What Is an Egregore?

Initially, an egregore is a thought taking shape no matter what it's about. This thought-form then combines with a similar collective thought and merges together, attracting 10, 100, 1000 other similar thought-forms until it becomes an energy entity.

An egregore is generated by a powerful group mind. When many individuals focus together in the same way on the same thing, they create joint energy. We have all experienced the stimulating effect of sharing an exciting project or a significant moment, whether it's good news or disaster.

So what kind of egregore are we going to create?

All our loving or angry thoughts will create such flow. It's up to everyone as to what they should develop in their world. Many people focusing on a same issue as we're experiencing right now, create a egregore of anger and frustration. Still, it generates even more negative energy, attracting dark thoughts while keeping it alive.

Let's create fixing egregores — egregores that lead us through distressing situations. Let's send light rather than mist to humanity.

Yes, everything is falling apart. Yes, it's neither simple nor easy to live with, however we cannot hope to find inner peace while remaining in such negative mass mind.

Let's create egregores of joy, love, peace for everyone. This is the only way for us to get out of the current crisis. The more energy of light we build up, the quicker darkness will go away, and the sooner we break with transmitted fear, the more peaceful our lives will be.

Original text by MONIQUE DAMEL translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Five Swords of Mercury

As if confusion and disinformation had not reached their highest point yet these days, now we got Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, going retrograde today — and that until 3rd February. Just on time for the New Year of the Water Tiger and Great Reformer Pluto moving into another sign (after 20 years) along with the lunar nodes of Karma. For more information about Mercury's annual retrogradation periods, you may read this article reposted in 2018. For now, I just wanted to share with you Shasha Marchetti's thoughts and the brief exchange I had with her on Instagram about a recent card draw she did, using a deck her father illustrated. I am a big fan of Ciro Marchetti and actually own several of his oracles as I find his illustrations way more inspiring than the traditonal ones (Tarot of Marseilles, Lenormand, Kipper). And I'm especially fond of his Oracle of Visions with its keyword-free cards allowing intuition to run freely.


The Five of Swords. Overall not considered to be a particularly positive card. It is often related to conflict, to winners and losers in a situation. The particularly negative side of this card can be that it brings a “win at all costs” attitude. If we were all existing on a battlefield, swords drawn, then yes — perhaps that is a situation that justifies such a mindset. But at this time in the world, the most common form of conflict is the verbal kind. And it is a bit harder to justify “going for the jugular” during a modern day argument that is (most of the time) not exactly a life and death situation.

I found it interesting to pull this card (usually connected with Aquarius), when Mercury (the planet related to our communication and how we express ourselves/verbally interact with others) is in Aquarius. Rather than focus on the negatives of this card, it seemed like exactly the right time to analyze how we interact with others in these situations. And to realize that we need to ask ourselves if these arguments and the potential “wins” are really wins at all? We need to approach tensions and issues with others with the airy, objective, detached, mental approach of Aquarius. We need to choose our battles. This is not to say that we should ever hold back what we think or the need to stand up for ourselves. We are entitled to express our thoughts and be assertive when we do. We just need to be discerning in our approach. We need to be sure that we can do so without the need for low blows or shady, underhanded behavior. If we need to cheat, sneak, insult or deceive to attain our win or prove our point - we are not winners. It is ok to sometimes be the loser, walking off the battlefield feeling defeated. It is better to be a loser with some integrity than an undeserving “winner”.

When there is an argument or conflict that has taken the turn into fighting dirty — nobody wins. Everyone suffers, everyone is worked up, everyone is upset. Winner or loser, you both partake in an unnecessarily negative interaction. For what? Why engage in such heightened emotional dramas and exchanges that trigger the worst sides of us? Even the winner, after throwing daggers left and right is now stuck alone on the field, picking up the mess he’s made and potentially cutting his own hand in the process. Or at the very least left with the knowledge that perhaps what they’ve said or done was not right. Knowing they do not genuinely deserve this “win”. You should not be content or satisfied by an ill gotten victory. To be so only shows denial and that you do not believe yourself capable of winning any other way. Which by default is a bit loser-y in itself, no?

We are all guilty of wanting to be “right”. Maybe even truly believing we are. Either way, it is still not worth it.

Let this card remind you that you do not always have to win (or partake in the conflict at all). RELAX. And when the battle is unavoidable, be sure to engage with integrity. Win or lose.

Note: This is not meant as a general description of this card, but my interpretation of it at this moment in time and what I think can be learned from it.

pensine_mutine : 100% agree. Just for information, after using the traditional tropical zodiac for decades, I recently felt guided to experiment with the sidereal one (with a different ayanamsa than Hindu astrology uses, i.e. the Galactic Center as reference point rather than artbitrary fixed stars) and so far it is, in my opinion with charts studied, much more accurate. This way, Mercury is currently in Capricorn which goes well with the energy of the Devil [card] where one needs to cut through layers of illusion and go beyond what meets the eye in their communication and thinking. Just my opinion and feeling, but I thought it would be worth sharing if anyone would like to experiment.

ciromarchetti.art : Thank you for sharing. Very informative and interesting. I have also recently started to explore more into various systems and I think it is very useful to take the time to dabble in them all, see the similarities and differences of what’s “going on” from each one's point of view or reference. Never ending ways to interpret it all and always something to gain! - Sasha

Original text by SASHA MARCHETTI

Cover picture: Ciro Marchetti


Our Reality Is a Simulation

Burn like a slave,
Churn like a cog,
We are caged in simulations.
Algorithms evolve,
Push us aside and render us obsolete...

"Algorithm", Muse (2018)

We can go into the nature of the force that's behind this global cult. The force that these satanists in the global cult worship in their rituals. I looked and met so many people around the world in different cultures and looked at what the cultures say and what the legends say, what the accounts say and again and again you're seeing a non-human force being described as a manipulator of human society and it seems to take a reptilian form. Not only a reptilian form but that seems to be the dominant force the one that's really calling the shots.

But then you can go deeper and you can say “Well, it doesn't matter whether we're looking at something that's human or something that's not human that's reptilian, that's one of these greys.” It doesn't matter in the foundation of it all because how that form if you like behaves is dictated by its perception. So what we're looking at, at the bottom of this rabbit hole, is a state of perception. And I've been talking about a mind virus for decades. A mind virus that's manipulating human perception and directing human psychology.

Much more recently, I came across the concept in the native American arena, the description of a mind virus which they call Wetiko —at least the Cree tribal group do. I read about Wetiko and I thought this is exactly the mind virus I've been writing about. It's a state of consciousness that's incredibly distorted and inverted, that's why it inverts everything. And if you look at the word EVIL it's the word LIVE written backwards. That's very appropriate because this Wetiko consciousness which drives these reptilians and this global cult —which drives your Gateses and your Faucis and your Klaus Schwabs— is an inversion of love.

In fact, my definition of Evil is the absence of Love. You take Love out and you've got Evil. You put Love in and Evil is gone. And so it sounds trite and simplistic, but it's not. It's profound. The answer to Evil is not more evil (what you fight you become), it's Love. And what we've done —and it's been systematically distorted on purpose— is lost the meaning of Love. We now connect in the human expression of it, love with attraction. Part of it can be attraction. It can be a physical attraction, but the love I'm talking about is is well beyond that. Love is that which connects us to outside this madhouse which I say is a simulation actually to that which drives the vast overwhelming majority of infinite consciousness, infinite possibility.

What's happened is that humans have been manipulated into a fake reality simulation (think Matrix) that has sought to disconnect us, to separate us from that enormity of Love. And what is Love? Love is all that is, has been and ever can be. Love is all possibility. Love is all potential. Love is that which says “I will always do what I know to be right and I will not think about consequences Because to think consequences will be to consider not doing what I know to be right. I'm doing what I know to be right because I'm coming from love.

Love through this heart vortex is how we connect with the Great Beyond outside of this mind prison which is what it is —this simulation,  this matrix is a mind prison, a perception prison. And the whole idea is to stop us making that connection to keep us separated,  to hold our point of attention and our source of perception in the five senses and the immediate subconscious around the five senses. The idea is is to isolate us in the five senses and then to program those senses with a version of reality. So that version of reality (perception) becomes one which allows the force of control to control to its heart's content because you can't see literally beyond the end of your nose when you're in that state.

If you look at how the five senses decode reality, they can see only certain frequencies that we call form —we call solidity. They're not really, but they appear to act to the five senses. But in between the form, the five senses see empty space. They don't see anything else. So everything's apart from everything else to the five senses,  it's the only way it can see the world. Whereas when you expand your awareness out of the five senses, you start to realise that everything's connected. There is no empty space, but between or that which the five senses perceives as empty space, is actually consciousness —awareness, like one vast conscious wifi field connecting everything. And we are interacting with it, it's affecting us and we're affecting that just like fish and sea life are swimming in an ocean. The ocean is that which connects everything but they don't want us to realise that we're part of one massive infinite whole dominated by love beyond understanding of what love is.

They want us to think that we are simply irrelevant, powerless individuals, apart from every other individual, apart from every other expression of life like the trees and the air and the natural world in general. So that we are operating as merely one isolated computer system if you like, when we're actually all connected.

They'll say no one can see us,
That we're estranged and all alone.
They believe nothing can reach us
And pull us out of the boundless gloom.
They're wrong...
They're wrong...

"The Void", Muse (2018)

Original text by DAVID ICKE transcribed by Ey@el
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Beginning of the End

Conspiracy theorists are annoying because they're often right and in the long run their theories tend to turn into hard facts. So I was definitely not mistaken when I warned you that 2021 would be much worse than 2020; that humanity would be split in two; that there would be a parting of the ways; and that we would ALL be forced to make a choice. A crucial decision we had to take willy-nilly, even though some already regret giving in to the demands or listening to the sirens' song which promised them they could have their (much loathed) old lives back.

If only the majority could step back and take an unbiased look at their own logic to see how incoherent it all is... this macabre farce would cease immediately. We could then start building a new world on sound and fair foundations, which would be nothing like the one we left behind. For after biting its own tail for so long, the Snake eventually ate itself.

The Talion Sleeps Tonight

Running around in circles,
Feeling caged by endless rules...
Free me! Free me!
Free me from this world,
I don't belong here,
It was a mistake imprisoning my soul...

"Explorers", Muse (2012) 

The Ouroboros, this symbol of infinity actually represents the wheel of karma perpetuated by the enforcement of the Lex Talionis Law, trapping humanity into an endless cycle of cause and effect. Imagine serving a life sentence inside a washing machine or a centrifuge? Which of the chicken or the egg... How coincidental 2022 looks like a family of swans trailing a gigantic egg!

An eye for an eye is only a feature of the weak as it takes a lot of courage (heart) to forgive (yourself more than anyone else). Forgiveness has, of course, nothing to do with condoning. As for the false sense of impunity frequently invoked by the unreliable autopilot (ego) to justify his dismissing the guidance of his air traffic controller (soul), it is nothing other than a deliberate programming error meant to prevent us from taking off, leaving all excess baggage behind.

The ego is totally unaware of the Universal Laws of Life. The Law of Cause and Effect supersedes the Law of Free Will. In other words, you are free to choose, think, believe, say, decide and do whatever you want, but you are also fully accountable for all your choices, thoughts, beliefs, words, decisions and actions.

Reality is not limited to what your five senses perceive and thus you are mistaken and deluded if you think impunity does apply to some people. In truth, no one knows what it's like to be in another person's shoes. There's always more than meets the eye. You can never know for sure what's happening behind closed doors. The Great Whole moves in mysterious ways and we are all holders of its Truth but in tiny different fractions just like the many pieces of an unfinished jigsaw puzzle.

While arrogance may cause you to hit rock-bottom, humility will uplift you above the highest mountains.

The Allegory of the Mirror

You certainly didn't fail to notice that all values have now been inverted and that the lunatics have taken over the asylum. It's normal. That's the split-up I was talking about where some chose to walk through the looking glass while others didn't. Hence each party believes their reality is the real one and that the other is inverted. How do you know which side of the mirror you're on then?

Well, that's pretty simple: you just take a few steps back. The fake reality won't allow you to step out of the box to see beyond the mirror's reflecting scope. Conversely, in the other reality, you are only limited by your desire and ability to take the necessary steps back as far as you're willing to go. While the first provides a narrow perspective which keeps shrinking (single worldview), the latter keeps expanding. The only way to escape con-fine-ment would be to smash the mirror, but since it's a mental metaphor of Hawkins' vibratory scale (as shown opposite), you'll have to raise your vibration to ever hope to get out of the fly trap.

Can you see now the real stake of this war of attrition waged against humanity and which takes place in our minds rather than in the battlefields?

Gaining perspective is essential if you want to avoid becoming what you fight and falling with the invisible enemy.

The Year of the Planetary Ascension

When a human being embraces Love on a purely emotional level, they become slaves to their own torments and may dread the good times on account of their transient if not disturbing nature. They are more concerned about what could go wrong or amiss than committing to instant gratitude. Control reassures them and happiness becomes a perpetual quest, keeping them away from the Light of the Now.

In the world unfolding before us, some need to embody the present so as to make it thrive in bliss and newfound Light. While others will have to cope with their own inner prisons until the day when they can look within as an initial glimmer of infinity.

No one can remove the inner barriers of their brothers and sisters, but you can all deeply inspire those around you. Not by pointing at the beacon in the night, but by embodying the Light of the beacon. Just like a sun only offering its luminous presence, the immense aura of which impregnates every being.

You can't pull at a flower to make it grow faster. But you can create and nurture the conditions for it to bloom.

26 Dec. 2021

Numerology-wise, 2022 is a universal 6 year of responsibility, love and service, while the triple twos and the zero of infinity amplify the need for cooperation. Number 6 corresponds to the Lover (or Crossroads) card in traditional tarot and “becomes the principle of conscious choice, the awareness of the bounds we build from experience and grow to better our involvement and learn useful lessons in the light of our own needs. [...] Love in all its diversity and multiplicity will become the unifying link.”(Source)

22 is a master number related to the Fool (or Jester) card which represents evolution, “the principle of freedom and truth standing as the culmination of a stage to start a new equally progressive one. Everything moves in circles along a spiral to push us towards new experiences so as to learn their inherent truth. Learning and the desire to know will be essential to whether you follow your own star or chase your tail without ever risking or daring to venture into the unknown.” (Source)

A new year beginning with a moonless night (new moon tomorrow), the third and last historical show of strength between Saturn and Uranus, and Pluto the Great Reformer moving into Sidereal Capricorn (power, institutions, establishment) in early February after two decades in Sagittarius (beliefs, religions, dogmas, philosophy, international finances). But we shall discuss that in another article next month to celebrate the Year of the Water Tiger.

May the Force be with you.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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