David Wilcock: Stunning 1981 Law of One Prophecy Unsealed by Current Events (3)

The Hole in the Curtain

I have the impression that in the near future, the seeking will increase by many who now are incarnate in the physical on this planet..."

"The generalities of expression can never be completely correct. However, we may note that when faced with a hole in the curtain, an entity's eyes may well appear for the first time through the window beyond. This tendency is probable given the possibility/probability vortices active within your space/time and time/space continue with this nexus."

The hole in the curtain, folks, is exactly what's happening to us right now. The hole in the curtain is the Great Awakening. It is the process we're going through right now. It is the unveiling of negativity on a global scale, a shockingly integrated corporate vertically integrated structure that's got social media, media corporations, military, and government all in lockstep and they're all working together for what now appears to be a very unpleasant agenda that involves reduction of how many people are here.

At least, this is what everybody's thinking right now whether it's true or not, you know I'm not arguing. At this point, I'm just saying that this is obviously by all the things that we're seeing: the masses of people gathering in many countries around the world, how huge those are — this is not going to go away and this is what people feel. The people are looking at evidence and they're coming up with their own conclusions and they're not being told what to think.

So what they say is the hole in the curtain causes the entity to peer through the window beyond for the first time. What does that really mean?

That means that as people on Earth — right now many of them for the very first time (I've been prepared for this again in 1999, they were giving me the statements of what was going to happen and that it would be okay) — but here we are now and many people are only now seeing what the 4th density energy reveals which is the hidden negativity on Earth.

Why does it do this?

Because the negativity cannot last in the presence of 4th density. It's like the idea of throwing an ice cube on a sidewalk in the middle of the summer on the hottest day of the year. How long do you think that ice cube is going to last? How long do you think negativity lasts in the presence of light? Shadow is only caused by an absence of light. If you throw on full spectrum light in all directions, there's no shadow anymore. Nothing has the ability to cast a shadow because the light is everywhere. That's basically what 4th density is.

Free Energy

It blows open the future. It blows open the realization of why life on Earth has sucked so much; why we've had such a crappy economy; why we're still driving these vehicles that are almost no different than trains from the early 1800s — it's essentially a locomotive, but the big technological breakthrough is we figured out how to put rubber on the tires so we don't have to go on a rail — and then what about the fuel?

So we kind of went from coal to gas. Wow, that's huge! Wow, it's amazing technological advancement! It's a locomotive we're driving — locomotives with rubber tires that burn gas. Nothing has changed. All of these other advancements that we have, smartphones, high technology, a little watch that has everything you need inside of it, and we can't figure out how to build something better than a locomotive with rubber wheels? It's ridiculous and that's because the people who are profiting off of the oil system set it all up at the beginning of the 20th century and they didn't come up with any better business model so they just kept using it. They don't want you to stop using this model because their business relies upon it for profit.

If i'm talking about things like free energy you don't need to pay for that is the buzzword in the military as I learned is 'power plants'. So when you hear the word 'power plant' that actually means something that releases a large amount of energy and it's not going to be expensive. It's in fact free or very inexpensive. So the only real reason why all this stuff has been held back is that they want us to suffer; they want us to be miserable; they want us to be under control; and they want us to be constantly traumatized.

Trauma & Dissociation

One of the greatest things that I have learned over the years is how the negative works.

What is the strategy of the negative ?

The strategy of the negative I call 'stacking' and this is how most people get attacked by the negative. The negative has learned that it doesn't need to hit you with one really bad crisis like a car crash. You don't need to actually crash your car to have a total meltdown. All that needs to happen is a combination of really awful stress out in the world and there's plenty of that right now. So you could go crazy just by reading the news. It's cognitive dissonance. But also you have these bad things going on in your own life and so if crisis number one, two, three and four, betrayal number one, two, three and four all kind of collide in on you at the same time while these negative things are also happening in the world, the effect on your psyche is that you feel totally overwhelmed and then you go into a dissociative state.

Now I believe that everyone disassociates and this is what the cabal is trying to get you to do, because when you disassociate, you go into a fight-or-flight response and we've learned a lot about this in psychology. We've learned that in fight-or-flight, you only use the core of your brain — you only use the reptilian brain. When people are in fight-or-flight trauma PTSD-type of condition, none of your brain is functioning. Your brain does not work. You are a child who is terrified and who either is going to fight or run, but those are your decisions and that's the only thing you're going to focus on. You do not have the capacity to analyze information. You do not have the capacity for critical thinking and so people don't understand that you can have the equivalent of a separate identity that pops up in you when you are traumatized.

And in this identity, you're in fight-or-flight, you only use the reptilian core of your brain. You literally do not have access to the rest of your brain, you can't think. So wouldn't it be interesting if you were a globalist elite and you could make people that way, keep them in the center of their brain, keep the rest of their brain from functioning so that they don't have the ability to critically think — they don't have the ability to analyze what you're doing, and they don't have the ability to really even understand it. That's what they're trying to do.

The Psychopathic Elite

And so a psychopath is a person who does have the use of most of their brain but they don't have the frontal lobes. So bear in mind that when a psychopath is torturing you and this psychopath is basically just to fight, it's not like Hannibal Lecter, they don't. It's not a murderer. A psychopath in a psychological definition is a person who has no compassion for you, they just want to manipulate you; they want to control you; they want to abuse you. That's what they're here for. That's what they're interested in. So if that's what you're dealing with and that kind of person is out there, they do not use the frontal lobes of their brain. So psychopaths they found on these MRI's, the frontal lobes are gone.

But remember, if the psychopath can trick you into going into your trauma body (your pain body as some have called it now), you only have access to the core so they have a lot more brain power available to them than you do, because the frontal lobes being offline means that they can still think and analyze and strategize, while you are in this traumatized state where you can't really think clearly at all. And because they don't have the frontal lobes, the compassion, you know, whether they're hurting your feelings that has no relevance for them.

And so, a certain percentage of our population are psychopaths traditionally said to be 4% men 2% women which means theoretically a man is twice as likely to be a psychopath than a woman. But still 4 to 2% is not that much, however when these people organize and they form social structures, governments, and corporations, it's a big problem, because they all start thinking the same way. And wouldn't you know that (and I'm going to be very very careful about how I say this) if you're in a ceremony with other people and bad things are happening, you go into a programmable hypnotic state because the the horror of what you're seeing is so incredibly huge. That it is exactly the equivalent of tripping. If you're in a very horrible ceremony, you are having a psychedelic experience because you're so traumatized by simply seeing this.

And imagine what would happen with those people in the room as they look each other in the eye while they're doing these horrible things, the bonding that occurs between those individual. Because they've been bonded by a shared trauma experience that's very horrific, that bonding leads to loyalty just like it does with soldiers in the military. They're loyal to each other because they go through the same thing. And the way that they justify it is they say: "We're the elite. We're the special ones, we're the cool ones. You all suck but we're amazing and we're better than you and so we want to get rid of you because we don't like you".

To be continued...

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


David Wilcock: Stunning 1981 Law of One Prophecy Unsealed by Current Events (2)

Economic Collapse for Spiritual Growth

"What we are discussing is the systematic breakdown of existing orders in order to make way for changes that will result. The idea of this transformation of your society is indeed all-encompassing. We are not talking about making one simple geographic realignment or one simple raising vibration the way that people are thinking. We have been guided through this formula every step of the way in these readings and elsewhere. We now know what to expect and how we will get there."

In 1999, they were saying this and so for the thinking person the question becomes this: "What do I do when I eventually want to resculpt society to the way that it should be?"

"We advocate that you take some serious time in contemplation of these matters."

And then here's another one: they are clearly telling us the economic collapse that hadn't happened yet when I wrote this "will create an incredible spiritual growth opportunity. The value of the dollar will be reduced, that's probably an understatement and the economies are going to boom and collapse simultaneously. Indeed, it is this conjunction of forces that precludes the opportunities for the most intense spiritual growth on this planet. You, like everyone else; will go through this experience. It is a question of how and whether you choose to face it or deny it that will determine the course of your future actions".

Last but not least, the rescue squad is coming. Look at this: "The financial concerns should not worry you as all is part of a greater plan in this case the rescue squad is coming and we are pleased to say that so when it actually does start happening (which is what's happening now), you can rest assured that all will be taken care of. Don't allow yourself to be deluded into thinking that the events unfolding are out of control. Quite to the contrary, they are very much being controlled and monitored".

There we go and that's what we can see now.

"We have refrained from making complete predictions about this time. The time we're in now as the planetary consciousness continues to change for the positive and it is hard to tell exactly where all of this is leading. So once you are closer to the event itself, it should be more obvious where the trends are."

New Health Technologies

There are various things that have been invented by various individuals that are not public and those things are radical and they transform everything about life on Earth, medical technologies where nobody has to suffer. And these medical technologies, by the way, if you look back at the Russian experiments with pyramids — they were building pyramids out of PVC pipes and fiberglass facing, up to 144 feet tall (which is huge) and then when they put even something as simple as liquid water inside the pyramid, one ObGyn group in Russia discovered that they could feed one milliliter of pyramid water to babies that were born prematurely with such low birth weight that they're guaranteed to die by normal statistics. What do you think happened to the babies that were given one milliliter of water that was stored in these pyramids that they built themselves? Every baby that got that water lived. Miraculous healings. They've found that it works on all kinds of stuff: cancer, you name it, any disease, diabetes you just get better.

So even if there's no other immunotherapies available for anybody that happened to have had this done (which I know there are), the pyramid water, if we can get that going or something equivalent thereof and it's again it's inexpensive, we just have to build them and then we have to store water in them for a while. But that kind of thing could totally eliminate any type of health problem potentially because that's what it does.

So if people are worried about their health, if they did something that they now regret, the technology that we're going to have in the future shouldn't make this a problem. And I also believe that the alliance has the antidote because the DIA got its hands on this guy from the country in question starting with the sea and the man in question defected and came over here and he's been sharing all this information with them and that information I'm suspecting it includes an antidote. So i think they already have it and they're going to release it later. And we all need to go through this first.

So yes, it's very sad if anybody has you know passed from whatever side effects are occurring. And believe me, this is very personal. Both my wife and I have people we know in our own immediate family system who have either been severely compromised or have died. And the timing is interesting, let's just put it that way. A lot of us are having this so this is a very difficult period of time on Earth. We're all going through loss, grief, sorrow, depression. Many people are going through substance abuse, suicidal ideation, lots of stuff that's really counterproductive for being an evolved and aware citizen of the Earth. But I was told about this folks in 1999. [...]

The Solar Cycle

The solar cycle has now been ramping up and it started right at the end of December 2019. Very interesting timing in light of what happened as soon as the solar cycle kicked in. The sun does an 11-year cycle where it goes up and down.

And what do I mean by up and down?

At the low point of the cycle, there's no sunspots on the sun. It looks totally calm and relaxed like a still pond. At the peak of the sunspot cycle, it's boiling with rage. There's fire, just huge things called solar prominences — huge arcs of fire. And those explosions that come out of the sun called coronal mass ejections in which massive amounts of charged particles are released.

And if we get hit by one of those CME's directly, it could take down our power grid and it could destroy communications. So that's entirely possible. In fact, there have been a few CME's that have happened that missed the Earth very narrowly. And if they'd hit the Earth, we'd already be out of a job here. But in my opinion, the benevolent angelic forces there are you know — we're going to learn this that there are plenty of other intelligent life forms out there and some of them are really interested in keeping us alive and keeping us safe on Earth. Those are the ones that we want to talk to. So when we have this kind of overview of where we are now and the 4th density energy kicking in and then we look at 2012 (Snowden yeah).

So now that the sunspot cycle is ramping up, this is correlated with yet more 4th density energy coming in and so right now it would appear that we are peaking with 4th density energy because the entire planet is now becoming aware of this entrenched evil stuff.

Remember my readings in 1999 said: "We now know exactly what's going to happen; we know how it's going to work out and and we're going to guarantee a positive outcome". They're basically guaranteeing us this thing's going to work out. Now that, of course, is related to my credibility and whether you believe me or not. But even if you don't want to believe me, the original Law of One series which was 18 years earlier to when I got my contact, which again came after reading the Law of One and tuning with the Law of One — my contact told me it was the same source as the Law of One. So some people believe it and some people don't. I personally believe it is true, but they didn't do it the same way as they did with the Law of One. It was more of a filtration system through me. So it's not as clean, it's as accurate, it's not as precise. [...]

The Flushing Out of Ammunition

And there's only one thing to keep your eyes on in the midst of all this and this has become a much more pressing issue now and it's like: "You guys are you ever going to release the results?"

And I'm sure a lot of you are thinking that. Well, what they've said is that every time that they tease that they're going to do it, the enemy is forced to expend ammunition, so they have to set something up. They have to do something crazy, try to fight back. And they keep losing ammunition. Quote unquote: " In the process so anything that you hear about when it's going to happen is probably false and they're going to keep doing this to keep flushing out more of the ammunition."

So it could go on for months. I have no idea. I'm being honest okay. I don't think it's going to take that long, but it's very obvious that we are at a critical point moment. If you don't think that this therapy that everyone is being offered is medical therapy — if you don't think it's good... Well, I mean it's being forced and so now it's becoming something that everybody's got to deal with and if your opinion of it is bad, then you're probably having a very bad attitude and you're probably having a lot of depression, anger, sorrow, crying all that kind of stuff and I totally understand.

To be continued...

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


David Wilcock: Stunning 1981 Law of One Prophecy Unsealed by Current Events (1)

The following is the first part of a partial transcript of a recent 3-hour long live video in which David Wilcock draws an interesting parallel with the current events and the Law of One prophecy on which he sat for many years as there was no need to call attention to it, until and unless this timeline actually happened. Once you read the prophecy, you will see how well the pieces fit together. Everything that is happening now was predicted in the Law of One series. It's a lot of work and time-consuming to transcribe, put together and translate into French, so please bear with me for the next instalments. Thank you.

The Law of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions, between Don Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra, speaking through Carla Rueckert. Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results.

The material was channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. It has been published in book form, and the books can be freely downloaded from L/L Research’s library or purchased from their online store or from Amazon. The methodology that L/L Research used to contact Ra is described in detail in the introduction to the original Book I. See the books page for more information about the books. The original audio recordings are also available, as are audiobooks and text-to-speech renditions. Audio information. (Source)


Angels & Extraterrestrials

God the Father is the Universe of galaxies and they all have a one-infinite consciousness as one identity. God the Son is the identity of the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is an intelligent being with its own personality in this Law of One system and they say that it could be called 'Logos' or 'Love'. But they also say that Jesus was the Logos. Therefore when Jesus says "I am the Word made flesh", he said actually in Law of One terms "I am the Logos made flesh" because the word in the Bible, the original Greek is 'Logos' ('word', 'reason' in ancient Greek — N.d.T.).

So when Jesus says "I am the Word", he says "I am the Logos". That means Jesus is the mind of the galaxy which is really cool because now you don't have to think that extraterrestrials are bad. They're all going to become part of the Christ. They're all part of the Christ mind which is our galaxy.

We're way too limited in thinking that intelligence would only be on Earth or that any other place besides Earth where there's any type of intelligent life, they must be demons and they must be evil. You actually read the Bible, they talk about extraterrestrials all the time. They call them 'messengers' or 'angelos'. Angelos — angels. That's where it comes from. It's a Greek word.

So the messengers have always been around. The angels have always been around, they're not fake and they're not superstition. They're very real and they used to walk among us but then we got into a thing after Islam 800 a.d where they pulled back because as soon as we started fighting over Chiite/Sunnite and who gets to be in charge, it starts to be something they don't want.

So what the Law of One says is that Jesus's message essentially got right to the core of what we want you to know— we as the people are working on this initiative. It is the mind of the galaxy, you can't get away from it; you're not going to go through some other Christ; you have to go through the Christ which is the Galaxy. God the Son is the Galaxy.

Which means that when we meet extraterrestrials, they are also going to be saved by the Christ because that's all there is. You can't get out of this, that's what it is. Love is Consciousness; Consciousness is the Universe; the Logos is Jesus. Apparently, we got a very special deal where the Logos, the galactic mind, which normally would be intangible, compressed itself into a human form and walked on Earth and that's apparently very rare.

The Word Is Forgiveness

The Law of One tells us that you will be defined by your actions and by your thoughts. Your life on earth is under evaluation every second. Every second that you live, you are being evaluated.

What are you being evaluated for?

You're being evaluated for your level of forgiveness, it is that simple. "There is one word and the word is forgiveness". They give us this in the Law of One by saying a very important quote: "In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of karma".

Now the wheel of karma they describe is a process by which you start at the top of the wheel, you crash down to the bottom, you gotta dig yourself out of the bottomless pit — the dark night of the soul you got to go all the way back up to the top. But then you're going to fall again and it's like a wheel because if until you learn forgiveness, the wheel keeps spinning.

If you can properly learn to practice forgiveness, the wheel will go up to the top and then it will stay there. And at that point you're no longer subject to random suffering happening over and over again.

Well, forgiveness sounds all fine and good, but it also seems to be potentially counterproductive right, if somebody is going to bash your head in and you're going to die, you don't want to just forgive them now.

Wait a minute, David, isn't that what Jesus did?

Yeah, the Law of One gets into this in extensive detail. Jesus's mission was specifically dialed in for him to be a martyr because of how badly damaged our planet is and because people needed a very simplified spiritual message. So all the core is there and it is Jesus, okay, so you're worshiping the right guy! It's just that they wanted to make it a lot easier to understand because there was many, many things that they had given us before trying to shed light on deeper levels of what it means to be human and what it means to be spiritual and they got totally messed up.

The 4th Density Energy

These positive beings originally told us about the pineal gland — the third eye in the center of the brain that it is the seat of the soul. It is the awakening of the soul that happens through this and they tell us that the pineal gland can be opened and that when it does we have this opening of the eye and we have this whole ascension experience taking place where we become a light being who now has really cool things like telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, the knowledge of all your past lives, the ability to walk in between the world of the living and the dead...

Well how do we get to this fourth density?

Apparently, our solar system is drifting into a region of the cosmos where its own celestial intelligence structures it so that we go into this next level of awareness. We're structured through galactic space. We move through galactic space. There's greater energy in that space. The energy activates our solar system, activates interplanetary climate change which we're seeing, and it activates the perceptions of the soul.

As we become aware of 4th density energy more and more — this is the energy according to the Law of One that causes thoughts to become things. So, one of the examples they give is cancer. They say the reason why people are getting cancer now in the 20th century and they didn't get it so much before then is because now your thoughts are able to manifest in your body as the growth of tissue. So anger, according the Law of One, manifests as the growth of unwanted tumor cells and this is part of the soul's journey because, remember, the goal is forgiveness, so you don't stay on this wheel. But if you stay angry, your body will eventually kill you.

Nature itself is designed to remove hateful elements. Nature itself is designed to remove anger, sadness, depression, fear... Sometimes it does this through death. That's one of the things the Law of One talks about. It's a very interesting thing where they begin to describe the human being as a single consciousness that is the Earth because we are on Earth. And the Earth is alive and it has its own sentience, the Earth's mind if you will, the Earth's consciousness, the Earth's personality. It is not something else, it is the function of the people on the planet.

The Earth's consciousness is a if you will Borg-like mass mind of humans. But it's not evil like the Borg. It's actually good and it's compassionate. So as the 4th density energy comes in in waves, we get greater revelations of Truth and we get to see the negativity for what it really is.

1936-2020, History Repeats Itself

So 1936 being a surge of fourth density energy correlates precisely with the arrival of Hitler on the world stage and a level of bizarre draconian government chicanery unlike anything we've ever seen before in our lives. And then, of course, the horror of what ended up happening to these people and how a country was able to take a particular subset of their population, in this case Hebrews and turn them into evil enemies that people actually agreed with.

In other words, what they did was to blame the desperate economic failure of Germany on a certain particular demographic, which was not related to that at all, and then by getting everyone angry at this particular group of individuals to say "These people are the reason why your life sucks. We need to take care of these people. We need to send them off to a camp"... Australia, sounds familiar? And they're getting gassed. I mean I don't know if it's real. You know, it's not Zyklon but it's tear gas or something like that. There was that video leaked recently. [...]

There were a lot of people in this 'conspiracy community' believing that this is somehow going to destroy your life automatically even if you take only one or two. However, I don't believe that's what's really going on. There appears to be a lot of immunotherapies that will be possible to be implemented and I don't believe that it's a sentence.

However, if you don't have to, if you're not forced to absolutely, don't do it. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to my opinion. Apparently I am, maybe they don't think I am. [...]

So this could be the last show I do and that's okay. I want to talk to you honestly about this, I don't want to be going through a layer of nonsense all right. I have done the research, I've done the homework. There's an incredible amount of research out there, but you have to make that jump away from the plantation, away from the familiar places that you're used to going like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter. If you can do that, if you can branch out a little bit, you might find that there's a lot of stuff out there.

For example, a recent study from the CDC itself actually just said that there's an 83-percent seropositive thing already going on, which means 83% of people have some form of immunity already. And guess what you need for herd? 80 percent. We're 3% above herd already. There's no reason for any of this stuff.

To be continued...

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Evil Plan Exposed

2020: The Beginning of the End of the World

We're not wasting hours discussing all the nonsense and rubbish seen and heard as from early 2020. In a nutshell, a flu-like virus affected the planet. As that virus wasn't deadly enough, the WHO had to change the definition of a pandemic so that we could lose our freedoms through a new form of health tyranny which led us to lockdowns, curfews and mostly showed us how blind humans can be at times, and quite frankly, not very smart. The puppeteers literally played us while testing their power with this toilet paper incident and guess what? Before long, all toilet paper had disappeared from the shelves of supermarkets! I'm still puzzled at how people who stockpiled TP were able to justify their action. At any rate, social engineering worked perfectly.

There are many learning opportunities within this video. Those who forget are condemned to repeat past mistakes. The potential for goodness of mankind is infinite just like its potential for evil.

The Health Tyranny

Bitter memories from my past and my family's resurface every time I am being asked whether I have government's permission to eat chocolate croissants in a café. Well, yes, that's exactly what the “Health Pass” is. Just like in Albania where people had to show their credentials to the power of the dictator to simply be allowed to live and exist, the “Health Pass” is a way to prove you're acceptable to the health authority operating under the supervision of the French State.

Only this morning I went out to eat chocolate croissants in a café. I entered with a big smile on my face and was asked to hide it behind a mask. I ordered a chocolate croissant but since I didn't have a health pass, I was told they would take my money but I would still have to drink my coffee and eat my croissant outside the premises because of my refusal to comply with nonsense measures. While three feet away from me, a maskless man was having an early morning beer at the bar. He was allowed to because he had a health pass. We totally forgot why all these things have been implemented in the first place. It's no longer about a virus and risk of infection. It's all about an experimental injection which has nothing to do with a vaccine but still called this way, same as a pandemic had its definition changed to match the narrative. Nothing makes sense anymore. Welcome to 2021.

Context and Rhetoric

To a certain extent, you know the path which led us here, but let's take a minute to study the context. A SORTING has been done. Those who obey global authorities have been sorted from those who don't. Those who took the jab made a decision either through coercion or conviction. And those who didn't are unlikely to do it next. The health pass is only a last attempt to force those still hesitating to choose.

The entity who wants to rule the world knows now who his enemies are and who his supporters are. Just like any good dictator, he will start eliminating the opposition. Now, it's clear what the jab was for. It served to sort those who submit to global authorities from those who submit to an outworldly something else. For some, it may be God, the Universe, Nature and for others it may simply be ethics. Those are the enemies of the mysterious dictator who wants to take over the world. It's time for him to start implementing the darkest side of his plan.

So here we are in the early fall of 2021. It's been nearly two years since Christ entered my life and I regained the strength to resume my whistle-blowing activity. HE is preparing his impending return. HE is the one who gives me the strength to do what I do in a way which would be too long to explain and would be off-topic here. As you know, we, the DéQodeurs, have been mentioning a plan set by the US Army coming to completion now. Their plan already stood massively in the way of the “Health Dictator” or “Deep State” as the military like to call this mysterious, macabre entity.

The evil plan failed before it even started. The diabolical entity who wanted to take over the world bit off more than it could chew and clearly overestimated its might just like it did 2,000 years ago. That said, we have been warned that the US Army would first let the deep state push humanity to the brink so that to wake up as many people as possible before responding in a tough manner. The brink is no more than the last step of the Deep State's plan. Here's what it looks like:

The Next Step of Their Plan

It is most likely that, within a couple of weeks, a new variant emerges or that the situation with the Delta/Lambda version worsens. You get the idea. A new wave of contamination via a variant deemed “dangerous” by the mainstream media's non-stop barrage of fear for nearly two years. Some will need to go to hospital because of their symptoms. There, they'll be confronted to two different treatment protocols, one for the jabbed and one for the unjabbed.

The jabbed will receive a gentle, harmless treatment while the unjabbed will be more or less put to death. What I'm telling you here is no news as it's exactly what happened on a lesser scale at the onset of the pandemic when it was only applied to an advanced age category of the population which made the protocol less suspicious at a time when people would still remember the world before the virus. We're presently at the point where similar events to those of WW2 are occurring yet disregarded by a majority of people. This morning, I was denied entrance to a café because I didn't want to be marked by their medical experiment which has not even been officially validated and is being used as a vaccine while treatments do exist. Today, masks are coming off and every one shows their true colours. The Truth has now become the proverbial needle in a haystack. Science fiction suddenly meets reality.

We also need to consider the rhetoric. The “vaxxed” are protected against serious forms of the virus and therefore a greater number of “unvaxxed” will end up in hospital. Also, a sorting has been done amongst healthcare workers. Those who didn't obey and refused to take the jab had to resign. Those who stay are thus largely compliant and, apart from a few ones, will not ask any question when asked to treat an ant infestation with a nuclear head.

That's how they always proceed. They try at a small scale first to test reactions, then they apply their plan to global scale after refining it. It would appear that the French West Indies are being used as a test. They are sending “their minions” there to monitor the operation.

This Is a Sneak Peek at What They'll Try to Implement at Full Scale

It will soon be implemented here too. I am fully aware of what I'm announcing. I speak my words carefully and I'm taking the consequences of what I'm saying, but at this point, I have no other choice than to follow my heart.

Last but Not Least

And there will also be “contact cases” who will be forced into isolation if anyone they have been in contact with has been infected. Of course, they'll use it as an excuse to eliminate any opposition deemed too vocal. It's already started in the USA with Veronica Wolski. Research her case as it's not as simple as MSM tell you. She was openly against the whole narrative and would spend her time trolling the establishment, attracting a large number of followers. When she was taken to hospital, her followers joined forces to get her out. They tried everything including bringing an ambulance with a doctor who wanted to treat her with ivermectin, but ultimately, they would not let her out and she died a couple of hours later. Her followers strongly responded in social media to demand her release, to no avail. Check out HERE how the MSM responded.

We Let Governing Power in the Hands of Nameless Psychopaths Who Are Sorting Out the Compliant Ones and Those Who Refuse to Submit. For These Criminals, It's Time to Proceed to the Next Level.

Below is a repost from CodeMonkeyZ (a reliable source, creator of the website where Q used to post his drops) on 9th September:

As these covid “quarantine camps” get going we will inevitably be seeing this story fold out:

0. Man is unvaccinated.
1. Man gets sick.
2. Man gets on bus to covid quarantine.
3. Family disallowed contact with man.
4. “Oh so sorry, he died. Should have been vaccinated.”

“Quarantine camps” may quickly become “kill camps” and the unvaccinated will be first in line. (Source)

Obviously, they won't call them concentration camps!

Same as they call “Health Pass” the worse tool ever for discrimination, they will probably call them “Wonderland Camps” or “Rainbow Camps”... There may not even be any camps at all since they've started putting people to death in hospitals.

The Good News

1. We Are Not Alone

Indeed, as been said for almost two years, the US Army disagrees with the Deep State and trapped them in a number of ways. They would have already arrested these psychopaths hadn't the world population been too manipulated to understand. They believe that people such as Obama, the Clintons or over here, Attali or Macron are “nice guys” and would not understand if they got arrested.

2. We Have Been Warned

Those who are working to liberate us from these psychos have warned us they would let the Deep State show their true faces before intervening so that everyone understands what was going on behind the scenes. All will be revealed. EVERYTHING. And those criminals will pay for their crimes. In the meantime, we need to be extra vigilant and extra vocal about this to slow and impede the Deep State's agenda.

3. The Writing Is On the Wall: We Will Make It In The End

More than ever, faith will play a significant role to get through these challenging times. Faith AND prayer. More than ever, it's important to wear the full armour of God:

10Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Wherefore take up the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

The Book of Revelation has a happy ending despite the part about this dark period. Those with their eyes and ears wide open who let go of mundane things will weather the storm and come out stronger and ready for the new world.

As for us, we will not give in no matter where it takes us. Our choice is made!

Please, share massively.

Original text by LES DÉQODEURS translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Stand up and Don't Fight

It may appear that what I am saying here is a rather 'weak' way to overcome the 'might' of the conspiracy, but it isn't. It is the only way it can be done effectively. Everything comes from changing ourselves and overriding the program that controls us and dictates our behaviour. I could say that we must organise protest marches and have meetings with a minute-taker and propositions for discussion; or that we must organise armed resistance, as some are suggesting. If we are going to challenge the conspiracy while in the same program as the conspiracy what the hell good will that do? We will just create Matrix Moments on a global scale.

'We must meet might with might and fire with fire.' Really? What do you get in those situations? Twice the might and twice the fire.

'We must stand up and fight.' Oh, good thinking; now we have two sides fighting and I think they call that a war.

'We must have a war to stop wars.' Hey, why don't you fight for peace as well and then we can do two equally useless things at the same time? To fight for peace, to have a war to stop wars, is brainless doublethink and, much as the computer's testosterone levels may ache for a battle, it is a battle that those in authority have all the weapons to win.

Another thing: since when did a battle to overcome a dictatorship ever produce anything more than another dictatorship under another name? Fascism, communism and democracy are all dictatorships in different forms because they're all manifestations of the same force. 'Outer' peace can only come through 'inner peace'. Black Elk, spiritual leader of the Oglala Sioux, said:

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka [the Great Spirit], and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.

This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.

There needs to be a consciousness shift or nothing is going to change. How can it when the level of consciousness — Awareness — that has co-created this vibrational prison cell will just go on adding the bars. Albert Einstein said that 'problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them'. He was spot on and yet many are trying to do just that. I see researchers exposing some levels of the conspiracy, and good luck to them, but they are still imprisoned by religious beliefs that are part of the conspiracy.

I was on an American radio show when a Christian who was against the conspiracy called me 'Satan' on the grounds that I didn't believe in his 'Jesus'. Never mind that I have given much of my life to exposing what is going on, I didn't follow his religion so I was to be condemned and rejected. Such people are 'fighting' the conspiracy while being stitched up by it. They are never going to bring about freedom, not least because they don't actually want it. It is not freedom for all that they seek, but freedom for themselves and their beliefs. If they were in power they would impose their beliefs on the population just as fiercely as the Illuminati today. We saw this when those who fled 'religious persecution' in Europe imposed their strict Puritan religion in America when they had the  opportunity to do so. Of course they did; they were following the same program as those in other versions of the Christian religion who made them take flight to America. Once again, different name, same program. [...]

Only by accessing higher levels of Awareness can we transform that which denser  levels have created. This means opening our minds and our hearts so higher Awareness can connect. When we talk of closed minds, we are describing the situation perfectly.

The human energy field becomes a low-vibrational bubble that repels all boarders. As I said earlier, David Shainberg, an American psychiatrist from the William Alanson WhiteThe Shift Institute of Psychiatry in New York, suggests that thoughts are vortices of energy that can become fixed and rigid. These vortices are another level of the process that connects with the neuron networks and creates the rigid, repeating sequence in how they fire and thus 'read' reality.

Shainberg says that these fixed, dense vortices reveal themselves as fixed opinions, a rigid sense of reality and unchanging views. It also goes the other way with fixed opinions and beliefs creating the dense vortices and fixed neuron networks. It is these networks and low-vibrational energy fields (different expressions of the same
beliefs) that close the chakra channels, hold us in five-sense reality and block the conscious connection to Infinite Awareness.

Like I say, even most of the conspiracy research movement will only go so far before their rigid beliefs block the way and stop their neurons from firing them into a higher orbit where a much bigger picture can be seen. Such people also want to maintain their 'credibility' with the public and they allow the perception limits of most of the population to become theirs. Be 'credible', be a mind-slave, you know it makes sense.

Neil Hague

The first step to breaking these concrete energy fields that hold us in ignorance and servitude is to stop judging everything by reflex action. Open your mind to All Possibility. This doesn't mean to accept everything you hear, of course not. It means to stop rejecting something simply because it is at odds with your current perception of reality and possibility. Remember that All Possibility means anything is possible. That may sound obvious, but it is usually forgotten. This doesn't mean that because something is possible it must be happening; it only means that it is possible, so let it in and allow it to assimilate without instant dismissal. Already the energy will be flowing far more smoothly and powerfully as your mind opens and the energetic eggshell starts to crack.

Now open your heart and feel the information you are considering. What does your intuition, your knowing tell you about it? Never mind what your thoughts are saying; what is your intuition telling you about its validity? Is it a 'yes', 'no', 'maybe' or 'some truth in it, but more to understand'? By opening your heart, I mean opening your heart vortex in the centre of the chest which, I find, is the most powerful connection to intuitive knowing. Visualise it opening ever wider and it will open because energy responds to consciousness. How could it not when energy is consciousness?

These simple principles of opening your mind to All Possibility, filtering information and experience through your intuitive knowing and being the change you wish to see in the world will transform your life and take you onto a much higher level of Awareness. Your vibrational state will quicken and become more powerfully magnetic and you will be able to make the conscious connection with Infinite Awareness — the still and silent, self-aware All.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from A Guide to the Global Conspiracy (isbn: 9780953881086)


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