Skills of Summer

I Will Not Fall" during the famous scene where Keanu Reeves learns how to surf in the Point Break1 movie, does it ring any bells? Nope? Well, I would not be surprised if you'd never heard of that great band from San Francisco called Wire Train. They may have toured Europe intensively in the late 1980's and released several albums, sadly, they never made it to the mainstream public as is far-too-often the case with many talented artists. I was fortunate to get to know them and am left with fond memories of good times together, great gigs, and their music left intact — for after all these years, even though all memories fade with time, the magic still works whenever I hear those chiselled guitar riffs and timeless melodies. This French version of the "Skills Of Summer"2 has also been written by vocalist Kevin Hunter (foreground, right) who has lived several years in France. It is not an acurate translation of the original lyrics, but it definitely adds a poetic touch to the song. Talking about foreign languages, incidentally Anders Rundblad, the bassplayer (foreground, left) is Swedish — he loves cats and... Johnny Hallyday3. Oops!


L'adresse de l'été

There's a elevator here
Pocket for the rain
Taking all our hearts
Across this river
And back again.
Making all our crosses
Clear of all our skeletons

I can still remember when
God was first you took on Sunday
She said
She said
Burning candles all around her bed
She said
She said
The end of May
We will begin again

It's the skill of summer
It's the new parade
In another season it's the work of faith
Between our harnesses
And harmony
It's the skill of summer
It's the work of faith

We can burn the billboards advertising lite our lies
We can bury ourselves in each others eyes
We can hide our hearts
Hide our hopes and hide our dreams

I can still remember when
God was first you took on Sunday
She said
She said
Burning candles all around her bed
She said
She said
The end of May
We will begin again

It's the skill of summer
It's the new parade
In another season it's the work of faith
Between our harnesses
And harmony
It's the skill of summer
It's the work of faith


  1. "I Will Not Fall", Wire Train (1991)
  2. "Skills Of Summer", Wire Train (1985)
  3. ^ Johnny Hallyday is an icon in the French-speaking world since the beginning of his career, he has been called “the French Elvis”.

Original text by KEVIN HUNTER
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Summer Solstice

“Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do, but there ain't no cure for the summertime blues.” If you too have the summertime blues, there is definitely a cure and I hope this summer tag (the very first I designed before becoming addicted to hopeless acute tagitis) serves as a reminder of the beauty of this season even though not always hot and fine due to global warming.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Your Summer Horoscope for 2014 (3)

Sagittarius: You'll want to have a taste of everything.
Don't use this as an excuse to stuff yourself.
Capricorn: Your need to show off will drag you out of your shell.
You'll enjoy having your ass kissed.
Aquarius: Should you lose your temper,
a good blow will get your head straight.
Pisces: Everyone to his jar, but deep inside you're quite a romantic
and your partner should enjoy it.

NOTE: These horoscopes are pure fantasy. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



I initially went off to create something with traditional black cat, four-leaf clover, horseshoe, and other charms resorted to every Friday 13th — but, as usual, my muse led me elsewhere. So, in this damned day for some, sensational day for others, I simply wish you to make a life-changing encounter: meet your inner guide or “Higher Self” as some call it.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Disturbance at the Heron House

They're going wild, the call came in
At early morning predawn then
The followers of chaos, out of control

They're numbering the monkeys
The monkeys and the monkeys
The followers of chaos, out of control

The call came in to party central
A meeting of the green and simple
Trying to tell us something we don't know

They're meeting at the monument
The call came in, the monument
To liberty and honor under the honor roll

They've gathered up the cages
The cages and courageous
The followers of chaos, out of control

The call came in to party central
A meeting of the green and simple
Trying to tell us something we don't know

Disturbance at the Heron House
A stampede at the monument
To liberty and honor under the honor roll

Just a gathering of the grunts and greens
The cogs and grunts and hirelings
A meeting of a mean idea to hold

When feeding time has come and gone
They'll lose their heart and head for home
Try to tell us something we don't know
We don't know

Original text by MICHAEL STIPE


Your Summer Horoscope for 2014 (2)

Leo: You're so over-excited, you look like you've had nags for breakfast.
Refrain your destructive efforts.
Virgo: Total standstill is your new modus operandi.
Beware you don't take root. Come out of the woods.
Libra: Your expectations are high, but you're living your dreams so strong,
nothing and no-one will succeed in undermining your position. Just hold on.
Scorpio: You may be outspoken, your fiery words won't succeed in
melting the ice. Cool down.

To be continued: more signs next week...

NOTE: These horoscopes are pure fantasy. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Your Summer Horoscope for 2014 (1)

Aries: You're quite edgy right now. Quit pushing so hard.
Taurus: If you're not careful, your lack of concern might create havoc.
Gemini: Be more picky about relationships
or you might come down with a bump.
Cancer: You live life to the fullest.
Make sure, however, not to bite off more than you can chew.

To be continued: more signs next week...

NOTE: These horoscopes are pure fantasy. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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