Take a Bow

You're corrupt
And bring corruption
To all that you touch

You'll behold
And beholden
For all that you've done

Cast a spell
Cast a spell
On the country you run

You will risk
You will risk
All their lives and their souls

You will burn
You will burn in hell
Yeah you'll burn in hell
You'll burn in hell
Yeah you'll burn in hell
For your sins

And our freedom's consuming itself
What we've become
Is contrary to what we want
Take a bow

You bring death
And destruction
To all that you touch

You must pay
You must pay
For your crimes against the earth

Feed the hex
Feed the hex
On the country you love

You will beg
You will beg
For their lives and their souls

You will burn
You will burn in hell
Yeah you'll burn in hell
You'll burn in hell
Yeah you'll burn in hell
For your sins

Original text by MATT BELLAMY


Slave Princess

A terrifying documentary film called Slave Princess has just been released. It tells the story of Britney Spears and basically you learn how the music industry in the United States actually works.

There is a mafia. You get a talented child or an emerging artist. They are emerging, they get a hit song, etc. and when it's not an artist who is directly promoted by the institutions always controlled by the same people, the artist's entourage is approached by a sort of mob of chic gangsters — in the case of Britney Spears, they had a chat with her mum, dad, and siblings. They come along and try to infiltrate the family and see which member is the most unscrupulous.

And once they have found them, they try to negotiate a deal saying “We will make sure the artist loses their right to manage their assets and that right will be passed onto you and you'll share the benefits with us”. This is called conservatorship. That's what they did to Britney: the mob approached her family, got close to her dad and sister and told them “We will make the public believe Britney Spears is crazy. Thus she will lose her right to manage her assets and you'll get that right but if we do that, we want money in return as we don't do that for free”.

So what do these people do next?

They use the mainstream media (which are really there to manipulate public opinion just like they are for all the rest) to say “Hey, look at Britney Spears, she's shaved her head, she's done this and she's done that...” Sometimes, they even drug them and film them while drugged to destroy their image and rebuild it as they wish. Now, think back of all the scandals involving renowned artists who either turned into drug-addicts or who ended up in detox centres or at Alcoholics Anonymous, etc. Actually, the thing with all these stories is that if the artist refuse and start to speak out, they disappear.

Now, think about Amy Winehouse, for instance. They would say « She's an alcoholic and she's this and that” and she went under her dad's conservatorship and all the media would say he was a cool guy, that he worked in her best interest and so on. Hum... Same for Britney Spears. They said her dad was a cool guy, that he wanted to save her from the baddies, etc., but he was the one who took all the money Britney earned to fill his own pockets. Do you understand the deal? Now, think about Christina Aguilera, same story. Lindsay Lohan...

The documentary starts with Britney Spears then talks about that mafia-like network approaching her. Britney's fans created the Free Britney movement and guess what? They dug and dug and dug and discovered all these things and disclosed them. The mafia-like group tried to discredit the movement because they were exposing them and used the mainstream media to say the Free Britney's were “conspiracy theorists with too much time to waste.” As always, the media are used to attack anyone who disagrees with a certain narrative which is in the best interests of a small group of people. It's crazy all the similarities with the music industry and everything happening all around the world.

So there's a group of people around Britney Spears' parents who pass her off as crazy to take control of her life and then the film focuses on that gangster group who did it to many, many people. And thereupon, they mention Disney.

Disney, the Pedo House. And we are given many examples of people who made movies with children while having been indicted with child molestation. Not only they kept their job but were told: “No problem, go ahead and make more films!” Then you hear of many children coming out and saying: “I have been molested from age 4 to 12.” It was awful. All these traumatised people who were not allowed to speak out, who were too scared... because they were children. And in fact, all those at Disney's who pretend to be the good guys — “Hey, look at me, I'm a good guy, blah blah blah, trust me with your children”, they're actually creepy perverts.

And so we are shown that Disney also has connections with... Epstein! What? How the hell did we start with Britney Spears and ended up with Epstein? That's when we hear that, actually, Epstein's network would sometimes traffic some of those kids or youngsters and that these artists were forced into prostitution in order to keep their superstar status. And those who refused would also get drugged. That's what “selling your soul to the devil” actually means. They would experience stuff that was totally against what people could think.

In a nutshell, we start with Britney and the gangsters around her who have connections with Disney; the latter being a centre for paedophiles running a child-trafficking network. On top of that, the music industry actually serves as a front for a luxury international prostitution network. And to siphon money as well for when Britney is forced into prostitution (which has already happened), she doesn't earn any money but her father does.

In this documentary film, they mention about hundreds of million dollars diverted from the accounts of those artists into Lou Taylor's pocket.

One point I would like to make is that incidentally, Liz Crokin, the journalist who made this documentary also suffered greatly from exposing Pizza gate. Another point is that, right now, the Ghislaine Maxwell case has reached the stage when they are now selecting the jury, which means progress is being made regarding her trial and it's a well-known fact that Ghislaine Maxwell can pilot submarines and there were obscure stories in which children would have been abducted at some Disney centres to be brought on that degenerate Epstein's Pedo Island and all this has been coming out lately. That's interesting to note.

Someone in the chat is asking “Do you think the '27-Year Curse' is due to this network: Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, etc.?

Yes, I do think there's a connection and that these individuals have actually been sacrificed. This is my humble opinion. I have reasons to believe that there's an outright satanic movement behind all this. Why so? Well, go check on Mariah Carey's family. Go check on that journalist with childhood pictures featuring very bizarre statues behind him... There is a great deal of satanic symbol display in this sphere.

If anything, we can always mention the NXIVM which is totally proven where there was human trafficking, sex trade and the guru of the sect has been sentenced to some 120-year imprisonment. We can also mention Jeffrey Epstein's arrest. No need to dig into theories to realise there's actually something going on. But why does nobody talk about it except Karl Zéro (famous French mainstream journalist dedicated to expose paedophile networks in the upper reaches of power — Ed.)? And why is that every time someone mentions about it, they are being attacked as if they were degenerate idiots who desperately need to be silenced?

Out of the Shadows was a similar documentary about the movie industry. Worst of all, these are the same people behind all this as in Slave Princess, they also talk about Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, just like in Out of Shadows. Which means there really is a network at the head and all those who receive some kind of authority from the public (i.e. who have a big fan club, etc.) and have an influence on public opinion must absolutely be controlled by those on top. Less they could become dangerous. That was the case for Michael Jackson. They made his life a misery and did projection on him, accused him of being a paedophile, etc. Yet, not only had he understood what was happening, but he was one of the child victims of this network.
That's why he was kind of bizarre, a weirdo: he was one of the victims.

Do watch this documentary HERE.

Original text by LES DÉQODEURS translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Strange, Repeating Radio Signal Near the Center of the Milky Way Has Scientists Stumped

More tangible signs that the Shift is near? Anyhow, it does resonate strongly with my increasing feeling and personal experiences which match perfectly the following channelled message someone posted on Telegram:

September will open up THE gateway, i.e. you are preparing for the new upcoming civilisation in which we truly hope you can live.

September will be the month of living dangerously and blissfully.

In September, more special vibrations will urge you to stand up and take action. These vibrations or energies are "colourless", which means they're neither good nor bad, they're neither light nor shadow, they just take the colour of what you are.

The vibrations will also affect lower beings, short-tempered, violent beings, etc. — it might increase the violence and even the harmfulness of some people, same as it might significantly increase the potencies of love, generosity, wisdom, respect, an everything that does (and will) make the new human race.

Thus, the vibrations will affect some by multiplying their lower energies and others by multiplying anything sacred within, including their higher energies.

With regard to France, watch out for anything happening within you as from next week. You should start feeling differently. You should start feeling quite different and the miracle is that your fears, if any left, will be gradually absorbed by who are turning into — by the energies, the amazing waves you'll be continually immersed in.

Depending on what you are, and we insist on "depending on what you are", you'll go much faster and much higher or much lower.

Channelled by Monique Mathieu on 28th August 2021

Stop listening to the sirens singing you to shipwreck and listen to yourself at last. We're all made of shadow and light and the only way to shrink our grey zones is to shine a light on them by increasing our glow.


Astronomers have detected a strange, repeating radio signal near the center of the Milky Way, and it's unlike any other energy signature ever studied.

According to a new paper accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal and posted on the preprint server arXiv, the energy source is extremely finicky, appearing bright in the radio spectrum for weeks at a time and then completely vanishing within a day. This behavior doesn't quite fit the profile of any known type of celestial body, the researchers wrote in their study, and thus may represent "a new class of objects being discovered through radio imaging."

The radio source — known as ASKAP J173608.2−321635 — was detected with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope, situated in the remote Australian outback. In an ASKAP survey taken between April 2019 and August 2020, the strange signal appeared 13 times, never lasting in the sky for more than a few weeks, the researchers wrote. This radio source is highly variable, appearing and disappearing with no predictable schedule, and doesn't seem to appear in any other radio telescope data prior to the ASKAP survey.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: NASA / JPL


COGNITIVE WARFARE: The Battle for Your Brain

NATO has taken aim at a new target: your brain. Their 'Cognitive Warfare' report describes a hybrid of biotech/nanotech, social engineering, information warfare & psychological operations, and total surveillance, with a stated goal of "harming brains" of even civilians, to impair cognition and disable critical thinking. We are approaching not just the end of free speech, but of free thought, by associating any questioning of the official narrative with "extremism" and "terrorism"...


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