Medicine Bow

For your information, Medicine Bow, in South Wyoming, is the highest peak in the Snowy Range of the Rocky Mountains, towering over 12,013 feet. It is usually covered with snow from October to late June. Summer conditions up there can be extreme, with frequent thunderstorms and hail during the afternoons.


There's a black wind blowing
A typhoon on the rise
Pummeling rain
Murderous skies
I'm gonna take my books
I'm gonna wear my coat
I'm gonna find my scarf,
Wrap it around my throat

And you can come with me
Through the driving snow
We're gonna ride on up to
Medicine Bow

I spent too long
With my face in the floor
There's a man in my head
But he isn't me anymore
I'm gonna find me a ship
Stowaway on a boat
I'm gonna burn all the words
And letters and cards
That I ever wrote

And you can sail with me
Where the current flows
We're gonna move on up to
Medicine Bow

I'm gonna change my colours
Throw away all my things
Stop my squawking
Grow some wings...

Well I will not sleep
And I will not rest
I'm gonna put my soul
And my will to the test
I'm gonna tug at my tether
I'm gonna tear at my lead
I'm gonna test my knowledge
In the field of deeds

And you can run with me
Fast as we can go
Over the hill to
Medicine Bow

The night is dark
And the night is still
But over on the shadowy
Side of the hill
Fires are burning
I can see them glow
I can feel the Light
Coming up from
Medicine Bow

And you can come with me
Through the rain and snow
Tonight we dine in

Original text by MIKE SCOTT
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Solstice Blues

On this, the longest
Day of the year,
On my deckchair,
At great length
And all along,
And for so long,
I've been longing
For this piece of
To come
And that in time will,
At long last,
Come true —
And to last
In my reality.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Energy Update - The DNA Healing of the Highly Sensitive Inner Child

When it befell on me early last month I thought: “What's wrong with me?” I mean this sudden exhaustion plus a host of various symptoms both distressing and alarming, arising with no special reason (besides all the mercury accumulated in my body over the years which I'm trying to eliminate — thanks to public healthcare and geoengineering — keep advocating climate action so they can spray down even more heavy metals on us), and the resurgence of old ailments that made most of my life hell and which I really thought I was done with. Particularly after the drastic efforts I put out over the last four years to bring myself back to health and life. It was a serious blow to my spirits. I just felt cheated. By the Universe, by my own feelings, by my own dreams and all the hard work I was proud of achieving by my sole willpower and persistence. So to say the least, I literally went through hell. Save that the Universe had not really let me down. Neither did my intuition (although my thoughts are still quite muddled at present) as I eventually heard (subsequently) from all sides and all types of sources (spiritual, scientific, etc.). So, it's not just me, but many people and there is an explanation to that. Even if we are still far from off the hook, it's hopeful news as we are allegedly being “upgraded” or, if you like, done up and improved by cosmic energies. While the article below was published in early May, the energy forecast is still relevant and all the more so since not all of us are affected simultaneously but in waves, according to our vibration and biological age, I suppose.

And why are these woes and ailments resurfacing now? Because as we're raising our vibration, all these buried residues of low frequencies can no longer survive within us and are looking for a way out.

In her June newsletter, French Canadian astrologer Danielle de Clermont mentioned an important ongoing cycle of solar flares, “hard to ignore for, even though invisible and extremely subtle, its energetic and vibratory influence is powerfully impacting our lives. These solar flares directly penetrate the geomagnetic field, affecting the Earth, nature, our psyche, our emotions, our vital energies, and our physical bodies (our DNA is being transmuted).” The elevated geomagnetic field is what allows our planet to “ascend”, that is move to a higher frequency and dimension (spectrum). Since the DNA of our cells is actually a transceiver, we're mutating as well.

“Right now, the Ascension process rather feels like a roller-coaster ride” wrote astropsychologist Patrick Giani. “We're all yo-yoing, most especially hypersensitive individuals. Some may switch from happiness to anxiety overnight even within an hour, from grateful to grumpy and judgemental, or from hopeful and confident to doubtful and resentful. Not to mention our resurging or expanding physical ailments... This is due to a number of factors: the amplification of the Schumann Resonance still increasing in late May, the solar flares, the new political order and the general elections in France, our buzzing collective psyche, and the record temperatures this spring”.

Elsewhere, Marina Paregno explains that “we will now complete our final Ascent this month as our planet connects to a new cosmic source. This process of assisting the Earth promises to help humanity setting itself free during the course of the 21st century. This "quantum" bomb has been ignited last April. It's also occurring with the increase of the Schumann Resonance. Expect a volatile climate in June and internal crises to intensify (solstice).”

Feel free to leave a comment below to share how you're coping with the energetical shift. At times like these we really need to communicate and play down the importance of what we're going through in order to stay strong.


This is a time of HIGH SENSITIVITY on the planet. Sensitivity and emotions are heightened within all of us. Be aware of this and tread lightly wherever and whenever needed, in order to maintain balance. (It is a fast and furious time on Earth when it comes to multiple information streams, sensory influences and multiple dimensions of existence playing out all at once.)

Ask Yourself Regularly: Am I overstressed or overstimulated? Do I need to step back, change my pace, find a moment of silence?

COMPLICATIONS TO PLANS and unexpected developments were a theme for many in April. This energy will continue through the first half of May. How do these changes affect you? Do they capsize you emotionally or cause anxiety?

CONTROL AND THE LOSS OF IT (when outer circumstances surprise or challenge you) can cause an energy reaction of shock/fear/grief. Once these emotions have moved through, you can return to an energy direction of acceptance and presence to the new situation.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Last Refugee

Obviously, the musical activity reports for my favourite artists this month is very hot. Prior to the release of Radiohead's remastered version of OK Computer including B-sides and three never-recorded-before tracks, plus new singles by Muse ("Dig Down") and Indochine ("La vie est belle"), after a gap of 25 years, Roger Waters, still committed as ever, comes up with this brilliant, magnificent new album entitled Is This The Life We Really Want? produced by none other than Nigel Godrich, regarded as the sixth member of Radiohead. If this record sounds as good as Pink Floyd's (before David's musheries), it's actually because HE is the Floyd. Aged 73, Grandpa Roger would definitely put many youngsters to shame! Definitely, my musical pick of the season. I, personally, will never forget that show in Paris, Bercy in 1984 with Eric Clapton. Gosh, it does feel like it was in another lifetime.


Lie with me now
Under lemon tree skies.
Show me the shy, slow smile
You keep hidden by warm brown eyes.
Catch the sweet hover of lips just barely apart
And wonder at love's sweet ache
And the wild beat of my heart,
O rhapsody tearing me apart!

And I dreamed I was saying goodbye to my child.
She was taking a last look at the sea,
Wading through dreams, up to our knees
In warm ocean swells
While bathing belles,
Soft beneath hard bitten shells,
Punch their iPhones,
Erasing the numbers of radon done lovers,
And search the horizon.

And you'll find my child
Down by the shore,
Digging a mound for a chain or a bone,
Searching the sand for a relic washed up by the sea,
The last refugee...

Original text by ROGER WATERS
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Moonlight Ride

Just to put you in the mood of tomorrow night's upcoming full moon, here is a fairy-like scrapbooking page designed with a picture of my two second cousins Margot and Victoria (who have since grown up a lot), along with the almost eponymous melody by Claude Debussy you may listen to HERE.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Eliminate Candida Naturally

Did you know that candida was naturally present in your body and meant to eat up corpses after death while releasing toxins? No wonder some highly controversial oncologists1, disclaimed by the medical mafia, believe that cancerous tumours are nothing but defensive responses from the body in the face of a invader made of drug-resistant pathogenic strains of fungi resulting from the mycelisation (filament formation) of yeasts. The filthy bodysnatchers make me sick (both literally and figuratively) and remind me of Stephen King's Dreamcatcher2 (book and film) in which alien spores invaded the Earth, infecting and consuming bodies from within. That said, the diet suggested below has a number of inconsistencies, is not affordable to everyone (at least, health supplements and organic food which cost a fortune and are not always easily available anywhere depending where you live), and most of all, requires iron will and unfailing patience. As usual, trust your gut feeling (no pun intended) and the reactions of your body. I for one would recommand food-grade diatomaceous earth and alkalising fresh (organic) vegetable juices.


An imbalance in gut flora can allow specific bacteria and fungi to invade our bodies. Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. When overgrowth overgrowth occurs, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body. This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression and even cancer.



  1. ^ Dr Simoncini's website
  2. ^ Dreamcatcher, Stephen King (2001).

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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