They want you afraid, disempowered, broke, separate, desperate, locked-down, confused, disconnected, angry, and divided.

The only rebellion is to refuse to be any of those things.

Your science will not tell you because it has been manipulated.

Your books will not tell you because they have been burned.

And your internet will not tell you because it is censored.

They knew how real it is, how powerful it is but they branded “spirituality” as woo-woo, airy-fairy, unattainable, and cheap to keep us looking the other way.

They made you think you are small and insignificant, when the truth is you are far more powerful than your wildest dreams.

And they hid this truth from you, because the moment you realize that you are powerful, that you create your reality, you can no longer be controlled.

Original text by ASHMI PATHELA
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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