Ayurvedic Tooth Powder for Sensitive Teeth and Gums

Highly concerned with the dangers of fluoride and unhappy with some questionable ingredients found in commercial organic toothpastes, I had been using my own home-made formula with coconut oil for over four years now until I decided to use this one instead.

The old one was fine, but I never really found the perfect container to store it in. At best, I would use recycled commercial tubes from family and friends which turned out to be very fragile once used and time consuming to clean and fill up with a large syringe. So I've decided to try a powder version with new ingredients best suited to my parodontitis and demineralised teeth. I did some research and came up with this formula which turned out to be so perfect and efficient for me that my holistic dentist decided I wouldn't need laser prophylaxis this time (which is a very painful and costly dental treatment) and replaced it with a supra-gingival scaling. I was so happy over the significant improvement of my gum health that I mentioned about my new tooth powder which she fully approved.

So you can go ahead, it's safe and it won't harm you. However, I would advise you to make some local test prior to use it to check you're not allergic or hypersensitive to any ingredient. If so, you may proceed by elimination starting with essential oils and amla powder). And, of course, do not brush your teeth too vigorously which might just as well be a cause for gum inflammation


  • 25 g calcium carbonate
  • 5 g lithothamnion powder
  • 5,8 g siwak powder
  • 3 g amla powder
  • 0,12 g iris root powder
  • 2 drops clover oil

QSF 40 g


Otherwise used as traditional whiting, calcium carbonate (chalk) is also the main ingredient found in most industrial toothpastes, used both as a thickening agent and softer and safer abrasive alternative to clay or baking soda which should never be used on a daily basis as it might damage your teeth enamel in the long run.

Lithothamnion is a red alga with a high contents of minerals and trace elements (especially calcium) to protect and remineralise your teeth and gums.

In India, siwak sticks have been used as natural toothbrushes for millennia. Its cleansing action removes dental plaque, reduces gum inflammation and whitens your teeth.

Akin to gooseberry, amla in Sanskrit means “healer”; Ayurvedic doctors use it for its rejuvenating qualities. Its high content in vitamin C makes it especially suitable for mouth problems and sensitive or inflamed gums.

Owing to its delicate fragrance, Iris root powder is mostly used in perfumes, but it also helps to remove stains and make your teeth whiter while preserving your enamel.

Clove oil is probably the natural ingredient most dentists use because of its high content in eugenol. In this formula, it is used to add some flavour and freshen your breath. You may use other oils instead such as peppermint, spearmint, lemon, bay leaves or teatree, but no more than 3 drops.


Easy peasy: just mix all the powders together then add the oil for fragrance and store into an airtight container to preserve it from moisture and humidity (very important) and ensure long storage life. In doubt, if you note any change in colour or smell, it's safer to throw it away. If you don't have precision scales, you may prepare a larger amount or use measuring spoons available at specialty shops or pharmacies.

NOTE: As you can see, I found the perfect container to prevent any bacterial or mould contamination as well as a good way not to sprinkle it all over the place. I use a flexible PET flask with a dispensing cap. When pressed it delivers a just a sprinkle of powder through the small aperture into a teaspoon where I dip the tip of my wet toothbrush.

Do not expect much foam (not even some) but after a couple of days, you should notice a significant reduction in gum inflammations and your teeth may feel cleaner.

I love this powder so much I filled up a small gloss tube which I keep in my handbag along with my travel toothbrush.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Song Remains the Same - The Rain Song

Every legendary band became famous for a signature song they've been identified with for the rest of their career. For Led Zep it was "Stairway To Heaven", a great magnificent, mighty and lyrical track with lyrics full of poetry and mysticism. Yet, "The Rain Song" (released on House Of The Holy in 1973, an album much inspired by the Who's own Who's Next) would equally deserve the title of rock anthem. Especially when following "The Song Remains The Same" which it flows in quite logically and naturally as on this video. The transition sounded so smooth I've decided to let you have both at the cost of one (except it's all free). Enjoy this great moment of rock'n'roll anthology. And do not dig any further, you might not like what you find.


The Song Remains The Same

I had a dream —
A crazy dream:
Anything I wanted to know,
Any place I needed to go.

Hear my song!
People won't you listen now? Sing along!

You don't know what you're missing now:
Any little song that you know,
Everything that's small has to grow
And it has to grow!

California sunlight,
Sweet Calcutta rain
Honolulu starbright,
The song remains the same.

Sing out “Hare Hare”,
Dance the Hoochie Koo.
City lights are oh so bright,
As we go sliding... sliding... sliding through

The Rain Song

It is the springtime of my loving —
The second season I am to know.
You are the sunlight in my growing,
So little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing,
I watched the fire that grew so low.

It is the summer of my smiles
Flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes.
It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize
These things are clear to all from time to time.

Talk, talk, talk, talk...
I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go.
I cursed the gloom that set upon us,
But I know that I love you so...
But I know that I love you so...

These are the seasons of emotion
And like the wind they rise and fall.
This is the wonder of devotion,
I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient.
The quotient...
Upon us all...
Upon us all
A little rain must fall.
It's just a little rain oh yeah

Original text by ROBERT PLANT
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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