Anonymous Message to Corrupt Mainstream Media

This is neither the first nor the last time I shall stress how critically important it is for you to trust your own instincts (or gut feeling if you like) when it comes to information even when I'm the direct or indirect source. My purpose sharing my findings, feelings and personal journey with you is not to pose as a knower of truth nor seek some kind of approval or validation from you, but rather to give you food for thought you might not have originally considered. Because that's the only way you can break free. Again, do not take my word for granted, create your first hand experiences. Try to move past almighty rationalism (in appearance only as in reality, it's totally fucked up if I may say so) following your feelings instead and observe the change that will happen within then around you. Be careful, though, not to confuse misperceptions (ego) with your deepest instinct (higher-self). So it's not that simple, but if you're sincere and persistent in your intention, signs and opportunities to distinguish between both should arrive very soon. Please, trust the superior intelligence within you. Reside in your heart and gain certainty. Dwell in your head and get lost in doubt.


There has been no shortage of Anonymous messages lately, and it’s no surprise given how much is going on right now.

Reporting from North Dakota here in Standing Rock, we have seen a complete lack of mainstream media. Even when Robert Kennedy Jr. came down, we were the only organization to get a one on one interview with him, how is that even possible given the size of what’s happening here at Standing Rock?

Mainstream media isn’t dropping the ball, they simply aren’t interested in supporting and covering what’s happening here, and it is likely because of who they are owned by.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Magician's Sheep

There was an evil magician. He lived deep in the mountains and the forests, and he had thousands of sheep. But the problem was that the sheep were afraid of the magician because every day the sheep were seeing that one of them was being killed for his breakfast, another was being killed for his lunch. So they ran away from the magician’s ranch and it was a difficult job to find them in the vast forest. Being a magician, he used magic.

He hypnotized all the sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it.

He then told different sheep… to some, “You are a man, you need not be afraid. It is only the sheep who are going to be killed and eaten, not you. You are a man just like I am.” Some other sheep were told, “You are a lion — only sheep are afraid. They escape, they are cowards. You are a lion; you would prefer to die than to run away. You don’t belong to these sheep. So when they are killed it is not your problem. They are meant to be killed, but you are the most loved of my friends in this forest.” In this way, he told every sheep different stories, and from the second day, the sheep stopped running away from the house.

They still saw other sheep being killed, butchered, but it was not their concern. Somebody was a lion, somebody was a tiger, somebody was a man, somebody was a magician and so forth. Nobody was a sheep except the one who was being killed. This way, without keeping servants, he managed thousands of sheep. They would go into the forest for their food, for their water, and they would come back home, believing always one thing: “It is some sheep who is going to be killed, not you. You don’t belong to the sheep. You are a lion — respected, honored, a friend of the great magician.” The magician’s problems were solved and the sheep never ran away again.

Original text by G.I. GURJIEFF


Trump. Right. Okay, the world's gone nuts.

Further to the brilliant analysis of the outcome of the recent American election by David Icke, currently on tour, I absolutely had to present you Russell Brand's — Brand who looks like a rock-star and is such a colourful figure with fully working brains and a cool head on his shoulders unlike many others, certainly highly flexible and yet so stuck in their abnormal position they still can't see the elephant blocking the corridor.

Meanwhile, the tried and trusted “divide and rule” recipe continues to be as deadly efficient as ever. “Let's go down in the streets and burn and kill them dirty hateful fascist racist bastards who voted Trump because we want a world of peace and love! ” Oops! If you say so... How ironical in an ego-driven society so obsessed with looking good not to have a mirror handy to realise the blatant absurdity. That's a bit... isn't it?

As I posted on Twitter: “Surely the world's gone mad, but true colours are showing at last. It's both depressing and exhilarating. No more hiding nor pretending.” Still speaking figuratively in terms of body metaphors, I would compare the situation with a detox process where you get all the waste rising to surface prior to disposal by the emunctories. At first, you feel pretty sick, but as the normal process continues you do feel better.

So how can things get better then? Well, simply because the shock of the threat becoming reality hit many people hard enough to ultimately wake them up. Not all of them but enough to make a significant difference — a critical mass, if you like. And that's what is happening right now, even though you can't see it yet in the midst of all this smelly surge of crap hatred versus piss and love. Many people are disengaging from this unhealthy duality, refusing to take part. Not out of cowardice or irresponsibility, only out of great wisdom and maturity. And sanity as well. For when the world goes nuts, you'd better have plenty of candles handy as there are some dark times ahead. Very dark. But the sun will shine again. Eventually.


Hello, Russell Brand, this is The Trews: Donald Trump's president of America now. I wanted to talk to you while everyone's sort of still delirious and in shock about it.

We've talked about Donald Trump quite a lot on The Trews because he's like a fascinating media operator. He said such outlandish and offensive things but he's antithetical to our times where politicians seem so groomed and slick (even though, in some ways, he's both groomed and slick) because he has a sort of earnestness and irony.

Take in the first moments of his victory speech where he says “I'm sorry I'm late, complicated business.” He obviously knows that he's taking place in incredible adversity.

What I'm fascinated by, though, is the amount of fear and anger that's generated by the victory and how obviously reminiscent it is to Brexit in this country.

This is for me, Donald Trump's victory and the decision of Britain to leave Europe point to a phenomenon that's really well outlined in an article by a man called Thomas Frank in The Guardian where he points to the idea that liberalism as a political system has failed so many people that they have lost interest and lost faith. And my personal feeling about it is that people no longer trust the people who go: “Hey, we'll look after you. It's okay, stay in Europe, it will be alright.Vote for Hillary Clinton and it's gonna be bad!

Because the people you're talking to are already living in a kind of post-apocalyptic world for want of a better phrase. You can't tell people it will be terrible if we leave Europe if the world they live in is already terrible. You can't tell be people it will be terrible to have Donald Trump in power if the world they live in is already terrible. They're not susceptible to that kind of threat.

And of course I'm aware of the mad things he said about women and the mad things he said about Muslims and the mad things he said about building walls. And what I think is fascinating is someone can say that and it makes no difference. People still vote for him. How disenchanted, how disillusioned, how disempowered can you be that this seems like a sensible alternative?

My interpretation is the only thing they actually care about is change. That Hillary Clinton, whatever she was offering, whatever she was saying, is a political affiliate of Barrack Obama who was already in power — Barrack Obama, by the way, who now seems sort like Christ doesn't he, compared to the people contesting this election!

But let's look at the last eight years and the kind of things that are happening. And that's why people are disillusioned. Because you've seen what someone that seems affable is capable of like Barrack Obama in the White House is still terrible unrest, still drone killings, still terrible poop, still no consequences for the people that exploit huge numbers of ordinary Americans through the financial crash. We can't keep responding to events like this with more fear and anger. It's fear and anger that are creating these conditions.

There was this Yogi — his name I really should learn — he said to Bertrand Russell (Bertrand Russell was campaigning for nuclear disarmament then): “There's no point in us getting rid of nuclear weapons if we still have the mindset that created the nuclear weapons.” Bertrand Russell just goes: “I don't want to talk about that! Let's just get just get rid of nuclear weapons. You can't blow a planet with a mindset.

But now 40-50 years later, we haven't achieved nuclear disarmament. There are more weapons. And the point that Yogi was making is that the fact Donald Trump is president of the United States is sort of not what's important. What's important is the conditions have occurred in which Donald Trump becomes. It's not important reacting like “What? Donald Trump is president of America!” Yesterday, the conditions existed for it to happen so they did two days ago, a month ago, a year ago for the last 10-20 years. They've been building toward this moment. And what it is, and what I've always believed and what I've said very publicly is the political system doesn't connect with people.

People want change. People want to have genuine power. So if someone comes along and says things like “Oh, I'll drain the swamp of Washington of all this corrupt lobbyists”, that's appealing.

What my hope is is that this victory for this sort of absurd and ludicrous character who has said this outrageous and offensive things — my hope is that we will recognise that we have to provide an alternative. People have to provide an alternative. It's not enough to go: “Now, here's Hillary Clinton, a big grateful cheer!” People have had enough. If the Democrats could put forward Bernie Sanders right now, of course they would. A person who's talking about socialism, a person who's about fairness and justice!

So what I've taken from it is that is a time where we,  instead of, like after Brexit go: “You bloody racists, that Brexit hit us”, you need to go: “Right, let's try to reach out and understand why people feel like this.” And be loving, not be presumptuous. And for those of us who are privileged enough, that are not in financial trouble or that aren't feeling the weight and the pressure of the world and looking for someone to blame for that and feeling like when someone like Donald Trump comes along in his own easy accessible TV-friendly and says it's because of Muslins, Mexicans — when someone like that comes along, he seems appealing and attractive.

We have to create a world where Donald Trump isn't necessary. And if we don't create that kind of world, don't be surprised when Donald Trump becomes president! We just screwed it for the last 28 years. We've been creating the conditions where this was, as we know now, inevitable. Because it has happened. Now we have to find alternatives and I don't think it's going to take place on the superficial administrative level of Washington or Westminster politics.

It's going to take place philosophically and deeply when we change the way we treat each other. Change the way we see ourselves. Change the way we talk about the world. Significant change because the people that vote for Brexit, the people that vote for Donald Trump — even if people do think that immigration is the issue — then the lots of us who don't think that's the issue, we've got the duty (haven't we) to communicate in a way that is understandable, accessible, not condescending and not patronising why we believe that this is the wrong path for the world. And we're talking to people that don't have an awful lot to lose.

So if you do feel afraid and disappointed and angry about it, try not to. Try to be optimistic because this had to happen. In the end, we have to reach some kind of climax, some type of crisis, some kind of an idea where it's no longer possible to continue in the way we have been.

What I think the election of Donald Trump means is it is no longer possible to pretend that politics is alright. Because look at it... Now LOOK at it! Now you see as being exposed, you'd say if you don't know now you know. I can't use the next word, not being an African-American man or woman, but you know, I found those are the sentiments I feel.

If Hillary Clinton had become president — she's a person that did have those affiliations with the banks, that does want to go to war in the Middle East and all these things and stuff like that I don't really know much about — but what I suspect is we would not have got real change. With Donald Trump, it's no longer possible to ignore that real change is required.

That is The Trews News, subscribe here if you want to.

Original text by RUSSELL BRAND transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



This is not really the song I originally had in mind for your sensitive ears today, but it hit my thought-box (which also happens to be a jukebox) as more appropriate to reflect the current world events. So much for Nicola, Alice and June who are already far past the point of one more rescheduling, I'm afraid. So, I picked up this peculiar track instead not in support of Thom Thumb's obstinacy in defending a manufactured nonsense he strongly believes in (obviously, he'd be better off practising his yoga  while listening to Muse, which is what I do, for clearly Angels don't play this HAARP) — but rather because of its title, cryptic lyrics, and discordant warning sirens. Also, the chosen video is, for me, a piece of memorabilia and an emotional reminder of the unexpected privilege I had to be able to attend this fantastic show last May (getting tickets to see Radiohead in concert is a bit like questing for the Holy Grail, you know). Too bad experiencing it behind your computer screen is definitely nothing compared to the real thing. It's quite surreal since not so long ago, I couldn't get past OK Computer without a cringe (such a shame I know, but what matters is it eventually found its own way naturally). This is proof that our souls move in mysterious ways. May the misled pure-hearted find their way back quickly for there's so much they could do to hasten the awakening of humanity.


Who’s in a bunker?
Who’s in a bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first
And the children...

I’ll laugh until my head comes off
I’ll swallow till I burst
Until I burst
Until I...

Who’s in a bunker?
Who’s in a bunker?
I have seen too much
I haven’t seen enough
You haven’t seen it

I’ll laugh until my head comes off
Women and children first
And children first
And children...

Here I’m allowed
Everything all of the time
Here I’m allowed
Everything all of the time

Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both

Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Throw it on the fire
Throw it on the fire
Throw it on the...

We’re not scaremongering
This is really happening

We’re not scaremongering
This is really happening

Mobiles skwrking
Mobiles chirping
Take the money run
Take the money run
Take the money...

Here I’m allowed
Everything all of the time
Here I’m allowed
Everything all of the time

The first of the children...

Original text by THOM YORKE
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


America's Primal Scream: Listen to Us!

What can I say about the outcome of the election in the United States? Apart from the fact that given the Americans' acute dilemma of having had to choose between the lesser of two evils (as a direct result from their apathy and placid complacency), what else but a catastrophe could we expect? For whatever has been said, a lesser evil is still evil. Period. Never mind from which appropriate or inappropriate body orifice the lies and rubbish come out, for that matter.

If only the self-righteous (not necessarily toilet trained) judgemental prisses, otherwise professing tolerance and objectivity, could get their heads out of the inappropriate place they keep it and stop mocking and calling all Americans morons and other rude, derogatory names, arguing that's what they deserve. Whilst there is, of course, some truth in all that, these people are mainly hopeless ignorant gullible victims struggling for a way out.

Besides, this is beyond the scope of the American political context as the whole world is also directly and greatly concerned. Especially since we'll soon have to face the same challenge over here, in France, in a few months' time. Not much to brag out about. Really. My late great-uncle Charley, a World War II G.I. who lived the rest of his life beneath these skies without ever seeing his homeland again, must be turning over in his grave. Not just he, for sure.


Well, this appropriately is the presidential palace in Estonia, in the capital Tallinn where I'm speaking this coming weekend. Like all over the world today, the conversations here have been about the happenings in the United States — in another presidential palace, if you like, called the White House — and who is the new president.

And there are many ways of looking at this result today.

One is that more than 300 millions people in America were given the choice (in my view anyway) between a catastrophe and a disaster. And that says something massive about the nature of the political system that claims that it represents the interests of the people and the choices of the people. It's not difficult to manipulate choice if you control what those choices are going to be. In this case, it was Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

If we call Clinton (I think appropriately) the catastrophe, then America has dodged the bullet in that sense today and literally so. Because one thing for sure is that if Clinton had won the presidency, then America and the Western world was almost certainly going to war with Russia. That might still happen, but it was a certainty if she'd had come to power. And this is what the demonisation of Russia and the build-up of forces along the Russian border (NATO's forces) have been all about.

Instead, a majority of those who voted have chosen Donald Trump. And the question is why? There are some positive expressions of that, even though I think that Trump will be a disaster and I think that those who put their faith in Trump are going to be deeply disappointed with what happens during in his time in the White House. However, there are some positive things about this which reflect something that's happening — and I'm seeing it on this world tour all over the world (we saw it with Brexit in the United Kingdom) — and that is a change — a very obvious change in increasing sways of the collective human psyche, which is looking at the world anew and rejecting the political establishment.

Now, I don't think for a second that Donald Trump is an outsider. But that is irrelevant to the fact that he was perceived by vast numbers of people to be an outsider — to be someone who was challenging the establishment, who, in the phrase that was so often used,  “was draining the swamp”.

So, to look at why this result happened, we need to look at perceptions. Because from perceptions come actions like how you vote. So we had the perception (and it was an absolutely correct one quite obviously and demonstrably) that Hillary Cliton was establishment to her DNA as her whole political career is based on corruption, manipulation and merciless destruction of opponents (I mean Bernie Sanders's recent case). And therefore, she was always going to be a really, really difficult sell. And if she'd had been against almost anyone except Donald Trump in terms of candidate that people saw in anyway positive, then she would have lost by an even greater margin.

So, on one side, you've got the perception of Clinton as an establishment clone to her core and therefore it was always a difficult sell even in normal times. But these are not normal times. These are changing times. She proved to be an impossible sell when the shift in the psyche is happening where people are rejecting the political class and the political establishment that's dictated the direction of the world and the fine details of people's lives for so long.

So it's not so much what Donald Trump is that brought this about, it is what so many people perceived him to be, which is an outsider of the system.

And the outcome of this election mirrors, in terms of, I think, the motivations behind it, what happened with Brexit in the United Kingdom where, again, there was a massive rejection of the political class and the political establishment, virtually the entirety of which was urging people with threats of dire consequences to stay in the EU. We are in changing times and while I don't think for a minute that Donald Trump is going to deliver what so many people thought he was going to deliver — put that aside and look at the reasons for why he attracted so much support.

Yes, a significant amount would have been support for Donald Trump because he wasn't Hillary Clinton and they had been given the choice of the two. And again, a significant part of Clinton's votes — which states an even bigger statement about her given the votes she got — was because she wasn't Donald Trump.

It was an extraordinary — almost culmination — of this political stitch-up that the motivation of so many was to vote against the person they liked the least. However, it's also an expression of this gathering and ever-gathering rejection of the political establishment which Trump was perceived to be a vehicle for expressing.

Where does it go from here?

Well, it depends where Donald Trump goes from here and how much he himself becomes in office just another clone of the political establishment. I think people are going to be disappointed and I hope that, should that happen, that people will go on to the next stage of this awakening. And that's to realise that the political system itself, no matter how you perceive the person you put in office to be, is the problem. The way society is structured, the way it is dictated to by the hidden hand — the hidden network that ultimately controls these people whether they're Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or whoever else.

And we have to go to the next stage of the awakening to the world and realise that it's not the political system that's going to change anything. It's the vast majority ceasing to co-operate with the actions of the few and the dictates of the few whether they are one party or the other party — whether they are Clinton or Trump or Bush or Obama or whoever. Because the few (what's called the political class, the political establishment, the financial class, the financial establishment) can only dictate to the vast majority because the vast majority co-operate with the diktats and the laws imposed by the few.

When we stop co-operating with laws that are unjust — with laws that are simply designed to take our freedoms away, designed to control our lives and what we can do and what we can't do in terms of free choice and free thought. When we stop co-operating with them and say: “We're not doing it! No, we're not abiding by that. We're not gonna let you build a prison and we put the bricks together, thank you very much. We're not doing it!

If someone comes out of the White House (Clinton or Trump or anybody else) or out of Downing Street and said we had a meeting and decided this is what's gonna happen, it only happens if people (the vast majority) say: “Well, we'd better do it, it's the law.” Well, that means whoever (the tiny few) who dictates the laws, whatever they may be, impose their will on the vast majority.

This is the next stage of awakening to how the world works. Not seeing some person as an outsider who's gonna come and change everything. I think we're going to see in coming months that it's not the case in terms of what people think will happen. But to realise the only way to stop the few imposing their will on the many is for the many to stop co-operating with the few and the dictates and the laws, the rules and regulations of the few where they are specifically designed to destroy free thought, free expression and freedom of choice.

Well, I can say people are going to be disappointed with what follows on.

This is another significant expression that people have had enough. It's like a primal scream, a cry for help, a scream of frustration that was expressed through this vote for Trump. A scream of frustration at having no one to listen to to you. Having no one to think about your interest when they're stitching up the world. And that's a good thing. But there are many stages I would suggest for this to go yet. And one of them is that we don't think that any person through the political system is gonna change the world for the better. Because WE have to do that. And we have to do that TOGETHER.

Original text by DAVID ICKE transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably read my retweet a couple of days ago, but it's so... I just had to share it here as well. For there are things you simply cannot make up. That's a good one, assuredly, especially for the cradle of a football team of worldwide renown. Eric Cantona would enjoy it. And Plato would have had a heart attack if he hadn't died aeons ago.

So the excerpt below is from an administrative letter sent by Manchester City Council to some Greek... er sorry, Geek citizen.

You have told me that your nationality is Greek but your passport shows you are Helenic citizen. There is not any country in the Europeon Union (sic) called Hellas. Please tell me why you do not have a Geek passport.

Now we may have a better understanding of Brexit: Europe's way too complex.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Tired of Being a Negativity Sponge?

Don't let the length of the article below put you off. It's really an easy and well-worth read. Time well spent even if you're not of the hypersensitive kind or an empath for whom everyday life can often feel like hell (and it's no exaggeration saying that, the pain we do experience is clearly and utterly beyond words). It is one thing, however, to become aware of those hidden mechanisms, applying solutions to permanently defuse them is very different indeed. But it's worth the money as the saying goes.

I would also like to say that you'll have to be very patient and forgiving with yourself every time you'll fail to apply these principles or fall back to your old patterns. You don't break a lifetime of unconscious programming in just five minutes. Same as for sports, language learning or any other type of activity requiring consistent conscious efforts, you must take the trouble to commit yourself fully and muster the will to do it.

Happiness is not the things, people or circumstances you need for nothing and no one can ever fill you with the missing energy you're craving for. The outside world is an illusion. Albeit a sound and very persistent one often leading to forfeiture. I was one of many who had totally given up, but I had a wakeup call and decided it's never too late to change things (another illusion). The suffering may reach the point where it's so intolerable, it literally becomes a day to day struggle to stay alive. I'm not talking about depression or suicidal tendencies, but rather about feeling trapped in a downward cycle where the only perceived way-out at this point would be ejecting our physical body as would a jet fighter pilot under fire. Only this would be a fatal error as it would never free our soul.

But sometimes, hitting rock bottom might come out as a beneficial crisis in that it momentarily destroys any of your ego inhibition mechanisms and drives you out of your comfort zone to summon the courage to ask for help, express your unhappiness and initiate dialogue with family and friends. This is why the article below is so useful as it puts words to blurred indescribable feelings while providing explanations. Knowing and understanding are the keys to liberation.

Come on, get motivated to become shiny happy people and spread the virus to the whole world. Let's get viral!


Do you ever find yourself taking on the negative energy of others? If so, you are not alone. Most of us come in contact with numerous people every day – who bring us down.

We all feel it. We know when we are with someone who is high-spirited and happy or someone who is low and unhappy, but why is it so easy for others to affect us in negative ways? Some of us cannot even go into supermarkets without taking on the woes of everyone in the store. In order to shield ourselves from negative energy, we must first understand how our energy is infiltrated by others.

I worked as a crisis counselor at a well-known crisis center in New York for about seven years. I quickly figured out that if I was going to be successful at helping people, I couldn’t take on any negative energy. Because I uncovered the secret to keeping my energy clean and clear, I was able to assist thousands of people in dire need without once being adversely affected, and in fact, I consistently felt energized and fulfilled. If I can do it, anyone can.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Scary Song

As previously announced, last night at the witching hour I held a homecoming celebration for all curcubits in the backwoods. Unrestrictedly speaking, the exquisitely scary song below played at the end of my “grave party” is not really what you'd call a song, but rather some wild Radioheadesque impromptu frenzy (it does happen to decent people too sometimes) from an old webcast during which Ed O'(Great)Brien had a blast in grand psychedelic-Fab-Four-meets-Jacques-Higelin style and with many subtle and mischievous hints at a number of songs, most being still unreleased material at the time. I apologise for all the pumpkin mash and unconvenient gap in the middle, but you see, at such an unearthly hour I could no longer manage to see or hear straight. Burn the sandwich — not the witch!

Note: To listen to Radio Ed, you need to click on the arrow on the player not on the picture.


Ed's Scary Song

We're the orchestra to your board,
And we beg for the scraps from your table.
All we want is to be like you,
Music to play to your souls,
Pumping pumping sounds
Through the speakers below.

I've tried so hard to keep still.

They will chew you up,
They will spit out your bones
Standing in the shadows at the end of the bed.

I never said anything,
I live a wallpaper life
Of playing guitar in a band,
It seems so volatile.

Oh my, oh my,
He was a good man
And he said he was the best.

They said that even life spat in his face,
He put everything back in its right place.
A conflict of interest, you might say.

Are you trying to bribe me?
Is it part for my sins?

We are plants — happy plants. 
Superhuman builders today.
See, you should ??? together.

I leave you for the bitch of sodom and go free,
Loved to death like egg mayonnaise
With a face like a roadkill.

Fine, let's stay.
Everything is alive,
There is nothing but blue skies from now on,
No ghosts, no skeletons.
A man hovers in the dust dust dust dust...

Thank you very much, thank you!
Everybody drives home safe
And carefully tonight.
And we'll see you in our lounge in a few weeks time.

God bless.
Let's go home, Jonny!

Original text by ED O'BRIEN
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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