
If you do not do what you're told to do when you're told to do it,
You will be punished. Do you understand?
(Aye, sir)
If you leave my base without proper authorisation,
I will hunt you down and throw your ass in jail. Do you understand?
(Aye, sir)
I can't hear you!
(Aye, sir!)
Scream it!
(Aye, sir!)
Your ass belongs to me now!
(Aye, sir!)

Love, it will get you nowhere,
You're on your own,
Lost in the wild.
So come to me now,
I could use someone like you—
Someone who'll kill on my command
And asks no questions.

I'm gonna make you,
I'm gonna break you,
I'm gonna make you
A fucking psycho...
A fucking psycho...
A fucking psycho...

Your ass belongs to me now!

Are you a human drone?
(Aye, sir!)
Are you a killing machine?
(Aye, sir!)
I'm in control, motherfucker,
Do you understand?

(Aye, sir!)

Your mind is just a program
And I'm the virus.
I'm changing the station,
I'll improve your thresholds.
I'll turn you into a super drone
(super drone)
And you will kill on my command
And I won't be responsible.

I'm gonna make you,
I'm gonna break you,
I'm gonna make you
A fucking psycho...
A fucking psycho...
A fucking psycho...

Your ass belongs to me now!

Are you a psycho killer? Say "I'm a psycho killer!"
(I am a psycho killer!)
Scream it!
(I am a psycho killer!)
Show me your war face!
You are a pussy! I said show me your war face!

I'm gonna make you,
I'm gonna break you,
I'm gonna make you
A fucking psycho...
A fucking psycho...
A fucking psycho...

Your ass belongs to me now!

I will break you, do you understand?
I will break you, do you understand?
I will break you, do you understand?
I will break you, do you understand?
(Aye, sir!)
You fucking psycho

Your ass belongs to me now!
Your ass belongs to me now!

Original text by MATT BELLAMY


They're Out There

Hush hush
Don't make a fuss
Quiet now
Stand on tiptoes
Mind your thoughts
Don't get caught
They're out there

Ouch ouch
Leave that couch
Hurry now
Drop that pillow
Hold your breath
Play dead
They're out there

Knock knock
Don't sleepwalk
Straight now
At full blow
Spare no effort
Time is short
They're out there

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Three Brothers

Those three remind me of a rather bewildering incident which happened several decades ago. We had rescued a wild duck from a gang of depraved mallards that had broken her wing while attempting to do her. After following the vet's instruction to fix it (of course she would never be able to fly again), we had released her.

A couple of days later, we found her in a dreadful condition, actually left for dead, very close to where we had found her the first time. She clearly had been assaulted again by other ducks. Now she had a broken leg. The vet was adamant: she would never be able to walk again, but she still could have a decent life with just one leg — and one wing left (sic).

With that, he advised me to sort of reeducate her leg in a large tub of water. Which I did everyday in sheer devotion but without much hope until a miracle happened: the duck could walk again... on her two legs. And damn quick! I'll spare you the vet's bad faith. We kept her for six months before eventually releasing her. With a big lump in my throat I must say, for I had become attached to her. Unlike my cat who would put up with her only because he had no choice.

So, one morning, three little ducklings walked through the wire fence and invited themselves to Sidonie's dinner bowl. Having learnt the hard way, she started pecking at them to keep them away from her food meanwhile the mother duck was so frantic she never thought of flying at their rescue and began quacking desperately. The cat, however, was apparently pleased at the opportunity to get an impromptu “snack” for breakfast. It was a moment of panic to address the incident without anyone losing any feathers no hairs, but fear not: everything turned out OK.

Happy Easter everyone!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



I'm aware that all these oldies but goodies I keep issuing on a regular basis may certainly give the impression that I'm a hopeless nostalgic, but I'm definitely not. At least, no longer since I've finally realised (in a rather painful way) that the past is no more real than the future — the only point for holding it in our memories would be to teach and inspire us in the now; happy memories provide warmth in the transient coldness of the moment as sung in the lyrics of the featured song below which I have translated for you — and that was quite a (trilingual) challenge for me to begin with given that my last practice of Spanish dates back to my final year in high school (aeons ago).

Singer/songwriter Tomas Batista is a young talented musician from Argentina, born in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, currently residing in Buenos Aires where he's also a soundscape designer and composer for video games. His music was certainly a great artistic revelation for me even though it's obviously not my usual preferred style. Such consideration being of course, as far as I'm concerned, irrelevant since music is very much a source of inspiration and emotion — some kind of balm for your soul which can only work through authenticity. I must say I was really impressed and captivated by the way he literally made Radiohead's "House Of Cards" his own to the point where I can no longer listen to either version without thinking of the other. “Always learning and seeking new sounds and stories to tell”, he says on the various media platforms where he has uploaded his music. “I like being able to express my feelings through music. I do not embrace any specific musical genre, I embrace the music itself.


Warmth emanating from the cold
A letter unread
A signpost for the way ahead
Or a look backward

Lost gestures never seen
Lessons not learned
A dormant potential
For anyone willing to tap into

A broken word,
A paper angel,
Issues out of hand

A country marching in silence
Stories untold
Excuses that always strip us
Naked in front of the mirror

All this you'll find deep within yourself
A city full of secrets

A sleeping beast
Biding its time
Held back by our trying
Not to disappear

The sound of the falling tree
Thousands of details unknown
Stars that are born and die into the night
As lies distort reality

All this you'll find deep within yourself
A city full of secrets

© Tomas Batista, 2013

About this song

Like all the tracks featured on his entirely self-produced debut album Claroscuro, available since May 2013 on various online stores (Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp...), "Desconocido" is a very personal collection of images, memories and feelings. As Tomas explains, “all these songs are 100% little pieces of me”, adding that with each one, he tries his best every time. “I won't release a song if I don't feel it really represents me in any way. Including cover versions. These songs offer many layers and possibilities as dimensions in reality.

The reason I chose this particular track is probably because it better meets my favourite kind of music, but not only. The great insight emerging from this poetic patchwork of memories, feelings, regrets, expectations and matters left unsaid that “you will find deep within yourself” is certainly not void of any hope and reminds us of our humanity, of our strengths and weaknesses, and most of all of our interconnection with the Universe, with nature and all beings.

About the line “lost gestures never seen” which I was failing to grasp, Tomas explained that he was referring to a brief encounter he had in a bus a couple of years ago. “I was very sad and melancholic. It was raining. Suddenly my eyes caught that little girl who was travelling with her father. I guess she must have been about 5 years old. She was looking at me with her big eyes wide open and I returned her gaze. We spent some time like this looking at each other, then finally she smiled at me. It was too late for me to respond and smile back as she was getting off the bus with her dad. I did but she never saw it. With that gesture, I meant to say thank you.

If you like this song, please feel free to leave a comment below. I'm sure it will make him happy. And most importantly, make sure you listen to the other tracks of his album on Bandcamp (that same platform inaugurated by Thom Yorke back in September when he released his latest solo album). The influences on Claroscuro go from Southern Argentinian folk to progressive instrumental and indie rock music. And if you enjoy it (I love it!), download it and pay the price you can afford. A new album with rockier accents is actually in the making and should be available in the forthcoming weeks. I'll definitely let you know about it. In the meantime, you may also want to check his "House Of Cards" cover which is not featured on any album but under the list of recent posts on the right side of this page or HERE. Or his other cover of "All I Need" (another Radiohead song) reposted on Jonny Greenwood's Facebook page.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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