Have Yourself a Merry Little COVID

Have yourself a merry little COVID,
May your mask be tight.
From now on our temps
Will have to be alright.

Have yourself a merry little COVID,
Make the TP last.
From now on our joy
Will be found in the past.

Here we are in a quarantine,
Social distancing 
And plastic screens.
Faithful friends who are far from us
Gather near to us
On Zoom.

I think next year
It all becomes much better.
And it's clearer now
Politics skew the numbers
And you really don't know
If ya got the Rona
Or just a really bad runny nose.

Original text by HUGH MARTIN and RALPH BLANE


Holiday Delights

As many, this year more than ever, I really find it hard to get into the holiday spirit. Fortunately I have a few tricks such as this delicious spicy bites I always make for Christmas and which no traditional processed treat can ever vie with, both taste and health-wise.

These easy-made delights contain only healthy nutrients that will not make you gain weight. Especially cashews, valuable sources of phytosterols which can reduce by 10-20% your level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) when consumed daily. But also for their high content in trace elements and B-group vitamins which are essential for nervous balance, cell-functioning, and hormone production amongst other things. These can be found in flaxseed too, but they also provide soluble fibres which facilitate digestion and intestinal transit and help control food and sugar cravings. As for coconut oil, I think it needs no more introduction as I'm using it about everywhere including in cosmetics.


Makes 15 bites:

- 100 g sultanas
- 100 g cashews
- 1 cup spice tea
- 1 tsp flaxseed
- 1 tbsp coconut oil (compact form)
- 1 tsp powdered ginger
- grated coconut


Soak sultanas in warm spice tea and leave overnight.

The next day, drain them and transfer to a blender jug with coconut oil. Grind flaxseed and add to the mixture along with ginger powder. Blend until smooth and refrigerate until the mixture hardens.

Make little balls and roll then in grated coconut. Store into a sealed container in the fridge.

NOTE: You may substitute pecans (more expensive) for cashews, fruit juice for spice tea, and dried fruits or cranberries for sultanas. And if you don't have a coffee grinder, you may grind flaxseed with a pepper mill.

A great homemade gift idea for  those who have decided to boycott this commercial break before the next lockdown.

Eat as much as you like, yum!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Dealing With “Negative” Karmic Family Relationships

Finding a great protocol online and applying it to do something is totally unrealistic. The best thing to do is to stop nurturing relationships. Which doesn't mean severing all ties to people and telling them “I won't see you anymore, you're too annoying”, but simply, as always, listening to yourself.

Severing all ties to karmic memories”: so tired of karmic memories!

Here on this planet, we've reached at a point where we're truly connecting to time zero (which means now). And in the now, when you listen to yourself, your mind connects to your soul and your soul makes suggestions within in the form of ideas, day dreams, songs, synchronicities, signs... anything you like. In this moment, there are no ties because you are yourself.

You need to be fully anchored in the present moment and whenever you see something which causes you worry or that you're going to do out of habit, that's when you need to listen within. “Is it really in my interest to do this? Or am I not being caught into the repetitive loop of a tie I'm nurturing — some kind of a root fear or insecurity?” It is super important.

Also, I'd say everything related to family obviously has a stronger affect, but we need to expand our awareness because our family on Earth is not necessarily our true family. Especially when so many of us have been adopted. And we, adoptees, come from all sorts of backgrounds, sometimes not even from the same local universe, that is to say how many of us did come to help!

Likewise, we need to expand our awareness because even though these are earthly links, these fraternal ties may be very new and you might have be brought into a family because it's been around for many incarnations.

One thing you need to know is that the natives of the surface of the Earth are having a hard time awakening due to all the tampering they've been subjected to — they have some kind of a thick blanket to prevent them from listening within and most are actually unable to do so and thus cannot understand themselves. However, you can understand that they are unable to do it. Therefore it's also being wiser to understand that we cannot ask them to behave any differently from what they are and what they can be right now. It's important to get this point.

And precisely, since many of us come from elsewhere, let me remind you that when you're going to see your incarnated memories (past memories), in some instances they are not even yours because when you came here you also embodied the heritage of some Light who said: “Okay, I accept your help, so please take my place” and thus you inherited their own memories as well. This is how, sometimes, you can carry the burden of some memories which don't belong to you and eventually, we are also here to resolve all the karma of a person which is a great gift because every day through our responses, our dealings and our way of being, we are purifying this karma.

It's important because we often talk about previous lives, stuff, memories, karmic links, but let me tell you this: today it's totally insignificant as we forget we are millions who have volunteered and who are not even 'locals'. We must stop thinking the old-fashioned way. And it's the old way since the first wave started with people who are now aged 49-69. It's been a while and things have changed, and yet we're still entertaining the same old beliefs.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


We Must Wake Up Now

Here come the liars
Posing at pop-up gateways.
Here come the preachers,
To the living gods, the world is theirs.

"Echo Ruby", Indochine (1996)

I guess we can say that 2020 has not failed its promise as a mirror year and revealed, in catalytic fashion, the real nature of everyone, forcing us to show our true faces. How ironic. Cosmic humour. Always. And as they say, it's when the going gets tough that the best or worst potentials get uncovered. It's also a unique opportunity to find out who we really are and, if necessary, find the courage to reinvent ourselves (yep, it does take a lot of courage to confront your own ego).

But don't go thinking we're over with this 'apocalyptic' year as it's drawing to a close and because so many immature souls would love to simply 'cancel' it. No, we're not done yet with 2020 for the apocalypse (which in ancient Greek means 'revelations') has still not happened, but is in the pipeline as indicated by the star configuration and what's going on behind the scenes which the corrupt mainstream media fail to report (if you drink dirty water, don't be surprised to suffer from mental diarrhoea).

Besides, according to sacred numerology, December 2020 is a 16 universal month (12+4) corresponding to the Tower arcana of Tarot or, as French-Canadian numerologist Murielle Robert calls it, the Self-Liberating Awakening. The symbolism is clear enough: we must wake up now. While some of us are in for a rude shock, we must absolutely go through this in order to start afresh. In other words, the tower needs to be evacuated before knocking it down to rebuild on sound foundations. There's no point in clinging to old structures which no longer work. That is the message from the planets at the end of 2020, the last weeks of which are bound to be chaotic.

Total Eclipse Of The Mind

The moon is shameless and dark
And I'm so scared of no longer seeing you.
Wake me up from this coma...

"Coma, coma, coma", Indochine (1996)

In fact, December really began on 30th November with the lunar eclipse full moon on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of thought — which is rather significant when you know we are actually caught in the midst of a raging world war of information, bombarded with conflicting claims and distorted truths to create cognitive dissonance, the ultimate purpose of which literally is the control and lockdown of the human spirit.

The lunar eclipse of early December will soon be followed by a total solar eclipse new moon in Sagittarius on Monday at 5:16 pm in France (11:16 am in Quebec) and will be visible from most parts of South America, South Africa, the Indian Ocean and Antarctic.

Total solar eclipses new moons are usually powerful if not explosive lunations” explains Danielle Clermont. “Visually, total solar eclipses can be seen as impressive cosmic events, also a wee bit 'dramatic'. Astrology-wise, total solar eclipse new moons speed up time — they generally open new doors while closing others. During a total solar eclipse, it is common for sudden change to occur. Even though it may feel disturbing and 'shocking', it may also help us by speeding up necessary transformations.” (source).

Eclipses can be seen as “cosmic wild cards in your life with the potential to lift you out of Kansas and drop you on the yellow brick road” as says Lorna Bevan, referring to the Magician of Oz. She also mentions you don't need to impose change on yourself from the outside as the eclipse will do it for you in its own perfect timing, depending on where 20-26 degrees Sagittarius are in your chart. “The exception is if you can feel something shifting or have one of those lightbulb moments, then go with it and go for it.” (source)

Good thing since my great-uncle was from Kansas and this new moon falls in my 12th house of dreams and subconscious (even if the first is totally unrelated to the latter).

To cut a long story short and avoid losing you in technicalities you won't understand unless you have a certain knowledge in astrology, let's say in this new rendezvous between the Sun and the Moon in the sign of the Centaur (higher thinking, philosophy, esoterics, religion, spirituality, belief systems), emotions will take over and there is a risk of great mental confusion with this triple Moon-Sun-Mercury conjunction squaring Neptune no longer retrograde in his home sign of Pisces (i.e. in full strength). But also because of the great karmic nature of this lunation on the South Node (past) sided by the Great Attractor1 and the Galactic Centre2.

Fasten your seat belts, we're going to encounter turbulence!

At this time, deception and trickery may be employed to try to create a fait accompli in order to block the change that many long for. Now, not only common sense is needed, but also the willingness to stand up with all clarity for an open and human future.” (source)

For Danielle Clermont, the message is clear: “During this total solar eclipse, all the attributes of Sagittarius are likely to be 'distorted': expect excess and exaggeration; all kinds of disruption; arrogance, pride and vainglory; escape from reality; illusion and delusion.”

Expect more revelations as chickens to come home to roost with all the usual accompanying media hype” also warns Lorna Bevan.

It just happens that the Electoral College meets on the very day of the eclipse to decide who the new president ELECT of the United States will ACTUALLY be.

Forever Conscious reminds us as well that this solar eclipse is directly linked to the lunar eclipse we had on 5th June — if you can remember what was called to be released from your life at the time. (source)

Reset To Zero

Tonight, tonight
Heaven is bored and is calling on us
Tonight, tonight
Heaven invites us to a new life

"Ce soir, le ciel", Indochine (1996)

The other major astrological event of the end of 2020 is the winter solstice on the 21st, which is, as you know, the longest night of the year (or the shortest for those who live in the Southern hemisphere).

However significant season changes are, especially solstices, as potent energy portals (hence the many pagan rites still celebrated for most or hijacked by the Church), the shift to winter this year will be a very special one as Saturn (tradition, authority) and Jupiter (expansion, justice) will be conjunct again no longer in Capricorn (conservatism) this time, but at 0° in Aquarius (innovation) whereas the Sun will merge with Mercury (communication) à 0° in Capricorn. I should point out that most astrologers consider zero as a critical degree because it is the transition threshold from one type of energy to another and the planets are like caught in the crossfire.

While the simultaneity of a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction during a winter solstice is an extremely rare occurrence, “this time, the encounter of the two social planets takes place at 0° Aquarius. The conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter always occur in the same element for about 200 years. In the cycle now coming to an end, it was the element Earth. With the Great Conjunction in Aquarius, we are at the very beginning of a cycle in the element Air, and thus at the beginning of a significant shift in the collective orientation. Knowledge, communication and ideals will shape the next two centuries more than material possessions. We are now at the beginning of a new era. We will already be able to perceive the first, delicate effects next year.” (source)

It is important to note that the last time the two generational planets met in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius dates back to the Middle Ages (1405, to be precise). And as an astrologer pointed out, “the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycles are viewed as cosmological portents of political and social change, such as the emergence of a new dynasty, nation, or the revelation of a great prophet.” (source)

But there's more: this historical alignment on the winter solstice will also coincide with the conjunction of Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) with the Black Moon (second focus of the lunar orbit) at 6° in Taurus (materialism) to which the fantastic pair will form a hard aspect lasting over several weeks. Basically, it's just as if this deadly combination of Santa (Jupiter) and the Grinch (Saturn) would involve in an arm wrestling show of strength with the Great Awakener (Uranus) and Morticia (Black Moon)!

How can we be the light?” asks Lorelai Kude. “With Jupiter/Saturn in idealistic, universalistic, humanitarian Aquarius, we don't just light our own candle. We reach across the aisle to light someone else's candle, and together we shine light into the darkest places—first within our own hearts, and then to the world we share.

As Above So Below

Up there on the starry sea,
In my ship, I will be looking
In space and galaxies
For a place to land my satellite

"Satellite", Indochine (1996)

And in order to end the year in a blaze of glory, on 30th December, right before New Year's Eve, we shall have a full moon in Cancer (her own sign, which makes her even more potent).

Danielle Clermont explains that during her period of influence which should extend from 28th December to 2nd January, “Cancer-related themes such as family and children; attachment to the past and to family; dependencies; hypersensitivity and hyper-emotionality; worries and insecurities; defensive behaviours, etc. — all should be exacerbated.

So if you were relying on the festive season to provide a break, forget it. Better wake up right away and graciously. Stop turning a blind eye and acknowledge the inevitability of the situation: we've got our backs against the wall. It's too late to back down, but there's a way of overcoming the obstacle by rising above. Which, of course, will demand us to let go of our unnecessary burdens weighing us down.

Enjoy your ride!


  1. ^ The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space at 14-17° Sagittarius — the most potent source of electromagnetic radiation in the known universe, it bends both space and time, giving a simultaneous view of the past, present and future. It is considered to be the seat of the Universal Source and cosmic balance.
  2. ^ Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades, located at 27° Sagittarius at the centre of the Milky Way. It is also known as the Great Central Sun or Galactic Centre as at its centre is a supermassive black hole which will suck up whatever is in the area.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


We're Gonna Make It!

And the DéQodeurs would sing
Some stuff that still gets under my skin:
The world is gonna change
The world is gonna change
Together, we're gonna make it
Together, we're gonna make it

What? You still haven't heard of the DéQodeurs, a proud battalion of fearless French-speaking info-decrypters who defy censorship by doing the work the crappy media refuse to do as they are all sold-out to our tyrannical elites? As emblematic figures of the great international army of digital soldiers, sparing no effort to research information, fact-check, decode, and translate it when necessary prior to reporting it on their website, the DéQodeurs also have a live stream news report on Tuesdays an Fridays at 9pm to substitute MSM newscasts with verified information, all tossed with a generous touch of humour and cheerfulness.

Where to watch live streams?

Two weeks ago, I had already mentioned about them in my introduction to a great song paying tribute to digital soldiers which I had shared on their Telegram chat (see Related articles). Incidentally (though we know that there is no such thing as chance), founding member of the dream team Leo also wrote a uniting anthem for all the valiant fighters who took the red pill and are resisting the brain-eating virus in the hope to find a remedy for all the victims who chose to hide behind their masks. These simple yet striking words restoring courage and hope with a catchy melody and an uplifting clip made together can only leave you asking for more.

Please, share and feel free to use my translation to make subtitles (with credits where applies, thank you). You're also welcome to make a cover in English or any other language. If so, please let us know so that we can also share your work.

You may download the files you need HERE.

Together we're gonna make it!


On va y arriver !

They tell me that I'm crazy,
That I'm stupid,
And that I'm a fool,
A brainless conspiracist
With time to kill.
But it's okay
'Cuz the blind cannot see
And that's the way it goes.
I love them,
But their idols aren't mine.

When you tell me that you're scared
And that you're cold,
I'm there for you
With my warm heart.
Come and snuggle in my arms
For together we are strong.
We're gonna make it,
The sun is coming up.

The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...

We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...

They tell you that you're crazy,
That you're stupid,
And that you're a fool,
A brainless conspiracist
With time to kill.
But it's okay
'Cuz the blind cannot see
And that's the way it goes.
You love them,
But their idols aren't yours.

When I tell you that I'm scared
And that I'm cold,
You're there for me
With your warm-heart.
And I snuggle in your arms
For together we are strong.
We're gonna make it,
The sun is coming up.

I promise you
The world is gonna change.
The world is gonna change...
The world is gonna change...

Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...

When darkness falls,
When it's cold, we hold hands.
We're not crazy,
We're not stupid for we have faith.

And I promise you
The world is gonna change
For the sun is coming up.

We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...
We're gonna make it...

Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...
Together, we're gonna make it...

Original text by LEONARDO SOJLI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


AMI, the Child of the Stars

A relentless world traveller, in August 1985, Chilean author Enrique Barrios experienced a UFO encounter which had a profound impact on him and inspired this spiritual story for (inner) children. Through AMI, a child from a distant galaxy, he conveys a message of hope on the possibility of transforming our planet, bringing its people together under the fundamental universal law of Love. Originally written in Spanish, this book was such a bestseller, it became part of a trilogy. Though no longer published, it is now available in free distribution in PDF form. You may also find audio versions on YouTube.

Easy for simple souls, I mean; because if we talk about this subject with a man of old spirit he will go away with complicated and intellectual theories that will entangle him and then at the end of the day, will turn us away from God. What happened is that in this planet we are half twisted inside, that is why it is difficult for us to comprehend simple things. It is the same regarding the management of this world.

I travelled to Ofir, an advanced world and also to others. This way I knew that the advanced civilisations of the Universe share everything with Love, as if they are one grand planetary family. Simple. And as a result, it seemed like a permanent festival because everyone was content. But here one comes out to the street and sees a happy face and hundred faces of vinegar. And almost everyone thinks that their problems would be solved with money, but meanwhile the richer a place is, the more vinegar and stone faces.

What happens is that the material is only “the part that is outside”, but happiness has to do with “the part that is inside”, and that in turn has to do with Love. This is exactly the principle guide of the worlds much advanced than ours, Love; because of this, their life is seen from the perspective of one “we”, while here the only thing important is “I”. Selfishness is our natural behaviour and from there comes our way of life, driven by the old and cruel “engine” of this “civilisation”, the famous “competitiveness”, which is no more or less than the prehistoric “law of the jungle”, expressed in elegant words.

But the advanced worlds are not prehistoric any more. There they do not compete, there they share.

Due to that and other reasons, the cosmic civilisations consider that our humanity is still not civilised or evolved. For these people, we are a very primitive species, although we consider ourselves “modern” (people of the year 1200 and all times have been considered to be equal). And we cannot comprehend that the crews of those silent ships which are seen with increasing frequency possess a technology we have not even been able to reach yet and the do not consider us to be worthy of first contact.

Well, the professors of the universities are not going to begin contact with the savages of the forests either, why? To send them instructors? Of course they would be hunted down with poisonous darts. It is better to leave them some books with illustrations easier to understand, with the ABCs of what they want to teach them. Another example: If you are going to visit a dangerous criminal, he is going to think that you support him. And if you are going to tell him that his conduct is not right, better go with a bulletproof vest. Also it will be useless, because he knows very well what he does. In this case also it is better to leave some books close by (and do not forget to put in them bullets and dangers, many anxieties, hared and sadness, because if not, he will get bored and throw away the book).

But despite all the darkness and hardness of this uncivilised world, which because of living in prehistoric times still does not respect nor sense what Love is in reality, Ami says that I have to live with happiness, with good vibrations towards all including towards the scientists who are dedicated to inventing new weapons, or towards those who destroy the environment (he believes that it is so easy to Love certain humanoids). According to him, those “benefactors of mankind” (I would put them into prisons so that they would not do more damage) are not that bad but that they are ignorant. Due to this, the solution is not to fight; the remedy is not in wiping off the map neither in imprisoning none (unfortunately), but to teach, to help change the mind and the heart, at least of the young ones, whom we still can change (Now I realize, “adult” and “adulterated” have the same root). I say that we can become different and lead the world of another form more human some day, but it is not certain because the school does not teach us to be better people.

Our education is not oriented towards “the inner part”, but towards the outside; for this reason, almost the only thing we do is to memorize information, and not really the information that will take us to happiness or that will make us understand the greater meaning of life. Accumulating information on the outside does not change anything inside, not in the profound sense.

And instead of stimulating us to be in solidarity, it encourages us to be more competitive, and that means to try to win over others in everything, to turn others into puree, to squash them, to stamp over them. That is our formal philosophy, moral and ethical reality. We dress better than before, on the outside, and walk with cell phones. But inside, from the caves to this day not much has changed.

In this scenario, I do not see our generation doing anything differently. Or will it be?

ENRIQUE BARRIOS, AMI, Internal Civilizations

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Digital Soldiers

Where we go one we go all! To cut a long ripple effect story short, this great hymn to resistance was brought to my attention in the comments on a post by Matt Bellamy on Instagram. A Muse fan was complaining his song had been censored everywhere and it sparked my curiosity. So I asked him where I could hear it. He then explained that upon release, his video had gone viral and all the channels which had shared it got immediately shut down by YouTube. So did the Instagram account on which he had posted it, whereas his YouTube channel got shadow-banned — which literally makes you invisible to other users unless they enter your URL. Shame on those who still believe in conspiracies! Since I loved this song so much (the kind Muse would appreciate) I had the idea to share it on the Telegram chat of the DéQodeurs (a French community committed against mainstream fake news) who promptly reposted it on their news thread, which helped Gordo {Bot} increase their number of views and even receive donations to help fund the making of a full album, and also owed them supportive comments from many French digital soldiers. Gordon is based in Glasgow and the cute 5 year-old playing electronic drums in the video is his daughter, Melodie. You may also check his very stylish and professional official video HERE.


Where we go one we go all!
Trust the Plan,
Don’t take no for an answer.
Where we go one we go all!
Don’t you know we’re the
Digital soldiers!
Digital soldiers!

Take a little time,
Think about the world
That we live in;
Think about the lies
All the time,
No one said it was gonna be easy.

Fly into the night,
Are we dreaming for a miracle?
Open mind?
Open wide,
No one said this was gonna be easy.

There’s people praying day by day
(Listen up and you’ll hear them say)

Where we go one we go all!
Trust the Plan,
Don’t take no for an answer.
Where we go one we go all!
Don’t you know we’re the
Digital soldiers!
Digital soldiers!

Corruption with a smile
Do we really know who to trust,
And who to believe?
All the while,
They’ll be running
And running and running.

You better hold tight
Because the swamp runs deep
With the things we don’t see.
Open mind?
Open wide,
No one said it was gonna be easy.

Sink? Swim?
Who’s in?
(We all want peace and harmony)
They won’t give in — no!
(Never never)

Where we go one we go all!
Trust the Plan,
Don’t take no for an answer.
Where we go one we go all!
Don’t you know we’re the
Digital soldiers!
Digital soldiers!

Original text by GORDON MCNEIL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Hotel California

Some songs are memorable, pass the test of time and become legends. "Hotel California" is one of those. This piece of anthology is arguably the Eagles' most iconic song. It sold 16 million copies in the U.S. alone, peaked at number one in the charts where it stayed for 19 weeks, and was awarded Record of the Year by the music industry in 1978.

Hotel California

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair,
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air,
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light.
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim.
I had to stop for the night.

There she stood in the doorway.
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself:
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell".
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way.
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say:

Welcome to the Hotel California,
Such a lovely place
(Such a lovely place),
Such a lovely face.
Plenty of room at the Hotel California,
Any time of year
(Any time of year),
You can find it here.

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends.
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends.
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.

So I called up the Captain:
"Please bring me my wine."
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969."
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say:

Welcome to the Hotel California,
Such a lovely place
(Such a lovely place),
Such a lovely face.
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise
(What a nice surprise),
Bring your alibis.

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice,
And she said: "We are all just prisoners here,
Of our own device."
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast.
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast.

Last thing I remember,
I was running for the door.
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before.

"Relax," said the night man.
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

Glenn Frey & Don Henley, 1976

About This Song

Beyond its extremely cinematographic lyrics, obviously alluding to Hollywood, and certainly influenced by the Twilight Zone TV series, much has been written — and still is, about "Hotel California" (initially called "Mexican Reggae") and its supposedly hidden meaning open to many possible interpretations. (Personally, I can't help thinking of the infamous haunted luxury hotel in Kubrick's The Shining.)

However, the Eagles' band members have revealed that the true meaning behind "Hotel California" is a commentary on the hedonism and self-indulgence of America. “It’s basically a song about the dark underbelly of the American dream and about excess in America, which is something we knew a lot about,” Don Henley said. “We were all middle class kids from the Midwest, 'Hotel California' was our interpretation of the high life in L.A.” (Source)

I won't detail all those possible interpretations and so-called metaphors because, for me, these lyrics are to be taken literally, which makes them even creepier. I won't give you a full “conspiracist” account either of the crucial role of Hollywood and what's going on behind the scene of the showbiz industry, MK Ultra, the Monarch Project, rampant paedophilia, sexual slavery, black magic, human sacrifices, etc. Neither will I explain how many celebrities and figures of power consciously sold their soul or got framed into it — or horrifyingly got ”sold” by their own family.

The first verse obviously refers to the appeal of the fake light and glamour which hypnotise and cast a spell on the narrator (“Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim.“) The warm smell of colitas has a double meaning as it is a slang term in Mexico for the buds of the cannabis plant but also a slang term in Hispanic culture for... buttocks! Drugs and lust, the two favourite weapons for hijacking the kundalini (life force) and disconnecting souls.

The following lines are riddled with religious overtones: mission, paradise, hell, candle, the way. The mission bell most certainly alludes to the Catholic missionaries from Spain who settled California and could be seen as a sign the protagonist receives and chooses to ignore as he prefers letting the false prophetess show him the way. The voices he hears might be the beginning of brainwashing or chants. Ever heard that it is not a healthy sign to hear voices?

The second verse is about the superficial materialistic mindset obsessed with money, luxury (Tiffany, Mercedes) and lust. Why talking of “pretty, pretty boys” rather than sexy men? Hard to believe, in such a chauvinist society, how a woman could have the equivalent of a harem here. Unless you consider they are young boys under MK Ultra mind control program, either struggling to recover their mind or to forget the atrocities they were subjected to.

As for the wine and spirit part, it could have a double meaning too even though Don Henley himself told an interviewer that line in the song had little or nothing to do with alcoholic beverages and was a sociopolitical statement (the lost spirit of the American Dream and the decline of the music industry after Woodstock in 1969) — don't Christians talk of wine as the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit? It doesn't sound so far-fetched with the lines coming next.

What about these voices who “wake you up in the middle of the night” and tell you to “bring your alibis”? Alibis, what for? Hiring  pizzas perhaps?

The last verse reminds me of Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick's last hyper creepy movie. They're all prisoners because when you choose to join Illuminati circles — or are coerced through blackmail which is how the Deep State operates to manipulate its pawns and can thus rule the world in the shadows — you can never leave.

As for what goes next in the Master's chambers, it's all a bit too much for a poetic metaphor of the American Dream (sic). Well, I don't know, but it clearly describes a satanic ritual. Even Baudelaire hooked on illegal substances and spleen would never come up with such gory allegories!

Finally, Faust himself wouldn't have denied the last verses: “You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!” The “we are programmed” bit is also worth noting.

Clearly, this song could be about anything and everything, but could also be about everything it appears to be about (read Lewis Carroll again about language manipulation, dual meaning, and absurd logic). However, as always things are exposed as they are to get your consent because they have to respect the law of freewill. Plus these people have an enormous superiority complex and expect you won't get it. But they forgot an essential detail: the intelligence of the heart is a billion times greater than that of an ego formatable at will because it is directly connected to the Source, the Divine... you name it.

Not only one truth exists. There are only doors opening and closing on realities reflecting our choices and beliefs. One thing you need to know though is that some realities no longer allow you to access others.

May the light be with humanity. On this very day more than ever.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The End of the World as We Know It

It's the end of the world as we know it
(It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine

"It's The End Of The World", R.E.M. (1987)

From Latin apocalypsis (“revelation”) and derived from Ancient Greek apokálupsis (“to discover”) and verb kalúptō (“I cover”) prefixed with apó (“after”), apocalypse refers to the unveiling of something hidden, not some brutal disaster signalling the end of the world as erroneously assumed by its current hijacked meaning. That said, it is a matter of perspective where the uncovering of all the things which have been hidden from mankind for thousands of years might (should) actually mark the end of the reign of corruption and the beginning of a new world for humanity.

As mentioned in the fall of Babylon in Revelation 17 of the Apocalypse of John:

And one of the seven angels who had the seven vessels came and said to me, Come here, so that you may see the judging of the evil woman who is seated on the great waters; with whom the kings of the earth made themselves unclean, and those who are on the earth were full of the wine of her evil desires. [...]

And the kings of the earth, who made themselves unclean with her, and in her company gave themselves up to evil, will be weeping and crying over her, when they see the smoke of her burning, watching from far away, for fear of her punishment, saying, Sorrow, sorrow for Babylon, the great town, the strong town! for in one hour you have been judged.

“The Beast is here, it's coming” declared Macron prior to the first lockdown. The infamous beast of the Book of Revelations “ which you saw was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the great deep, and to go into destruction. And those who are on the earth, whose names have not been put in the book of life from the first, will be full of wonder when they see the beast, that he was, and is not, and still will be”.

Disturbing, isn't it? As mentioned at the on-start of the new year, 2020 is the year of Judgement (twentieth arcanum of Tarot) and of the release of all our karmic memories as explained below by Lulumineuse in her channelled message. It is now time to free yourself from your opinions and from the confusion of your mind to reconnect to the way of the Heart and your inner light.


An apocalypse is a critical stage in a transition — a dimensional crossing over. To understand this fully, you need to refer to the great Universal Law of cause and effect.

An apocalypse is a time of multi-level revelations aiming at uncovering and exposing what has been hidden. But let us explain here what we mean by “what has been hidden”. Because of its carnal origin (referring to genetically inherited codes), mankind naturally and energetically protects itself through an egoistic shell, the primary purpose of which is to preserve its evolution. As it evolves, over an extended period of time, it needs to progressively release this protection, shifting to greater awareness and thus more transparency.

This shift is gradual and takes many generations, involving a worldwide societal and technological evolution. But also and more importantly, a spiritual evolution — and an inner quest for its fundamental origin. In worlds where this main quest is secondary, as is the case here on Earth, mankind has turned its protective shell into a persona which became its own prison. This persona takes over and pushes its spiritual nature so far back it has totally denied nay forsaken it. Things are hidden, communication goes more through the mind, interactions are truncated, and mankind suffers from its own non-transparency. Hence, through causal effect, what is hidden and buried within needs to surface to be brought to light.

On a global scale, the moment when the dark side has to become visible is what you may call an apocalypse. This stage is occurring right now on Earth and should spread over several years — which should be as sensitive as life-saving, with both challenging lows and dizzying highs.

At the individual level, while setting up its own spiritual nature and embodying it, humanity will enter a beautiful, meteoric ascent phase beyond anything it has ever experienced so far. Worldwide, this period of revelations should extend up to 2024. But what we're talking about here is a trend.

We cannot make accurate predictions as to what will happen; the Universe has its own plans. Even at our level, we know that the present moment needs to be the only focus of the Spirit. This period is quite unsettling, all the information creates a thick cloud of smoke and you may have difficulty telling true from false.

So take this piece of advice: trust the light of your Spirit/Heart. Go within and look at things from the space of your consciousness and your heart. Free yourself from overthinking, keep things simple, focus on beauty. Nurture the heights of your Spirit (I see a bird sitting on a branch).


During this channelling, I have received a number of visions of people publicly disclosing their wrongdoing under coercion or (more rarely) through redemption. I saw a trail of people speaking up and confessing things, the role they played, and what they did in numerous affairs and in many areas.

At the same time, I saw many beautiful things, a great number of initiatives, deep moments. So wonderful.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Truth or Tricks!

Night breaks, moon rises
The worst nights
Wretched sighs, damn mornings
The worst mornings

"Les Plus Mauvaises Nuits", Indochine (1992)

Next Saturday at 2:49 pm BST is the time of the second full moon of this month of October. A 'Blue Moon' — which happens when we get two full moons in one calendar month — is a rare enough occurrence (hence the term 'once in a blue moon'), but particularly so when it falls on Halloween night — last time was in 1944.

The Witch-Hunter Moon

A couple of days prior to the presidential election in the United States, this highly symbolic epic night is most likely to bring about a major turning-point in the final battle of the spiritual war raging in the invisible worlds and affecting us all in the physical world in a more or less conscious way. Note the cognitive dissonance in all the Kafkaesque, counter-producing, conflicting measures and counter-measures; in all the official lies and informal truths; in all the denial and epiphanies; and in all the endless (anti/pro) divisions and sub-divisions where each and everyone is dying from asphyxiation in their own cataractous plexiglass bubble.

I'm leaving it up to you to savour the fact that this Halloween 'Blue Moon' is also a 'Hunter Moon'. Its symbolism resonating both politically (as the colours of the two opposing parties) and esoterically (as the colours of air/mental realm vs. fire/spiritual realm). Especially when, in addition to being in the spotlight of the Sun hosted by Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, the lunar orb will join forces with Lilith, her own shadow and Uranus, the Father Sky, in a counterbalancing effort.

Lorna Bevan from Waking World explains that this Halloween Full Moon across the polarity of Taurus and Scorpio (which in astrology represents tangible vs. intangible and material vs. spiritual) “is a reminder of the eternal Law of life and death, of impermanence and regeneration. The Great Awakener Uranus is conjunct the Moon in Taurus. This Uranus transit through Taurus is Universal Mind imploding into Matter — shocking your awareness back to your physicality, rattling your bones, your heart, your electric circuit. As it wakes from the trance coma of unconsciousness, your body is the carrier of your soul. The Awakener in Taurus — symbol of the Tree of Life — has all the makings of a resurrection of the highest order. During such an influx of deep space light, your embodiment experience needs constant grounding as Uranus stimulates change via electrical currents in the Nadis (energetic channels in which circulates the Prana or Vital Energy), acting as a lightning conduit for intuition sensory acuity, Knowing/Gnosis direct from the Noosphere (literally, 'mind-sphere' or Earth’s mental sheathe)”.

The Awakening Of The Serpent

Expect constant energy fluctuations as your body becomes electric and kundalini rises” she writes. “Paradoxically, this level of awakening requires so much sleep, essential to allow the rewriting of form to occur. Acclimatise to your new energy flow by attuning to whatever your body needs — perhaps a few knock-out days followed by very physically active ones. Drink lots of water.

In my case, perhaps means 'surely, definitely'. I can even feel the flow of electricity and the vibrations coursing through my body, and my mind is a constant struggle to use as all the information is now diverted to other channels of communication. The great thing is that it can no longer distort messages and instil its own doubts, fear, and confusion. The downside, however, is that I have great difficulty communicating in the physical world and am constantly lost for words. I can't wait until we can all use telepathy!

The karmic Chandra (Hindu moon deity) symbol of the Taurus full moon also resonates a lot with me. It depicts a large ruby inscribed with a prayer:

A beautiful dream that comes true. Conceiving in your heart that a fresh life current is here to be met in the physical. Being magnetised to the spot where the New Earth arises. You feel deeply drawn to give yourself over completely to what the new life-wave asks. Sensing acutely that this is all that counts, and suffering for all of those who are shut off from the bounty. Knowing how hard it is to feel dejected and forsaken and never forgetting the ache, the longing, the distances, and what it takes to earnestly clasp new life and realise you belong to the heavenly kingdom in the Earth and will never again be out in the cold.

~ Elias Lonsdale, Inside Degrees

Heaven And Hell On The Loose

But wait, there's more. As mentioned, the Moon will align with her shadow, i.e. a virtual point corresponding to the second empty focal point of her elliptical orbit around the Earth, known as Black Moon Lilith. The orb is quite large, but the karmic overtone of this aspect should no less be felt. The Black Moon represents our quest for perfection. This is where we both experience suffering and repression, but also sublimation where we can grasp the deep finality of our existence. Her glyph is actually the combination of a moon crescent upon a cross representing the soul transcending physicality.

It is thus very difficult to know what to expect as it mostly depends on the level of evolution and awareness of each and everyone of us. However, as French Canadian astrologer Danielle Clermont writes in her October monthly report, “astrology-wise, this is an all-Uranian full moon we're heading for, i.e. an unpredictable, erratic, perhaps 'shocking' full moon”.

This Full Blue Moon in Scorpio on October 31, 2020 combining with Uranus retrograde in Taurus will have a very strong impact and may create opportunities for unexpected encounters, sudden shocks, exceptional circumstances, and perhaps 'accidents'. Adaptability, caution, and patience are in order” she says.

And as if it wasn't bad enough, a T-square in cardinal signs (the most active ones) should spice up this highly electric atmosphere. To give you an idea: Mars, the god of war, at home in Aries (and therefore at the peak of his power) is opposing Mercury retrograde in his air element in Libra, the sign of balance and justice, while both are also engaging in a show of strength with the three colossuses squatting Capricorn, the sign of power, authority, and establishment.

This configuration reeks of karma from all ends. At collective level, it presents “an increased risk of economic instability, stock market shock, random policy decisions, rebellion and violence. The world's hot spots are more likely to further inflame. And since Uranus in Taurus is also associated with the Earth as Gaia, there is also an increased risk of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (or of other natural disasters).”

No need for astrology to see it all coming, you may say. Know that the dark forces, who are still pulling the strings, will be the most affected by these strong turbulences as they are being exposed and brought to light. And seeing is believing! Keep in mind that Halloween hallmarks the moment when all the boundaries between the visible and the invisible worlds are temporarily removed. And most and foremost, that Halloween is the equivalent of New Year's Eve for Satanists.

So even if you don't believe in all this and find this horror parade fun and entertaining, you must not think that feeding them your energy and attention by celebrating this holiday is of no significance. Do as you please and as you feel, but make sure you are fully aware of what is at stake for this is no longer time for ignorance. It is all truth or tricks now.

I lit the sun
For this child in slumber
I woke the heat
To enlighten and dry his tears
I filled the garden with flowers
To keep out the night, the cold,
And adversity
I filled his path with exhilaration
And with a thousand lights
And a thousand colours

"La Nuit des fées", Indochine (2002)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Self-Love: How to Nurture Inner Peace

To me, the best training you can get is from daily life. I think we all have had interactions such as, for instance, in road traffic where some drivers can behave like animals.

Just outside my home, there's a country lane which covers a couple of kilometers and I always come across drivers who yield and greet me and it feels like we are on the same wavelength — and there are others who are outrightly domineering, who won't yield and expect you to yield, you don't know how and why, and on top of that, aren't even grateful, leaving you wondering why this still happens in 2020. Why is that you have this kind of perception that you should dominate everyone around you? Why can't you just say “thank you” and why can't you understand that together we can all have fraternal relationships? What is it that prevents you from having such relationships?

The answer is up to them. Everyone is on their own different level of evolution. Therefore I won't play his ego game. Because it's an ego domination game they're in. If I get into this, if I get angry, he wins. Anger is a weakness, so I won't be overwhelmed by it. I can feel anger rise inside, yet I choose to let go. I don't want to hurt myself for I know that my anger won't hurt him — he won't change because I get angry at him — but it definitely will hurt me. And these two minutes could ruin a wonderful day when I was so happy to get to where I wanted to go. So I come to my senses (since, again, I can only work to change myself) and tell myself that it's no big deal and still sincerely wish him to change his viewpoint because we really need the world to change. I wish him all the best from the bottom of my heart.

Sending love to Your SELF

While the watchword would be to “send him love”, I, for one, find that utterly hypocritical as most of the times, we don't mean it. It is so hypocritical to say that as I explained a couple of years ago in a workshop video. Saying that you must send love to the other person is completely daft. And absolutely wrong. Because in those circumstances where they really pissed you off (that's the word), they're not the one who need love! The one who is upset is you. You're unhappy because they misbehaved. I'm starting to feel angry therefore I'm the one who needs love since I'm straying from my own light. I am actually creating the consequences. However, the consequences may end with me instead of me sending and amplifying them. Therefore I'm the one who needs love. It means I need to calm down.

So how can I calm down? Through full awareness.

I am fully aware that the domineering behaviour totally lacks awareness. This person is hypnotised. They might simply be stuck in their own doldrums, caught up in a mental loop. There is nobody home and they are so worried that perhaps they're not even aware of what is happening. I don't know. I don't know this person. I cannot judge her through the game they play. Who knows, under normal circumstances, they may be quite cool. I have no idea. So I come back to my senses and acknowledge that that I don't know. I don't know why. i don't know the reasons why I'm experiencing this situation, but all I know is the attitude and the response I can adopt. This is where I can have control.

Therefore I need to send love to myself. It's okay Lulu, no big deal. I will still have a great day and also I sincerely hope this man will be able to move on and I wish him the very best. And I really mean it for we want to help people. Simply because we wish everyone could help one another so that we become more receptive and more fraternal in our interactions. This is far from being unhealthy. But on the other hand, if instead you feel angry (“this is wrong, he's such a pain in the ass, I'm going to send him love”),  this comes as purely hypocritical because, anyway, when you reside in your mental body, your love cannot go anywhere. Don't fool yourself, this is not love you're sending. You must stop claiming that. You need to send love to yourself. This how I send love to myself. Thus I come to full awareness and no longer harbour any animosity against this person as I understand — am aware of the situation. This is what sending love means. It's sending love to yourself. This is the first step to be able to really love the other person for who they are, i.e. I don't wish ill to this man, but I can understand him.

A daily learning process

Finally, I think that once you understand the basic principle of self-love, you can apply it on a daily basis to any situation. Thus, you will notice when you're hurting yourself.  I said 'no', but I actually meant 'yes' — I'm hurting myself! I agreed to take charge of everything, but now I don't feel like it anymore— I'm hurting myself!

It happens every time you bypass your deep inner desire.

It might seem trivial, but I hear from people who don't like their job, who don't like their partner, and who can't see how they ended up in this situation. It's through all these little things. And now they would like a magic wand to change things!

I get messages from people who write “I'm waiting for the world to change so that my life can change at last”. Your life is actually all the consequences of what you did not apply to yourself — of all this non-love. Now if you start with little things such as stopping to not loving yourself and not respecting your will (your true will) — this is self-love, then you'll see that things will change. You will see that real life is about doing the things we love and that everything falls into place through the little things we do on a daily basis, through the people we meet every day and all the influences, all the stuff you did inside. All these things fall into place because they also create positive consequences for your own well-being. And you will be the first to see it. Also because you'll be at the forefront. All this is for you.

One more thing to avoid guilty feelings. You need to know that it's fairly simple yet not very easy. The simplest things are not necessarily easy to apply. It's okay if you have trouble at first and then say “I didn't listen to myself”, etc. The first step is the will to change and implement new things within you. The rest will follow progressively. It's just like when you learn to ride a bike. So you shouldn't feel guilty, take it easy — as easy as possible. Make it fun too, it helps a lot. Also, don't take things too seriously, be light and consider that you'll have a whole new day tomorrow to improve. The great thing is that's the purpose of our being here so no strain.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Self-Love: How to Stay Centred in Times of Trouble

To stay centred and aligned with yourself is the same as maintaining your inner peace. You cannot achieve inner peace while focusing your attention on the outside. In other words, in times of trouble, I can't wait for things on the outside to turn right in order to find inner peace because it will never happen. It's been this way for thousands of years on this planet with all the crimes committed against humans, animals and everything.

You cannot be at peace while waiting for the outside world to be at peace. No, you need to find your own peace first as it's only when eight billion human beings find their own inner peace that things will begin to change and that peace can be created. Peace needs to be created inside first and not until everything settles down on the outside. It's not “Okay, now everything's fine so I'm fine too!” It's not the way it goes.

So how can you stay centred in times of trouble?

Of course, we're constantly affected by external sources from people under stress, news on TV,  social media... anything which has a negative impact and which you consume just like junk food. At this point, it's very important to limit those influences.

It's exactly the same as when you eat candy all day. Make no mistake, after a while it's going to affect your health. You will develop tooth cavities, become overweight or... I don't know. There are many possible consequences. Same here: what you watch, what you listen to, what you understand, and the folks you hang around with do have a tremendous impact on your state of mind and your state of being.

First of all, you'll need to be even more selective within because you will be constantly subjected to negative influences. Thus you feel urged to dig deep, sort things out, etc., and in addition, it truly sucks your energy because it's very hard to stay afloat when you're exposed to toxic fumes all the time. It's hard not be impacted when all this toxicity is blown a you.

So the first thing is to surround yourself with the right people. There are people, in my opinion, whom I can love best if there is a safe distance between us. We do understand that they're dwelling in their own consequences and do not necessarily wish to create harmony within. It's either because they're unable to or because they don't get the point. In short, your role is not to convince them anyway. So these people have their own path to travel.

It doesn't mean you have to bear the consequences of their chosen path so you'll find there are people you appreciate better when they're not around and when you don't have to constantly interact with them because every time you do, you feel drained when you get back home or after a phone-call. I'm sure thousands of people experience this on a daily basis. They know when they get a call from this particular person that they will get drained and exhausted afterwards. There is a reason to that. These are warning signs. We are sensitive beings. We know and we feel things. We don't need to express them to feel them. So, it's important to limit the impact of external influences.

Some people come to me in a panic and say “Ahaa! There we go, I don't know who to believe or what to listen to. What's next, Lulu?” First of all, stop reading about anything and everything everywhere right now. What good does it do except delving into your fears? Do you want to control the future? Nobody knows, nobody can. The only thing you can control is your present moment in the Now. You need to stay aligned with it because the only thing you can control today is your state of being in the Now. You cannot hold anything outside of you, you cannot control events. But you can control yourself, yes you can. You can be the master of the thoughts transiting inside.

Acquiring mastery over involutive emotions for the common good

When you start getting mad at something —  a self-help concept I totally disagree with is when people say you need to live your emotions to the full. So when you're angry, you need to live your anger to the full! Come on, that 's how infanticides are committed every day. In two months during lockdown, hundreds of thousands of children got killed this way. So no, you don't do this. “I acknowledge there is a feeling of anger growing in me and I'm fully aware that it can hack me off and prompt me to take action in something totally uncentred.”

Anger can create an enormous storm within that will affect all my organs, awashing them with destructive energy and extremely low frequencies, and thus weaken my immune system. And later on, there will be a price to pay for this low-frequency storm. In addition, if I blow out and start throwing stuff or say things I don't mean, all my family will be impacted. I will have an impact with consequences that will reiterate over very long periods of time. For today, right now, we are still in the aftermath of what happened a long, long time ago.

To stop hurting yourself is also understanding that there are involutive emotions which do no not serve me and that I need to detect them before getting dispossessed of myself. Sorry, but when you're totally washed away with anger, you're no longer yourself, you are dispossessed of yourself. Hence the phrase: “ I was beside myself”. You're no longer yourself, it's not the light speaking through you, but the angst which dispossessed you. It's the angst speaking, not you. So now you need to understand and take responsibility for ceasing to give substance to such involutive feelings.

Imagine seven billion people doing that. There would be no more infanticides, in this specific case of anger. You would no longer get angry at a child or a woman, a man, an animal.. to kill them. So let's just imagine how the world itself would change if we acquired such mastery over involutive feelings. Self-love is far from being a fantasy land conspiracy!

Full awareness means being aware of what's going on through me and taking sole responsibility for it. Indeed, the world we live in today where courts try crimes of passion, which implies that we find excuses to the fact that someone may have been so much in love that they felt the urge to kill another. It only highlights a serious issue about the lack of self-control, self-awareness and self-development of this inner consciousness.

For me self-help (or self-development) is everything but personal. It has a universal reach. It a development which is common to everyone in fact. It's for the common good. The good of all. It's not a self thing.

To be continued and concluded soon...

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Self-Help: How to Actually Love Yourself

In Love Always
Pros and cons usually are hatred.
They stare at me, assuming that
I am this girl whom I'm actually not.
Too fragile, going into exile,
Too many tell-tale nights
Alienating me from myself.

"Tandem", Vanessa Paradis (1990)

It seems only 'natural' in such an absurd world as ours, ruled by doublethink, to declare self-love as an egoistical, antisocial practice, if not a sure sign of sociopathy!

In fact, sociopaths are what they are because they have no self-love at all. How could they possibly give out something they don't have within? How can you hope to love people if you don't love yourself? How can you feel the love they send you if you can't feel it within you? Why would you expect sociopaths in power to promote anything else but self-loathing and hatred of others (who, by the way, are just our reflection in the mirror)?

From the perspective of the broken logic of our mental programming, such statements might sound totally ludicrous, stupid and preposterous to those who don't buy into this nonsense. If you're one of those, I am truly sorry for you dear friends, but maybe you stumbled upon this article because your Higher Self actually wanted to draw your attention?

If not, I sincerely hope this transcript from a a 30-minute long video by Lulumineuse will prove as helpful for you as it has been for me in your quest for happiness. Since it's a long read, I chose to divide it in three distinct parts which will be pos Ey@el

What is self-love and how can you love yourself? I think the most fundamental thing you need to understand first is that you need to approach it in reverse. Let me explain: instead of asking: “How can I love myself?”, you should ask: “How can I stop hurting myself?

I stop hurting myself when I let Love be. Love is already within because we are beings of pure Love (i.e. all our cells have been created by the Universal Abundance which is Love, the Source, God, the Tao... you name it). It is an infinite, universal creative force you find everywhere. It is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent — it's Love and that's what we are. So “How can I love myself?” becomes “How can I stop hurting myself on a daily basis?”. A comprehensive reply would be: “I listen to myself”. Now the problem is “How can I listen to myself?

So how can I listen to myself, Lulu?

You should start with the most simple things, that is everything which takes place inside of you. Do you really love yourself when you torment yourself, brooding, harping on pervasive ideas which do not serve you and which poison and trap you? Do you really love yourself when from 9 to 11am, you consistently remind yourself that you have to hang out the laundry just like some kind of a persecutor would do and just as if it was actually a threat hanging over you? Do you really love yourself right now? No, you're actually hurting yourself. Because you blame yourself and you set up your own inner tyranny. These little details in your daily life show how you prevent yourself from loving yourself. You need to sort out pervasive thoughts, tormenting thoughts, and straining thoughts because they are like prison chains. Nothing can ever hurt you as much as your own thoughts. Nothing can ever upset you as much as your own thoughts.

And the first thing you need to understand is “What is it that I create inside?” “ What do I allow to happen inside of me?

I need to be the master of my own thoughts. It doesn't mean I need to be 'controlling'. It means that I need to manage the impact of my own thoughts on my body, on my psyche, and on the way I live. I don't want to worry all morning long because of that laundry thing. Whereas if I free myself from this thought and head for self-love... what does it mean? It means I make the choice to free myself from this castration, from this pressure (even if it's just an insignificant thought), and I choose to trust that Providence, the Love which applies to everything in the Universe, will provide a natural window (maybe at 10:39am) where everything falls into place so that I can hang out my laundry in five minutes and in good spirit.

This is what self-love feels like in you daily life. It is that simple, but 'that simple' uplifts your spirits everyday, while your mood also affects everyone's mood around like your family, your partner, your children, and even your pets if you have any. Your mood has tremendous impact on your close circle, but also on the people you meet during the day, whether it's through messaging or in the flesh. You bet it does, because your vibration is different!

You're no longer hypnotised by your own thoughts. You are in control of yourself i.e. you have done the sorting job so as to remain available and so are you for the people you meet. And thus you'll see who is available and who is not when you meet them. You will find that many people don't do that job. They are hypnotised, they're not in self-love for they actually don't even know that this is something you can work on. It is the first thing you need to be aware of.

How can I find self-reassurance?

The process we usually go through to find self-reassurance is actually a great source of anxiety. Do you really think that constantly reminding yourself you have to hang out the laundry in order to ensure it does get done is in any way appeasing? It is not and will create more anxiety! So, you need to understand that which you believe is reassuring for you actually creates the opposite. It is the complete opposite of feeling positive. This is control i.e. I keep the upper hand for sure, but I keep the upper hand on an external event of which I don't know all the specifics. I am still in a state of fear that it won't get done, which means I don't know what is going to happen. I have to hang out the laundry this morning because I won't be home this afternoon, so I must absolutely do it now. But who knows, in five minutes' time my kid may ask me something that will take me half an hour and I won't have time after that, I still have to tidy up the place, etc. I'm constantly trying to control things yet I do not get a grip on events. I don't know whether my kid will need help. I don't know whether my stuff... right now, I might trip on something and then I will need to tidy the room. I have no idea what might happen. The only control I can have is over myself.

What does “how to cope with inner stuff” mean?

It means I need to find self-reassurance, but how? Well, through example. Because you have gained this mastery, you have controlled this thought saying to yourself “there will be a window where my laundry gets done”, you apply it to everything. And all of a sudden, given that you have let go and that your mind is greatly available, everything falls in its right place. You get ideas that could never have crossed your mind before because you were totally busy and overwhelmed. And given that you have made space, a new availability sets in. And born of this new availability is a new organisation. This organisation is more intuitive, more instinctive and thus is based on Love — where do you think intuition comes from? It comes from the Great Force, the Great Intelligence hence Love! So, when you make room for this intuitive space, all of a sudden, you find that at 10:37am everything gets done... wow! So now, I have five minutes to go and hang out my laundry. It's amazing how everything worked out in the end!

Therefore out of this comes experience. And with experience you grow an ever-increasing faith. That I know it will be taken care of because I am a vibrating energy, I know what I have vibrated, and I know that all this energy, all this whole which I'm part of, responds in harmony with what I'm vibrating. The Universe doesn't work against me, I work with the Universe.

So, in the first instance, there I am nurturing the same thought and I have the impression that things work against me so I need to control them while I actually have no power over them. But in the second instance, when I decide to free myself, I can feel that together we work in harmony and that I will be given a window to do what I have asked for because this is how I need to do it. This is what self-love is like. It starts with respecting and trying not to control all the life involved around you, ignoring your own thoughts which eventually hide from you the availability to do things.

To be continued soon...

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Deep Days

We are the people on the edge of the night
Drawn in together now and hold the light
We start this dance tonight, never to drop
Moving together now, we won't ever stop

Where you go, I will go
Where you stay, I will stay
Where you sleep, I will sleep
And when you rise, I will rise
Where you go, I will go
And if you fall, you can fall on me

My days are spent within the sound of your voice
My nights are spent within the reach of your hand
We start this dance tonight and never to drop
Moving together, girl, we won't ever stop

Where you go, I will go
Where you stay, I will stay
Where you sleep, I will sleep
And when you rise, I will rise
Where you go, I will go
And if you fall, you can fall on me

Where you go, I will go
Where you stay, I will stay
Where you sleep, I will sleep
And when you rise, I will rise

Where you go, I will go
Where you stay, I will stay
Where you sleep, I will sleep
And when you rise, I will rise
Where you go, I will go
And if you fall, you can fall on me

Original text by ED O'BRIEN


Magic Powder

Six years ago, I posted my first homemade cosmetic recipes on the French blog. Included was a deodorant talcum powder which I quickly abandoned because it wasn't convenient to use. I then switched to a very efficient cream deodorant made with coconut oil, arrow root and baking soda with beeswax to use it a stick deodorant. After years of satisfied use, I eventually dropped it because it still had too many drawbacks (baking soda didn't dissolve properly resulting in over-concentration in places and was irritating my skin; during the summer, you had to keep it refrigerated to prevent melting; it was difficult to apply when reaching the end of the container; and it was such a pain in the neck to clean the container to make some more). I also tried a baking soda-free gel deodorant made with aloe vera before stumbling upon a French online shop of homemade natural cosmetics and was thrilled at their idea of using a roll-on to apply a deodorant powder — why didn't I think of that?

So I used the list of ingredients of their product as a basis to create mine with some additions and I find it very convenient to use all year, ultra quick to make, virtually unlimited storage life (kept in a dry place) and easy to recycle. Also, it is perfectly suitable for adults and children alike even with the most sensitive skin.


Makes 40 g:

- 15 g white clay
- 12,5 g arrow root powder
- 10 g baking soda
- 2,5 g orris root powder
- 6 drops lavandin super oil (optional)


Orris root (also called “violet root” because of its most sought-after fragrance by perfumers) protects the sensitive skin of your armpits while relieving irritation and preserving its elasticity. White clay absorbs excess moisture whereas arrow root retains the powder on your skin rather than on your clothes. Finally, baking soda eliminates the bacteria responsible for unpleasant body odours.


All you need to do is whisk all powders in a glass or ceramic bowl, then add the essential oil and stir well with a wooden spoon. Transfer to a recycled roll-on container. If you don't have any, you may find one in specialised shops online. Otherwise, an old recycled baby powder container or a compact will do. You may also apply with a powder brush, but it won't be as convenient as a roll-on.

NOTE: You may skip the essential oil or substitute the lavandin super (hybrid lavender) for another oil, but make sure you get all the information you need about its properties and uses as some oils (such as cinnamon or oregano for instance) can be highly dermocaustic or photosensitising (all citrus oils are). Some safe options are palmarosa, tea-tree, sage, geranium, sandalwood, vetiver. Some (such as vetiver) have a very strong fragrance, so you may want to reduce dosage and test by adding one drop at a time.

It should also be said that this deodorant won't block perspiration which is essential to the elimination of toxins, but will regulate it and prevent bad odours. Therefore, if you had previously been using an astringent deodorant to tighten your skin pores, expect a fortnight period for your body to adapt. You may also use it on your hands and feet if you sweat a lot.

Whack! Bad smells off!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Importance of Emotional Neutrality

According to self, it's as if we should remain in a state of emotional trance where we are super positive all the time. But it's all wrong! Because it's actually extrapolating. It's all about the divided principles as explained in another video.

You can be in a high or low polarity emotional state. So, when you are in a high polarity, it's going to be extremely difficult to remain there. You cannot sustain it because a high polarity will automatically attract a low polarity. And you know why? It's because a connecting point is expected — the perfect point of neutrality.

So, through the law of attraction, that high polarity when you really feel “so happy, so thrilled, so elated” is inevitably bound to bring on a moment where you will feel the opposite (because everything is ruled by the law of attraction). Therefore, you need not to reside in any polarity but at the junction point, ie neutrality.

It amuses me because, not so long ago, my husband was so elated and ecstatic about leaving, I told him: “Stop it, can you just calm down!

Yes, but I feel so happy! I'm SO happy!

The problem is you're super happy NOW, but don't you realise every time you end up irritated and upset maybe within the next hour.

Because exactly as I said one polarity brings on its opposite.

No, I won't!

And right after he starts getting tired of driving and everything.

Oh, I've had enough, I need to stop ! Argh, I've missed the exit again!

I tell him: “Look at yourself now, can't you see?

And the truth is you don't always realise it.

Finding the point of neutrality doesn't mean you can't be ecstatic, but feeling this way sends our emotions on a roller-coaster and it's no good for emotional control. You can be perfectly neutral and yet have a sense of fulfilment. You don't need to be totally ecstatic and jump up and down. You can be serene and feel fulfilled. This is what true neutrality feels like. In addition, it allows detachment.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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