Have Yourself a Merry Little COVID

Have yourself a merry little COVID,
May your mask be tight.
From now on our temps
Will have to be alright.

Have yourself a merry little COVID,
Make the TP last.
From now on our joy
Will be found in the past.

Here we are in a quarantine,
Social distancing 
And plastic screens.
Faithful friends who are far from us
Gather near to us
On Zoom.

I think next year
It all becomes much better.
And it's clearer now
Politics skew the numbers
And you really don't know
If ya got the Rona
Or just a really bad runny nose.

Original text by HUGH MARTIN and RALPH BLANE


Holiday Delights

As many, this year more than ever, I really find it hard to get into the holiday spirit. Fortunately I have a few tricks such as this delicious spicy bites I always make for Christmas and which no traditional processed treat can ever vie with, both taste and health-wise.

These easy-made delights contain only healthy nutrients that will not make you gain weight. Especially cashews, valuable sources of phytosterols which can reduce by 10-20% your level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) when consumed daily. But also for their high content in trace elements and B-group vitamins which are essential for nervous balance, cell-functioning, and hormone production amongst other things. These can be found in flaxseed too, but they also provide soluble fibres which facilitate digestion and intestinal transit and help control food and sugar cravings. As for coconut oil, I think it needs no more introduction as I'm using it about everywhere including in cosmetics.


Makes 15 bites:

- 100 g sultanas
- 100 g cashews
- 1 cup spice tea
- 1 tsp flaxseed
- 1 tbsp coconut oil (compact form)
- 1 tsp powdered ginger
- grated coconut


Soak sultanas in warm spice tea and leave overnight.

The next day, drain them and transfer to a blender jug with coconut oil. Grind flaxseed and add to the mixture along with ginger powder. Blend until smooth and refrigerate until the mixture hardens.

Make little balls and roll then in grated coconut. Store into a sealed container in the fridge.

NOTE: You may substitute pecans (more expensive) for cashews, fruit juice for spice tea, and dried fruits or cranberries for sultanas. And if you don't have a coffee grinder, you may grind flaxseed with a pepper mill.

A great homemade gift idea for  those who have decided to boycott this commercial break before the next lockdown.

Eat as much as you like, yum!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Dealing With “Negative” Karmic Family Relationships

Finding a great protocol online and applying it to do something is totally unrealistic. The best thing to do is to stop nurturing relationships. Which doesn't mean severing all ties to people and telling them “I won't see you anymore, you're too annoying”, but simply, as always, listening to yourself.

Severing all ties to karmic memories”: so tired of karmic memories!

Here on this planet, we've reached at a point where we're truly connecting to time zero (which means now). And in the now, when you listen to yourself, your mind connects to your soul and your soul makes suggestions within in the form of ideas, day dreams, songs, synchronicities, signs... anything you like. In this moment, there are no ties because you are yourself.

You need to be fully anchored in the present moment and whenever you see something which causes you worry or that you're going to do out of habit, that's when you need to listen within. “Is it really in my interest to do this? Or am I not being caught into the repetitive loop of a tie I'm nurturing — some kind of a root fear or insecurity?” It is super important.

Also, I'd say everything related to family obviously has a stronger affect, but we need to expand our awareness because our family on Earth is not necessarily our true family. Especially when so many of us have been adopted. And we, adoptees, come from all sorts of backgrounds, sometimes not even from the same local universe, that is to say how many of us did come to help!

Likewise, we need to expand our awareness because even though these are earthly links, these fraternal ties may be very new and you might have be brought into a family because it's been around for many incarnations.

One thing you need to know is that the natives of the surface of the Earth are having a hard time awakening due to all the tampering they've been subjected to — they have some kind of a thick blanket to prevent them from listening within and most are actually unable to do so and thus cannot understand themselves. However, you can understand that they are unable to do it. Therefore it's also being wiser to understand that we cannot ask them to behave any differently from what they are and what they can be right now. It's important to get this point.

And precisely, since many of us come from elsewhere, let me remind you that when you're going to see your incarnated memories (past memories), in some instances they are not even yours because when you came here you also embodied the heritage of some Light who said: “Okay, I accept your help, so please take my place” and thus you inherited their own memories as well. This is how, sometimes, you can carry the burden of some memories which don't belong to you and eventually, we are also here to resolve all the karma of a person which is a great gift because every day through our responses, our dealings and our way of being, we are purifying this karma.

It's important because we often talk about previous lives, stuff, memories, karmic links, but let me tell you this: today it's totally insignificant as we forget we are millions who have volunteered and who are not even 'locals'. We must stop thinking the old-fashioned way. And it's the old way since the first wave started with people who are now aged 49-69. It's been a while and things have changed, and yet we're still entertaining the same old beliefs.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


We Must Wake Up Now

Here come the liars
Posing at pop-up gateways.
Here come the preachers,
To the living gods, the world is theirs.

"Echo Ruby", Indochine (1996)

I guess we can say that 2020 has not failed its promise as a mirror year and revealed, in catalytic fashion, the real nature of everyone, forcing us to show our true faces. How ironic. Cosmic humour. Always. And as they say, it's when the going gets tough that the best or worst potentials get uncovered. It's also a unique opportunity to find out who we really are and, if necessary, find the courage to reinvent ourselves (yep, it does take a lot of courage to confront your own ego).

But don't go thinking we're over with this 'apocalyptic' year as it's drawing to a close and because so many immature souls would love to simply 'cancel' it. No, we're not done yet with 2020 for the apocalypse (which in ancient Greek means 'revelations') has still not happened, but is in the pipeline as indicated by the star configuration and what's going on behind the scenes which the corrupt mainstream media fail to report (if you drink dirty water, don't be surprised to suffer from mental diarrhoea).

Besides, according to sacred numerology, December 2020 is a 16 universal month (12+4) corresponding to the Tower arcana of Tarot or, as French-Canadian numerologist Murielle Robert calls it, the Self-Liberating Awakening. The symbolism is clear enough: we must wake up now. While some of us are in for a rude shock, we must absolutely go through this in order to start afresh. In other words, the tower needs to be evacuated before knocking it down to rebuild on sound foundations. There's no point in clinging to old structures which no longer work. That is the message from the planets at the end of 2020, the last weeks of which are bound to be chaotic.

Total Eclipse Of The Mind

The moon is shameless and dark
And I'm so scared of no longer seeing you.
Wake me up from this coma...

"Coma, coma, coma", Indochine (1996)

In fact, December really began on 30th November with the lunar eclipse full moon on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of thought — which is rather significant when you know we are actually caught in the midst of a raging world war of information, bombarded with conflicting claims and distorted truths to create cognitive dissonance, the ultimate purpose of which literally is the control and lockdown of the human spirit.

The lunar eclipse of early December will soon be followed by a total solar eclipse new moon in Sagittarius on Monday at 5:16 pm in France (11:16 am in Quebec) and will be visible from most parts of South America, South Africa, the Indian Ocean and Antarctic.

Total solar eclipses new moons are usually powerful if not explosive lunations” explains Danielle Clermont. “Visually, total solar eclipses can be seen as impressive cosmic events, also a wee bit 'dramatic'. Astrology-wise, total solar eclipse new moons speed up time — they generally open new doors while closing others. During a total solar eclipse, it is common for sudden change to occur. Even though it may feel disturbing and 'shocking', it may also help us by speeding up necessary transformations.” (source).

Eclipses can be seen as “cosmic wild cards in your life with the potential to lift you out of Kansas and drop you on the yellow brick road” as says Lorna Bevan, referring to the Magician of Oz. She also mentions you don't need to impose change on yourself from the outside as the eclipse will do it for you in its own perfect timing, depending on where 20-26 degrees Sagittarius are in your chart. “The exception is if you can feel something shifting or have one of those lightbulb moments, then go with it and go for it.” (source)

Good thing since my great-uncle was from Kansas and this new moon falls in my 12th house of dreams and subconscious (even if the first is totally unrelated to the latter).

To cut a long story short and avoid losing you in technicalities you won't understand unless you have a certain knowledge in astrology, let's say in this new rendezvous between the Sun and the Moon in the sign of the Centaur (higher thinking, philosophy, esoterics, religion, spirituality, belief systems), emotions will take over and there is a risk of great mental confusion with this triple Moon-Sun-Mercury conjunction squaring Neptune no longer retrograde in his home sign of Pisces (i.e. in full strength). But also because of the great karmic nature of this lunation on the South Node (past) sided by the Great Attractor1 and the Galactic Centre2.

Fasten your seat belts, we're going to encounter turbulence!

At this time, deception and trickery may be employed to try to create a fait accompli in order to block the change that many long for. Now, not only common sense is needed, but also the willingness to stand up with all clarity for an open and human future.” (source)

For Danielle Clermont, the message is clear: “During this total solar eclipse, all the attributes of Sagittarius are likely to be 'distorted': expect excess and exaggeration; all kinds of disruption; arrogance, pride and vainglory; escape from reality; illusion and delusion.”

Expect more revelations as chickens to come home to roost with all the usual accompanying media hype” also warns Lorna Bevan.

It just happens that the Electoral College meets on the very day of the eclipse to decide who the new president ELECT of the United States will ACTUALLY be.

Forever Conscious reminds us as well that this solar eclipse is directly linked to the lunar eclipse we had on 5th June — if you can remember what was called to be released from your life at the time. (source)

Reset To Zero

Tonight, tonight
Heaven is bored and is calling on us
Tonight, tonight
Heaven invites us to a new life

"Ce soir, le ciel", Indochine (1996)

The other major astrological event of the end of 2020 is the winter solstice on the 21st, which is, as you know, the longest night of the year (or the shortest for those who live in the Southern hemisphere).

However significant season changes are, especially solstices, as potent energy portals (hence the many pagan rites still celebrated for most or hijacked by the Church), the shift to winter this year will be a very special one as Saturn (tradition, authority) and Jupiter (expansion, justice) will be conjunct again no longer in Capricorn (conservatism) this time, but at 0° in Aquarius (innovation) whereas the Sun will merge with Mercury (communication) à 0° in Capricorn. I should point out that most astrologers consider zero as a critical degree because it is the transition threshold from one type of energy to another and the planets are like caught in the crossfire.

While the simultaneity of a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction during a winter solstice is an extremely rare occurrence, “this time, the encounter of the two social planets takes place at 0° Aquarius. The conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter always occur in the same element for about 200 years. In the cycle now coming to an end, it was the element Earth. With the Great Conjunction in Aquarius, we are at the very beginning of a cycle in the element Air, and thus at the beginning of a significant shift in the collective orientation. Knowledge, communication and ideals will shape the next two centuries more than material possessions. We are now at the beginning of a new era. We will already be able to perceive the first, delicate effects next year.” (source)

It is important to note that the last time the two generational planets met in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius dates back to the Middle Ages (1405, to be precise). And as an astrologer pointed out, “the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycles are viewed as cosmological portents of political and social change, such as the emergence of a new dynasty, nation, or the revelation of a great prophet.” (source)

But there's more: this historical alignment on the winter solstice will also coincide with the conjunction of Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) with the Black Moon (second focus of the lunar orbit) at 6° in Taurus (materialism) to which the fantastic pair will form a hard aspect lasting over several weeks. Basically, it's just as if this deadly combination of Santa (Jupiter) and the Grinch (Saturn) would involve in an arm wrestling show of strength with the Great Awakener (Uranus) and Morticia (Black Moon)!

How can we be the light?” asks Lorelai Kude. “With Jupiter/Saturn in idealistic, universalistic, humanitarian Aquarius, we don't just light our own candle. We reach across the aisle to light someone else's candle, and together we shine light into the darkest places—first within our own hearts, and then to the world we share.

As Above So Below

Up there on the starry sea,
In my ship, I will be looking
In space and galaxies
For a place to land my satellite

"Satellite", Indochine (1996)

And in order to end the year in a blaze of glory, on 30th December, right before New Year's Eve, we shall have a full moon in Cancer (her own sign, which makes her even more potent).

Danielle Clermont explains that during her period of influence which should extend from 28th December to 2nd January, “Cancer-related themes such as family and children; attachment to the past and to family; dependencies; hypersensitivity and hyper-emotionality; worries and insecurities; defensive behaviours, etc. — all should be exacerbated.

So if you were relying on the festive season to provide a break, forget it. Better wake up right away and graciously. Stop turning a blind eye and acknowledge the inevitability of the situation: we've got our backs against the wall. It's too late to back down, but there's a way of overcoming the obstacle by rising above. Which, of course, will demand us to let go of our unnecessary burdens weighing us down.

Enjoy your ride!


  1. ^ The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space at 14-17° Sagittarius — the most potent source of electromagnetic radiation in the known universe, it bends both space and time, giving a simultaneous view of the past, present and future. It is considered to be the seat of the Universal Source and cosmic balance.
  2. ^ Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades, located at 27° Sagittarius at the centre of the Milky Way. It is also known as the Great Central Sun or Galactic Centre as at its centre is a supermassive black hole which will suck up whatever is in the area.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


We're Gonna Make It!

And the DéQodeurs would sing
Some stuff that still gets under my skin:
The world is gonna change
The world is gonna change
Together, we're gonna make it
Together, we're gonna make it

What? You still haven't heard of the DéQodeurs, a proud battalion of fearless French-speaking info-decrypters who defy censorship by doing the work the crappy media refuse to do as they are all sold-out to our tyrannical elites? As emblematic figures of the great international army of digital soldiers, sparing no effort to research information, fact-check, decode, and translate it when necessary prior to reporting it on their website, the DéQodeurs also have a live stream news report on Tuesdays an Fridays at 9pm to substitute MSM newscasts with verified information, all tossed with a generous touch of humour and cheerfulness.

Where to watch live streams?

Two weeks ago, I had already mentioned about them in my introduction to a great song paying tribute to digital soldiers which I had shared on their Telegram chat (see Related articles). Incidentally (though we know that there is no such thing as chance), founding member of the dream team Leo also wrote a uniting anthem for all the valiant fighters who took the red pill and are resisting the brain-eating virus in the hope to find a remedy for all the victims who chose to hide behind their masks. These simple yet striking words restoring courage and hope with a catchy melody and an uplifting clip made together can only leave you asking for more.

Please, share and feel free to use my translation to make subtitles (with credits where applies, thank you). You're also welcome to make a cover in English or any other language. If so, please let us know so that we can also share your work.

You may download the files you need HERE.

Together we're gonna make it!


On va y arriver !

They tell me that I'm crazy,
That I'm stupid,
And that I'm a fool,
A brainless conspiracist
With time to kill.
But it's okay
'Cuz the blind cannot see
And that's the way it goes.
I love them,
But their idols aren't mine.

When you tell me that you're scared
And that you're cold,
I'm there for you
With my warm heart.
Come and snuggle in my arms
For together we are strong.
We're gonna make it,
The sun is coming up.

The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...

We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...

They tell you that you're crazy,
That you're stupid,
And that you're a fool,
A brainless conspiracist
With time to kill.
But it's okay
'Cuz the blind cannot see
And that's the way it goes.
You love them,
But their idols aren't yours.

When I tell you that I'm scared
And that I'm cold,
You're there for me
With your warm-heart.
And I snuggle in your arms
For together we are strong.
We're gonna make it,
The sun is coming up.

I promise you
The world is gonna change.
The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...

Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...

When darkness falls,
When it's cold, we hold hands.
We're not crazy,
We're not stupid for we have faith.

And I promise you
The world is gonna change
For the sun is coming up.

We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...

Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...

Original text by LEONARDO SOJLI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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