Don't Reach Out

Did you know that on Halloween's Night we celebrate not only pumpkins but also bats, spiders and black cats? It's actually the only time of the year when they do feel welcome. So I've thrown a party for them in the woods back home. Incidentally, the guy at the entrance is not the bouncer. He's the DJ. His yellowish complexion is the result of too much staring at moon shaped pools, but otherwise he's a cool chap when left alone. And he's got such an eye. Thanks to him we caught a sooty grey cat that was trying to dodge his way in. Hard cheese, all guests are required to show some credentials. Come on, hurry, you're all expected for the gloaming!

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As promised, I'm reposting that wonderful U2-esque song by Muse. What else can I say? My personal views and feelings... well, it's all in the lyrics below.


Once I hoped to seek
The new and unknown,
This planet's overrun
There's nothing left for you or for me,
Don't give in.

We can walk through the fields
And feeling nature's glow,
But all the land is owned
There's none left for you or for me,
Who will win?
'Cause I concede.

Free me! Free me!
Free me from this world,
I don't belong here,
It was a mistake imprisoning my soul.
Can you free me,
Free me from this world?

A world lush and blue
With rivers running wild
They'll be re-routed South
With none left for you or for me.
Don't give in.

Hear the engines roar
And save our crops from drought,
But when the black gold's in doubt
There's none left for you or for me.
Fusing helium 3,
Our last hope.

And free me! Free me!
Free me from this world,
We don't belong here,
It was a mistake imprisoning our souls.
Can you free me,
Free me from this world.

Free me! I'll free you,
Free us from this world,
We don't belong here,
It was a mistake imprisoning our souls.
Can you free me,
Free me from this world.

Running around in circles,
Feeling caged by endless rules,
Can you free me,
Free me from this world.

Go to sleep.

Original text by MATT BELLAMY
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Government Quietly Admits Weather Modification

I was not surprised to see how quickly some gaping-minded couch rebels dismissed me from their persona grata list last year for having had the sacrilegious nerve not to buy into the official non-conspiracy theory of global warming. In my mind, I can almost hear their behind-the-scene outraged remarks: “Another freak who can't see how out of whack the weather is. Holy shit, it jumps out! ” Yes, obviously one (even I) cannot deny that the weather's more fucked up than ever, that pollution has now reached very serious levels which may cost our beautiful planet and its population dear (in every conceivable sense of the word), and I do want to help ensure it stops as much as you do — the only difference is common sense and I are a faithful couple and I don't get fucked all over by sharks asking them how to get out of the water. In this case, give my blessing (and money) to the very ones who deliberately messed it up in the first place so they can carry on with total impunity and more strength. Sorry, but angels don't play this HAARP.

Now, I'm aware how hard it is to make anything out under this constant burning fire of misinformation intended to muddy the waters so that you really have to feel entrusted with some kind of pledge to be willing to work out the kinks in this whole magungle. All the more since, everything is designed to keep our minds busy at all times, both in our daily work or family duties and our leisure time. Add on prescribed drugs rebranded as “medicines” or those they spike our food, personal care products or water and air with — honestly, it's a miracle there still are some fools around who can think clearly. Perhaps because the seeds of our folly, derived from some magic plant only found on planet Krypton, gives us immunity. Who knows? No kidding, I do appreciate that the vast majority are totally overwhelmed and have thrown down weapons. Most are already doing the best they can. What bothers me though are those who can't tell the difference between their mouth and their anus anymore and confuse their belly button with their brains. In my own crackpot mind, I can picture them fairly well, all connected to a space shuttle orbiting the earth with their umbilical cords; some wear rotating satellite dishes on their head while others hold huge spray-cans filled with some fluorescent fluid to cool the atmosphere.

An all too tempting caricature as laughter is the best medicine and it will still be less toxicity on this world. Having said that, how haywire my writing may go at times, I would never mock anyone bold who'd find the courage to acknowledge being wrong or misled. I'd be too happy to be of any help. Same as I would never call anybody names if they'd still prefer to be in denial. As long as they don't spit their stomach acid in my face. Should it ever come to that, I vow to use my whole supply of stale-dated Alka-Seltzers on them!


As this country inches farther away from the democracy it once pretended to be, the level of propaganda and indoctrination that the average American must wade through in order to get the smallest amount of Truth is staggering. We have reached a point in which Americans are so overwhelmed with the current battle taking place between the Alternative News community and mainstream media, and its barrage of contradicting “Facts,” that most have simply chosen to completely remove themselves from any critical thinking. Even when the government itself reveals an age-old lie to be true, most are so indoctrinated with the idea of the “conspiracy” that they convince themselves that the revelation is just another trick of those deceptive “conspiracy theorists.” This has been seen many times in recent years. A perfect example of this is weather modification.


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Free me from this world,
I don't belong here,
It was a mistake
Imprisoning my soul.

"Explorers", Muse (2012)

I expect this picture speaks for itself. The full lyrics of the wonderful song which inspired it should be available soon on this blog.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Tell if You Are Indigo

I did cry my eyes out upon reading the following article. From the great relief of understanding who I really am — which, deep down, I guess I always sort of knew but could not put any name on it. Still, it's not as if I was never provided with any clues from both extrasensory experiences which left me wondering until recently and other overlooked signs of fate such as, for instance, that book on Indigo children I was offered to translate (that was circa 2002) because of my spiritual potential rather than my linguistic abilities (sic) and which I had to decline for many personal reasons and circumstances at the time — a choice I now regret, but hey, you just can't go back, can you?

So goodbye the weak/failure/hippie/rebel/crank/dreamer (I even heard “slacker”) and the host of other derogatory names many (including my own family) are happy to label me with at the ultimate best of their ignorance and arrogance all combined. Now, have you ever heard of slackers working that hard as I do — and for free — on two blogs written in two different languages? Well, as the saying goes, there'll always be someone to call you a fool  whatever you are and do, the main thing is to recognise true insanity. No need to be highly spiritual or very smart to figure out the actual world we're struggling to live survive in is complete nonsense and the absolute antithesis of wisdom.

So I just didn't work many late nights translating the following article into French (which I'm only linking here) for the f***ing sake of more labelling (however positive) and further dividing nor as an ego booster to point out “how special I am” — but rather in the hope that it may be of direct help to some readers if they should recognise themselves as indigos or else of indirectly if they happen to know someone among their family or friends who is. Because, in the end, it could make a HUGE difference for them (by relieving them of a burden) as well as for you (by raising your awareness) and thus impact the world. For droplets are what oceans are made of, same a grains of sand fill deserts and snowflakes produce avalanches. And I also expect many people to dismiss these lines entirely.

I'll end this lengthy preamble informing you that since the following article is a very long read, it will be my sole post of the whole week so you may have the time to fully read it as you wish...

Here is an in-depth article describing what traits to look for in determining if you or someone you know is an indigo child or adult.


When talking to people about indigos I often hear that the characteristics are not specific and practically anyone could consider themselves an indigo. Therefore in this article I’m going try to be as clear as possible in describing the things that make indigos DIFFERENT from other people.

In the first part of the article I’ll try to define indigos, and in the second part I’ll get into listing their particular characteristics.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


October Gloom

And the trees are stripped bare
Of all they wear.
What do I care?

"October", U2 (1981)

The eighth month of the calendar in the ancient days of Roman gods, later dedicated to guardian angels and witchcraft rituals, woe betide those who would see red for it is neither dull nor low-keyed. No, bubbly Revolutionary October does clash, exposing the true colours of all nature. So where does this sudden gloom come from?

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No matter how hard you try to sweep away the past in order to move on, get rid of both good and bad memories so as to travel light, free of any attachments, nostalgia, regrets, and frustration — there are things that still won't go easy and tend to resurface when least expected. It might be because we did not make the most of these yet and there may be more lessons to be learned there. Or maybe not. Sometimes, good memories just serve to warm our hearts in our darkest hours, reminding us that some deeply ingrained riches that we have forever carved inside, pure and precious as diamonds, may still enlighten us. Just like this wonderful song by Hard Rain, an up-and-coming British band I first heard in London as they were supporting another unrecognised band from California. I remember interviewing Marcus, the singer, a couple of days later in some pub in Chelsea where he had entertained me about his hopes. And fears. The following year, they would release two exciting singles on London Records, then nothing. Oh, the frustration of never even have an album of theirs to listen to! Thus you can imagine my surprise when I came across this video. Some thirty years later this song has not aged and is still as good to hear. And I do hope you will enjoy it too.


If looks could kill
And strip you of your skin
So I can see
Without from within you
I believe
Yes, I believe
If I was certain

In this place
I feel the sense of something
In the air
To reach it out and grab it
I'm not there
But I still see you
I thought you were a friend

And I still see those diamonds
In your eyes
If I could see them sparkle
One more time
But now I know that you can
Never hide
Your foolish pride

Time will tell
Which one of us was wrong
I'm telling you
That something's got to change
And I believe
Well, I'm not certain
But I hear you calling

And I still see those diamonds
In your eyes
If I could see them sparkle
One more time
But now I know that you can
Never hide
Your foolish pride

I said I hear you

And I still see those diamonds
In your eyes
If I could see them sparkle
One more time
But now I know that you can
Never hide
Your foolish pride

Original text by MARCUS MYERS
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Fluttering flags,
Glowing rags
The Reaper wears
On his scythe.

Death for death,
Blood for blood,
Top of the game,
Wisdom slain,
At a worse time

Wait ! Hold on
Another second...
No, you don't ! Hurry up !
Let's get out of here
Before our survival
Catches wind.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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The Panther of the Lake

It's almost Halloween. On this occasion, I intended to repost an article by Alanna Ketler about what black cats actually symbolise and ...

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