Everyone's Tired of His Good Mood

Angers, France – The relationships between Pierre Robusier, criticised for his constant joy and high spirits, and the people in his immediate environment seem close to breaking point. An allegedly long-lasting behaviour which would be particularly irritating to his family and friends.

First of all, the young native of Angers, who insists on being called “Pierrot” (aka Pete), works as a pharmacy handler and keeps fuelling the animosity of his co-workers. “Pierre's high spirits make us feel miserable” one of them explains, claiming to feel offended by the young man's sometime exaggerated outbursts of happiness. “How does he come up with a smile on his face every morning ? Knowing how our job is... carrying boxes all day long” says another who can no longer bear hearing the happy tune he's whistling at work.

As for his girlfriend, she says she's totally overwhelmed. “I have moved back to my mother's. He was listening to "Happy" over and over, I snapped. Now, every time I hear this song, my nerves crack” she explains. What if she decided to leave him ? “He says that's life and that it could be worse.” She also recounts how Pierre talked of his recent dismissal as a golden opportunity to learn a new trade. “His optimism is starting to baffle me” she says.

A lack of humility

Several of his friends and relatives also stressed their uneasiness when faced with such a behaviour deemed inappropriate, if not offensive. ”How can one afford to be happy all the time? It is outrageous these days” says his best friend, referring to poverty, starving kids, global warming and the return of French band Indochine (they're humouring us, aren't they? — N.d.T) to explains that “there are still many reasons to feel depressed.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Ladies, Ditch the Bra for Your Health

I should imagine this enticing headline and sexy picture above would attract even more men than women. It's all good because even though you won't get the expected arousing from such an article, it won't be in vain if you spread the word to your partner, spouse, girlfriend, mother, sister...  For, regardless of the increased lethal risk that should have a sufficiently deterrent effect in itself, it is time to speak out against “this unnatural accessory making life unpleasant for most women” and “obstructing their breathing in every way” according to free the boobies.fr, a French website entirely dedicated to the abolition of this torture device and for those who would like to take the leap but are not sure how to. Having successfully done it more than five years ago, I must confess it wasn't that easy to begin with. For many reasons I shall not list to keep it short and out of decency. However, being lucky enough not to be equipped with Mercedes bumpers (tongue-in-cheek sexist cliché), the adaptation period didn't take very long and wasn't too inconvenient for me. Ladies, please rest assured that if you decide to go braless, your boobies won't sag any further (even for the bustiest of you). Quite the contrary as it did for me even after decades of serious abuse.

As explained on the above-mentioned website, ”under normal circumstances, developing breasts adapt naturally to gravity strain and movement restriction, which is perfectly normal and even necessary. As a result of these stimuli, breast support (Cooper's ligaments mainly) will strengthen to allow them to maintain a firm consistency. Sadly, out of ignorance and for cultural reasons, humanity invented bras which confine your bust, not allowing these movements and thus preventing normal function... Impeded breasts then get painful, developing various ailments, not by their very nature but simply because they have been kept utterly passive... which turns out to be absolutely harmful”.

A bit like glasses or crutches.

However, I should point out that this is a very personal approach motivated by my spiritual awakening and intuitive alignment work to my true self, which necessarily calls for a transformation of my belief system and resulting habits and behaviours. In addition to a natural breast lift, I also gained greater self-confidence and greater body acceptance plus the clear evidence that ageing doesn't have to mean decaying (unless you're willing to buy into this programmed inevitability).


I realize it may feel some combination of uncomfortable, unprofessional, or unnecessarily provocative to go braless. Societal convention has most of us trussing up before going out.

If you’re reading this at home, do me a favor and unhook. Then keep reading.

There’s evidence of a relationship between bras and breast cancer.

Yes, seriously.

Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Cancer & Bras

Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer authored a book called Dressed To Kill. They interviewed 4,000+ women in five major U.S. cities over two years. Half the women had been diagnosed with breast cancer. They found:

  • 75% of women who slept in their bras developed breast cancer
  • 1 in 7 who wore their bras 12+ hours per day developed breast cancer
  • 1 in 168 who did not wear a bra developed breast cancer
  • Within one month of ditching their bras, women with cysts, breast pain, or tenderness found their symptoms disappeared. tenderness found their symptoms disappeared.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Should Have Been Careful not to Tread on the Cat's Tail

A lesser-known gem from the 60's French “yéyé” era (which had its heyday in France, Spain and the UK), we owe this song to a friend of mine who first heard it on the radio and promptly shared it back with me, knowing that I would love this dark humour and Pink Floydian undertones à la Syd Barrett. My turn to pass it on in the hope that you will enjoy it as much. And why don't you have your cat listen to it: he is sure to love it. Thanks on his behalf. Meow!


Fallait pas écraser la queue du chat

Wasn't superstitious!
Should have been a wee bit
Should have dodged
The innocent little kitty.

Should have been careful
Not to tread on the cat's tail
Yeah, he should have

He worked in the woods
A skilful lad he was
What happened on that day?
The saw cut off his arm!

Should have been careful
Not to tread on the cat's tail
Yeah, he should have

On his way out of hospital
A car hit him
His right leg hurt
But got the left one amputated!

Should have been careful
Not to tread on the cat's tail
Yeah, he should have

Had the misfortune to catch
His wife with a man in bed!
In a rage killed them
And had his head cut off.

Should have been careful
Not to tread on the cat's tail
Yeah, he should have

How lovely! One more time:

Should have been careful
Not to tread on the cat's tail
Yeah, he should have

That was the moral of this story!

Original text by JEAN-YVES GAILLAC translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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