
The lyrics of this song and the pictures displayed in this clip are such an echo to my previous post I absolutely had to share it with you. (What with my forthcoming article on idols and fans for the Eklabugs Project session due out next Thursday night at midnight — but only available in French). Incidentally (but in a bizarre way), Trevor, the singer of this British band, happens to be an old mate from yesteryear who enjoyed fleeting glory in his own time with a number one hit in America sadly followed by the same sudden and abrupt downfall from his temporary rock-star status as many before (and after) him. The failing star myth; Andy Warhol's famous motto; the consumerist culture of which we're all disposable products; planned obsolescence; the cult of delusion and oblivion; blah blah blah (blasted not into silence — sorry, this pun doesn't translate well into English). However, the bizarre thing about all this is not so much the past connection, but the fact that I heard of the release of this single (and video as well as of the eponymous album and 2012 promotion tour) through a dream! No, I'd never read anything prior to that and at the time I didn't even have a broadband internet connection so I couldn't really surf the web. Incidentally, I actually found out about the whole thing much later and the accuracy was absolutely mind-blowing (it took quite a few to get me there when you think of it). Believe me when I tell you dreams are serious stuff deserving full consideration and respect). A statement Ed O'Brien (Radiohead) would definitely support as he literally acts on his dreams, using them as a guideline (he recently created his own signature guitar after a dream urged him to). That's also how I started this blog. Frankly, this is good news to hear I'm not the only weirdo around committed to her dream life. And if you are too, you're welcome to join our (escape) club. The more, the merrier as they say. For the world does need its share of fools on the hill to move it forward rather than in circles.

Let's meet on the road less traveled...


Let's all go and get famous
You don't have to be strangers
C'mon and share the publicity

As long as there's somebody watching
And you can smile about something
You're never going to be a non-entity

'Cause it's a buzz when reality hits
It's got to stick when you think about it

One shot goes off on the right night
One flash and you're there in the spotlight
One kiss is essentially all you need

You need to be seen on the T.V
The right line and you've got notoriety
One picture in is okay
'Cause then you'll be a celebrity

If you can fake without bluffing
Let's all talk about nothing
C'mon and take it to the paparazzi

'Cause it's a buzz when reality hits
It's got to stick when you think about it

One shot goes off on the right night
One flash and you're there in the spotlight
One kiss is essentially all you need

You need to be seen on the T.V
The right line and you've got notoriety
One picture in is okay
'Cause then you'll be a celebrity

Bleach your teeth with whitening
Get in there like lightning
Don't just be a wannabe, be a Celebrity

It's a buzz when reality hits
It's got to stick when you think about it

One shot goes off on the right night
One flash and you're there in the spotlight
One kiss is essentially all you need

You need to be seen on the T.V
The right line and you've got notoriety
One picture in okay
And then you'll be a celebrity

Original text by TREVOR STEEL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Abolition of the Time Change System

As of now, the European Parliament has agreed on the suppression of the time change system so that it would be 4:57 am at all times everywhere in Europe.

A major success for those in favour of the abolition of time change. So this is it: the European Parliament has voted to put a definitive stop to legal clock change. As from 1st January 2019 at 4:57 am, time will never ever change anymore for E.U. citizens.

Such a drastic decision is a matter of concern for many, especially for retailers worried about business hours. “Normally, my shop opens at 9 o'clock, what should I do now?” asks Valerian who's been considering leaving Europe upon hearing the news. “I'm seriously thinking about leaving the E.U. and relocate to Serbia where I've heard it will soon be 6:14 pm at all times, which is very useful for a business like mine”.

In contrast, some extremists had suggested the opposite i.e. more time changes during the year. Actually, a number of MP's had introduced a bill to reset clocks 12 hours and 13 minutes back every other day except on weekends.

Despite the controversy, the decision some consider a “breakthrough” is generally welcome: “I am very happy, it will be very good for business” confides the manager of some kebab restaurant in Paris.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Quantum Theory Predicts That the Future Could Be Influencing the Past

Since I'm an evil person hired by the CIA and the little big-headed green dudes from planet Cetelem, I've decided to give you a helluva migraine and mess up with your ego with the mind-blowing article below. Seriously, it was such a pain in the mind to translate into French but it turned into some kind of ectasy when I finally managed to shut up my mind to embrace the whole thing from a different level of awareness and... wow! I know, it all sounds very abstract, but we're bound to go in circles when trying to explain something our mind hasn't been programmed to understand, besides with our ego being upset by such a complete upheaval in its reference points and will be prompt to censor and disagree with. Please, do not consider my words as some kind of demonstration of “superiority” (judgment = ego), but rather as a lame and hazardous attempt to trigger some awareness in those open to receive it. If you don't, it won't be because you're stupid or insufficiently educated (do I have a PhD in astrophysics?) but simply because you're not ready yet. It will come in due time. Let's stop testing our smarts against each others.

In my own experience, the whole idea of time-travelling has always triggered some rejection in me, referring to scifi movies too far-fetched in my opinion, which somehow had a reassuring effect in that it provides a false sense of relief as if there was no way such things could ever happen in our reality. However, as far as I can remember, but with strong mental repression (it's funny how easy event memory can fade completely whereas what I would call “quantum memory” — for lack of proper word — persists even through collective amnesia), I have always “known”. Except, you see people who “know” not only upset other people's egos but are considered a threat to the status quo. So you convince everyone that whatever deviates from the norm is to be regarded is madness and sometimes you even manage to convince those who think otherwise that they are actually crazy by harassing, medicating or lobotomising them. When it fails to work because they're growing in numbers and consistence, providing admissible evidence (let's reflect on what or who makes evidence admissible), you point them as evil manipulators, conspiracy theorists, fake-newsers, pseudo-scientifics, quacks... Propaganda propaganda. Never mind, it's time to make up your minds and whether or not you're being misled, either way you will have to bear the consequences of your choice. And should you choose not to choose, to remain “neutral”, it's still a choice known as denial. Denial is refusing to use your power of discernment.

In this sense, the article below as you should perceive if you cannot fully grasp it with your mind, offers exciting prospects in regard to our creative power hence our responsibility. We have the ability to change our timelines. Incidentally, a couple of months ago I came across an article explaining how changes in our timelines resulted sometimes in deep-seated memories being invalidated by new encoded timelines. Unfortunately I lost the link which is a piy as it provided a good complement to the one below while being equally upsetting to our poor minds.

In the meantime, don't pressure yourself too much, try read through this piece and it should eventually sink in somehow. At the right time, you'll have some kind of epiphay and think “yes, of course, that is... wow!”


Physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once said, “We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery.”

And it’s true. Multiple theories, such as quantum entanglement, have exited the theoretical realm and been confirmed within the mainstream. Even browsing through some previously classified documents in the CIA’s electronic reading room, you can see how Black Budget science confirmed some of these topics decades ago, yet we never heard about it through the mainstream. Here is a prime example of a document on quantum entanglement. From this document we can see that its existence was confirmed decades ago.

What’s also interesting about that document is that it discusses telepathy, a phenomenon directly related to and made possible by discoveries within quantum physics. “Parapsychology” pr “Psi” and quantum physics go hand in hand.

Now, a recent paper, published in Proceedings of The Royal Society Asupports the argument that quantum theory must be “retrocausal,”or that an effect can occur before its cause.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



A couple of days now from the Spring Equinox, change to Daylight Saving Time, second Blue Moon of the year, and perhaps more goodies to come we'd rather not anticipate, let's celebrate the month of sundays... oops, sorry Saint Patrick's Day whether we're Irish or not for as the French boozer song goes, “Having a little drink is fun”. (By the way “Patriiiiiiiiiiick!!!” is a private joke referring to groupies of French 80's heartthrobe actor-singer Patrick Bruel — also a renowed international professional poker player). Relax, its Saturday and with the new moon, no one will see whether you're dry or soaked. I know it all sounds very clichéd (and the picture doesn't help), but well, unlike beer inspiration doesn't come all bottled-up. And if you're sober and have to drive downtown, today is your lucky day as you'll get all the green lights.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Déjà Vu

If I had been God,
I would have rearranged the veins in the face
To make them more resistant to alcohol and less prone to aging.
If I had been God,
I would have sired many sons
And I would not have suffered the Romans to kill even one of them.
If I had been God,
With my staff and my rod,
If I had been given the nod,
I believe I could have done a better job.

If I were a drone,
Patrolling foreign skies
With my electronic eyes for guidance and the element of surprise,
I would be afraid to find someone home
Maybe a woman at a stove
Baking bread, making rice, or just boiling down some bones,
If I were a drone...

The temple's in ruins, the bankers get fat
The buffalo's gone and the mountain top's flat.
The trout in the streams are all hermaphrodite,
You lean to the left but you vote to the right.

And it feels like déjà vu,
The sun goes down and I'm still missing you
Counting the cost of love that got lost.
And under my Gulf Stream, in circular pools,
There's ninety-nine cents' worth of drunkards and fools.

Original text by ROGER WATERS


Black Sky

The story of Indochine is a long one which, for me, started decades ago, back to the days of Bob Morane1 the lone adventurer. Not to say I've ever been a fan of theirs (the kind who goes to every show, collects every band memorabilia, and organises their lives around their idols'), but I've never really stopped listening to their music. Especially when I was living abroad. But except after they became hyped again and I could no longer identify with their old-teen Gothic imagery. What really matters is this interlude eventually provided a new light for me to rediscover a band who have successfully reinvented themselves after a great deal of struggle and a tragedy2.

Certainly the resilience of Nicola Sirkis (sole survivor of the original line-up) and his unshakable faith in his dream must have played a major if not crucial role.

Back from Indochina3 I found
Life was too easy and such a bore.
I laid my dahlias and jasmine,
Walked out and said: “Bye, I'm off on the road again”.
The road always led me back to Indo,
It's everywhere I look, it's no secret Indo's my life...

"Un singe en hiver" (2002)

In addition to his music and lyrics, that's another trait which inspires me along with his huge (genuine) respect for his audiences. A somewhat unusual attitude for someone having achieved his level of celebrity. And this is actually what allowed Indochine to hang on through trends and generation changes and not solely their talent and the quality of their live performances. As pointed out by some commenter on the French blog, Sirkis, now aged 58, has always been true to his word in spite of all the attacks against him whether coming from the media and jealous cunts or his own family (if you're in for dirt digging, you can count me out). This is admirable especially knowing how rotten to the core (and worse) showbiz actually is.

I wish I could love my father,
I wish I knew what to do,
I wish I could understand him...

"Song For A Dream" (2017)
© Ey@el

Incidentally, it's been thirty-two years (WTF!) between my first Indochine show and the latest I've seen a fortnight ago at the AccorHotels Arena in Paris as those who follow me on Twitter already know. A trail of amazing synchronicities as if I had to be there despite the fact that the date had been sold-out for months and that I wasn't even really in the mood to go in the first place. So when I saw the huge flying saucer hanging over the sports arena, I thought it might be a chance for me to get a lift back home at last — at least for a couple of hours! A memorable concert indeed which literally blew me into orbit and I'm still not back on Earth yet. That f*** band has now reached a level comparable to the greatest international artists' as demonstrated with this breathtaking show which could easily downgrade U2 and the likes to second-class losers while — keeping their prices low (€45 vs €216 for bands like U2 in the same venues) and turning the front stage VIP zone into a lucky draw fan bonanza instead of the now widespread credit card extra draw to get that privilege. No comments. As the great Aretha would say: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!


Black-out, the sky's all dark
And I'm flying to the stars.
All by myself in my spaceship
Between Venus and Mars,
I wanna see as our Earth falls further behind
Beyond the finest.

Setting out for other galaxies
In the hope —
Yeah, hoping
That there will be another galaxy
To accomodate me —
To accomodate us.

Travelling across the black sky
To a new territory,
Rafting across space,
Just me and the stars
Floating towards the finest
Like a shooting star —
Just me towards the finest

Setting out for other galaxies
In the hope —
Yeah, hoping
That there will be another galaxy
To accomodate me —
To accomodate us.

Setting out for other galaxies
And in the hope —
Yeah, hoping,
That's what my life's about.

Can't you see that shattered comet a-comin'
Spotting from afar the threat from some unknown world?
Can't you see that wiped-out planet a-comin'
From a world that ignored us?

Setting out for other galaxies
In the hope —
Yeah, hoping
That there will be another galaxy
To accomodate me —
To accomodate us.

Setting out for other galaxies
In the hope —
Yeah, hoping,
That's what life's about.

Oh oh can't you see
Oh oh that blinding light a-comin'
Oh oh from a world that wiped us out...


  1. ^ "Bob Morane" is a series of adventure books in French, featuring an eponymous protagonist, created by French-speaking Belgian novelist Henri Vernes, the pseudonym of Charles-Henri Dewisme. The lyrics of Indochine's first hit single "L'Aventurier" (1982) revolves around the world of Bob Morane.
  2. ^ For details read the story of Indochine in English up to 2006.
  3. ^ Indochine (Indochina) took their name from the eponymous novel by French writer Marguerite Duras. Indo is the short for Indochine and how they're actually known to fans.

Original text by NICOLA SIRKIS translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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